WMI~X RON FURIK9 Rat. a7Bs3 9 Tor. ui. *10 THE! CHO1 US OURS Do you have the se -entures on your list? Nice coueitüy lot with exccellent access to Traialgar/401 lnierchange, good-looking 2-Storey home, 4 Bedrooms. Farniiy Room with lire- place, double attached Garage, big Dec and attractive prias. Il thaS prop- erty sounids like il could f111 the bill, check 0.out with Gary. Asking :..................9500S Good r.ldmia homolon the «Ill of CauMbONMl, IMaung 3 good aizad bedrooma. huge sufldeck. barn, wondsrful cointry fâncher, WuI for buaino et honme. Call Gary today Wo Yooepumieviweng. Alking 32.................. ,M900 Miltowno Realty Corp - So/d Moehomes since71983 ____________________________ ____________________i NOW AVAILDL :2 X NEW EXECUTIVE HOMES OO'andW flot, AI; Brk* 4 b.drom.- 2ste or Bungalow Moc18 Belng Offoed For tallas contact yO %nu.d/ mln Contact MARP.YN N ANDREWS for detala PHII. rPRESTIDIGE 878-2365 o 87&6d24 mcm, n~. dfm y coco, ombra bc&. "% ~ ~ R b.own. l A w c01Ro tq of . . o E-1 "UA fl.NpmfbSAL 25eN mcml OîMAd ItMM. Vo . -LI Smumu"MO Ce *4 l. 1ShS aM* ëd- hoftla W W ls Mff amu moliq.m. aMmi. idu ka RW - W.M~ hMWm offl WMUM Fems oe lVhmmm NUM ' tmm"hdml n,f"h.à dmt fien éof mua ft la pm on MWoSdICoim BEAUTP1JL COLONIAL sfýI@ country homie ln a hainlat setting la hot only welmainanebt at on a 1 acr e propofly ailI an aboya iiood Iloora. Public achool la enty a mi Iiml..:Ime v uhtw!w*. C Gary Thoma for no r t nfutaion .w r 32450 eayhftmfw . om e b.. hh