Corporate travel service forms a major part of our office and Sue Davis is the person àw but for Sue it 18 her daily diet to deal with corporations with.many travellers or the individuel businessperson who cornes into Sue's business 4ravel corner to plan their travels. .An endorsen;ent of Sue's dedioatibn to her clients is the Inany wh8 w i~n oving to pew companies, wiil continue to corne back to Sue for her personal, con9cientious attention. AIR CANADA and CANADIAN AIRLINES MERGEI Who knows what the failout wvill be, irs a long way off, but h was obvious something had to happen to stop the bleeding by bpth carriers. Its a long process which .wiI have to meet the needs of the Federal Competitions Bureau. Wonder how much our govemment wIIl intervene on behaf of the travelling pub- lie, in orner words, the voters. Perhaps re-regulation will havie to take its pae BUSINESS TRAVELLERS shouid be dure to put their home number on the file when they book flights which are Ieaving on a Monday morning. There are many schedule changes which corne about In the fall and the carriers wiii -cali wilh the' nge, but in many cases, only havé the business number and can't make contact on the weekend or afler hours'.. COMPANIES WE ARE ASSOCIATED WITH - Market Access Cor poration; Self Management Resources Corporation and Industril Llghting Services 4re for the puypose of helping serve you better. Information on the ser- vices they provide to us and you, wvili be forwarded to rnany of you In the near future. We continue tg. row ... OUR LATEST PROJECT - we are toncfucting a surveï of several clients to doublecheck our services and marketing, and to see how we dan serve you better. If you have been contacted, thanks for taking the. trne to f11 outthe iurvey. For your information, our codes are to delermine vacation, corporate or cruise clients padcpang... WE DRING THE WORLD TOYOUI Actually right to your doorstep - our delivery service is none, whether a block away or halfway around the worid. We'Il deliver your tickets when and where you want thern, or If you want to receive a brochure to gel your plans roîiing, let us know ... PEARSON INTEOïNAT1ONAL AIRPORT is stili Ganada's busiest with some 322,258 fllghts in 1991, down from prevlous years for the first lime. StIi a lot, especally when h seems mhey are ail leaving at mhe same Urne sorne daysl Major giowth of air traffic 1$ in the Pacific-Asla area wvith 10% expected and thafs 3% ahegd of mhe rest-of-world travel.. M ia ing the office Sand =ln aul Ue corni- putes aMI accounting in arder la a big lob han- d dled by Ruth 14ÏMU.t- Many timnes when you. phone or corne intoour officeit wHIibe Ruthwho greots you first as she 4 assisa intlng FOUr neid attnde tyoffc an4ing o fl&OfIt. tN in ou bttnde tal niroingsta lwarati Your crulse experts, your business travel sp6clallsts, your vacation planning headquarters - we offer lt ail by havlng Individuals trained in the varlous areas - that's why we are successful - we continue to train our people, and upgrade our quality service! Bruce Hood' -r'ave I Business Travel Toronto LUnes 8745-10 10 O.798-7976 Vacation/Cruies 878-2886