These, Guys Can Lower Your Electric Heating ill R~ jptt~t Adam Taborek Living in arnpbelIvîile? Using electricity to heat your home';, If so, Adam and Roy 'would like to talk to yqu about lowering your electric heating ct)sts. Vou see. natural gis is coming to Campbelfville and it's bringing some sizeable savings. As it has been for most of the last decade, naiural gas is the most economical formn of energy. While electricity costs have gpown by almost 75 percent and inflation, by 48 percent the cost of naturil gas is nine percent Iess than it wlas in 1983. A$ our Sales Representaitves, Adam and Roy can help you take advantage of these saving5jby hélping you select the right natural gis furnîce or water hea\ier for your home. They can also provide you, witb a variety of--home comfort accessories f such as natural gis ryepIaces, humidifiers, electr«ono'c air cleaners, electric air coOditioners and energy.saing set back thermostats. So,'Mf you're looking fer savings. look for Adam and Roy. Vou'Il find themn at your locak.Unuion Gis oflicejust caii (416) 335-73 10. They'lI be, hippy eo visit you and give you the whole story on natural gis. Union Cas Skifls - Business Le!su re -Coufs ts flot too lut. to regluter for- - Intro to Cortipu$ers for Home Use : Word Perfect 5.i Level I *Keyboarding for Kids *Medical Secretary *SmaI Engines Classes start week of Oc4. 5192 CDUL TOR Y! 878-1244 4g9 MIà MITnMOR 111L CIM - CduL 333-2755 FALL SALE PHOEI il D LNM UJ . 1i SUfiJet 1I Twdm jeut *ISpa 4N Avatahin " Uiyobtu UM&TJN 11111m. -M