GARY, THOMAS Broker/Owner ýFrda Lawrence ...............878.4860 Maurice Miljour ...............876.4477 Audrey Newell . ........... Ron Furik ...............7. Phil Preitidge ......-......... 878-6924 Richard Hierman.................. 8784U06 Carol M. Brooks................... 875-0067 Lindsay MceLaren.................. 854-"2451 Ratrina Walton .............. 78.158 Jean Snowden ...........1...8784155 Mike Morgan........................ 878-803 y Paul Page .......................... 878295 Anne Taylor......................84 >83 Betty Ingle ......;.......... .. 827-4280 Clayton Hackenbrook ...........8754771 Sharon Kerley ..................... 854-0474 John (J.P.) Pears .................. 87$8ff59 Scôt± B. Prior...................... 878-2365 Marlyf Andrews.................. 878230 àheryl Gray......................... 8751121 d Steven Porter..... .75-2582ý v KATRINA- WALTON- Oum S?8-5f q*ro -'il- ~ O lt 1o 8i So ji878-2365 _ Sdn Rn This houé. evon aea new. From YMe first stop onto the »remIo eltrilc tfwoh th. rest of ho0 youl feel lIce ~ou*ra new houa.. Cmli tow Ib'view ihis fmsh home. 1118 spor COULO IE vOURns ýalI mne for an obligation free iscusslon of your home's alue end what 1 can do for DuIo get itsold. M - » 1 u .o a - Um .C«tmD n VMi h9a 1, In 3«em âd9 Soota, 01»0 le ahpg . dayo §&0 .* ê hs koiy lu 1 'UBMSL4 .m4.'Ui IN -4 Ma