Volunteer army needed for community day An army of volunters ilagogie 0 ogo graups pn peia My doing woek nheo- doedsonConnwiiyV'olmtDee ay.May1.9933JO Innit ed r a i mc A planning commune la curmty bng asuenied fuir Iasks could range ft taking down mtom win- and the IiSt meeting is 'Ibesday. Sept. 29 qW iSho dows fo ameon who ms nable go; from to 9 p.nt. at Hugh Fomc Hai flic.5<mf painuing an eldecly penron's <pnlmnc wodc plan will be oudined ai lime galbez- aid cleuung &round Uic Mii POnd, flic ing and subcoenmiuees wilI be foemed go e< event wmli conclude wizh un evtming bar- deai ývhI leclflc tanks. 0 becue and paty ma Victoria Pait., 7be day is being qlonsoced und or- Th aimso h e eg o on ganzedby he unm CortînmrsmuLnlty suirit aid to ge4 a lot of w, Association of Hilto and tic Milion dlone us wcll as Io pmontote comnmunuy Good Neighbor.u Connithic, a corn- involvement amng people who may mo nsonity gmoup wliose mandiste isto ean- now be involved, accoeding 10 or- Teans of volunteers. icluding families, For addjuonal information contact wiIl bc cccruited from dic communiny, schools, clair- Marion Wagner ma 876-4756 or Lorraine Street at 877- ches, buiessa o-rftorganizations and 3219 or 876-4756. SEE YOUR STORE FOR DMA IL S Pnices ef4ecive Swidoy, Sepwrdwe 20 umii Saoy, Septeoibe 26, 1992. CIDI(kTI ~sFa 11%rmers I'arkelt corne, *CeIéb7« te VEGETABLES. ONTARIO TROUT! SPECIAI. 2»~ pf TirE FAIIMEAço ftWAET~ SATURDAY, OCTBEA 3 e~t p I i 9 i M t M I J 5009p1c9 M. COKXéE =O 4 e 79CI CO mt 9<ýý a f <m -U 9 pkg. a*