'I Mary exemplifies fortîrude vision, and compassion qualiffies, e-rt/ wfrîch s/te e-i/i contrinue te empse-er th1e Sheridin ruen tto embrece the new agb challenges jvc. as educorion and business leaders must fare loget/rer. R Cameron Orout Chair, Board of Governors SHIERIDAN October is ChiId Abuse Prevention Month Tolie the S10F New Parent Stress Test Cali 1-800-268-6267 For pour Free Copy Ornii. h la . *a bu" ai come*r eur enill, &va" lcal qmneial* oup la muse in udr mni ha a, .eMa. 0* ' or ie-rpmea eue- mWWWofly eg may &a ÊM suVIin M con oesly luiance a c " un of l damitu te " 0.. sooria efihmots la poâd*l M other demnd a low, Nobow for Dai ehonid lie Mité., and handed inaiW the 09The Cham- pion. 191 kin Si. E..o-mald ic Saat Box 248. Wlon,caOnt. T 4NO The fin" duadolne o co.. F î for WVednesdey-s Odiin Mdnomn y or Frdays edlon NO Urnem for ailMI in e- intact by huephone Wedneeday Sept. 3o. A aelf-belp grouin ara mg chlldren wltbf cme mecli at dic Milion lirancli cf 0 Canadien Can- cer Society, 751 NilSt. E., (beside Buns MaSter oned second fluor) as 7 p.m. %o more i formation, con- tact im om as ai- -1206. Senior Citimcs b 8 mcli rat cche a'Uc u Culaia Legic on Char "OSht et 1:30 Pan Evcay Vif A. sociallon mccii ai Mak Il (Guelpha Line 8, Hihwe»y 401) at p.n. flic main ' s Canmpbel-. ville Coauty Christma.s. Thuiarday Oct. 1 flic Living wiib Cancer Caaoup mccti at thc Milice branch of thc Canadian Cancer Society, 751 Main Si. E., front 7:30 to 9 p.m. Group discussions provide, anoliona sip- Port am pracli uiae la, pe- fienis, faiîiy, aMd 1 ced. For Wnfor -malice, cal] 879-52 w or 878-1876. flic E.C. Driary tgh aeol e vites Udm porend of 4rade 9 giuleml pgonel wa Ui G cier Sec" pesone mcci thcachors 9fher acic Eventlag front 6:4 9:30 pin. flic Sceel Monday evempff bon 7:30 go 10,30 pan. maiuigt wiod. New ancobers 16 yus of ae nid oIder ama weicomc. Cali 878-7563 or Tais ai 878-6500. Wear gym OMuic and eapply jour -se rcquei. Tueeday Oct. a weya place l Hall in 9 p.m.i 6 p.m. United fecaturci incisai Ferras, Ayoca. is &Wo Comme Avenue Halte serval faites p No. 5 S arn. A faites pi .ClubH Sale i lunch. and pla corne.C Ha shaing Chiuch. pin. Cal flic -DO Ai SATURDAY, -OCTOBER 3-ý10:00 AM" W. are coverlng ourParking Lot with an Inéredibi, slction of Carpe.eand VinyI - At 1re You Won't Bellovel SEC OURD aD FfR,;1 yO DETAILSq 7(11 tielemans 340 MAIN Sr., MLTON (comr of ai, interiors in -ir i à Court) b t 8~la-34a5 sesio ia thc achool audisoriu. f&l lowcd bsr a "a"n achrW ai y» Wherc W M.U illend 15 mhinime tcd or tih* chu,$d' cluasce. ic Ocsoiu*è social, wblch nhiels a sausage ad schjitzel bub,icoc statut off icl cillai fmce 5-6:40 pa. MsIua Oct. 2-3 Re-Appoint ment of\fr Coilege President The Bsard of Governors i f Sheridjn- Collage is pleosed to anceoince th1e r. appointment of President Mary Elizabeth Holstcer. of Burlirrgion Th1e Board recognîres th1e President's out I standing performance durftng the poil four d years and loks fomward lttre continued success of the Collage uoder fr dynamic leadership, i that brou ght Mary Hsfstetter to Sheridan en 19M8, and il will, iedeed, be a coup lu cotiue thre Co)iugc-S mission uoder ber asroSe leadership for rte sext si years, ina pouzzacunu 8i8»34M Fouri Aamd Nueg. flic Victorien Ordr of Nurse F-i A 01N- a-h"l a gont «a. eliile a Uic fir Art Show, &M Sale uakes nyCMaum t,11 Wi troNavileFry Ire St.. fnc 1:30 to4:30 p.m. flic coui sndaiua4fronlîan i $ 5 For forifier informsaion or au Spoesored 'Iy Uic Ebeem appoinlenî. call 827-8100. Ghiath woe., Uic eveel fiurea"y Oct. 8 flic norits or 22 am BOUIll flc Ceadwian Mental Iealil ni; Maureen Cailer Vicli bao.iegips an eagjiî-wcc Edlna Lcdsiiam, and )Brbr lecur C5 01Md supor grour, for Sclccied art by local siodientspelcongoulspaai d sidiiplay.divorce. Topies inchude Uim emoloon- Saturday Oet 3 aI stages of sciiaaion, legai asptect.s, paieeing afler iqarati. sucels r Ruchire begins ai Hornby management, comsmunication with mily Centre on Siccles your ex, and lire ailier divorce Pro- ai 8 pin. grain je hcld je Oekville. To regmhler. *Plowieg Match aed Cge- cai Valerie Filzpalrick si 845-504-. )a TOlag Compeillo. flic Vactorman Order of Nonce iaceon7îfiliLUncecd cg f holds afont care chahii ai Millice idecad. je Haillon Hilis mi Il Cornieuiiy and Inforination 5cr- roas ber dinner follows ai vices le Uic Oplimisi Centre [rom 9 ied Clbhata 7:30 pin.am i. lu noce flic cmi is $15. For an hin's Jumbo Jumnble Sale appoinmese, cil 875-4636. Lace ait Campbellfille's4Lioes flic Northi Halion Mental fcalti il front 10 8.ml Io 2 p.m. Clinic olfers a six-week educaice- :ludes furniburec1ake table, ai prograi for family nieibers and whieeJehat labebouls. fricnds cf indoviduals daagnoed nu. Qisiily dopiations wcl- with schizophrcni& For informaion, W1l 854-2597 or 854-328. -coniact L"ed or Mac ai 878-7267. i ligh school alodiess outi A semmnar ce incrcealng your ame weicn lu, talent Gel- child' seilaeeu iakes place ai St. Kow You, an eveing or Paealt9nised Clirch fromt 7:30-9 ai Northi Buorigia Bagleisi p.m. Boncie Kiroch faons Uic Ast of 1377, Walkoes Lice, ai 7 Pareeling je l&onlo is fice guesi 1l335-580. speakter MWi reel as thc frsi of a Moeday Oc. ài iwo-part suies whach continues Ot, 101,cr 15. Dlie cool is $5 for boou ses- Mlo Badminton Club sions are $3 for a single session,