IëBMhm 419111XP IL E "S i~i i ~ O~OTUflMKOUKS Hue'syour chance ogrbIti cul@i MlToa Bedmom upgraded 2Bungalow wh Central Air. large çq SDedi private bacliyard. ouldoor Hot Tub and à up.r20x x12'sel- ote Office Building. $154.900.~ Cont&atM»ot. ur878-2365 fin SThafs righlA reniu ntroc bun- galow wlth large cal in k ichen , Scentral air, living room aid lhree oebedrooma. Downataira you'Il fînd un overzd bri nroomps _j kitchan, thse piace bathroomn bedroom &Wd walkoul on ground ni DEFUtî lave. Allis on a lovely country nuaul jsettng %uf an oversize double <n Marly corac a garae. $235.000. Contact listing p Far o nt Ws hi Be okr Ntoe Milicur, 878-2365. M docki and e se RE/MAX FOR SALE - REIMAX SOLO.- - A. i AUDREY *NEWELL 8711-5M3 or 878-2M6 Uhêfct &mo 1074 WTLY DEUG1ITFUL Idioralihrre ons & oeot li ao Nd upgrades toi mention hoer. hgroomac hm paso doigt I àu nilbly landacaped bocki yard. MY r mmole oan aid an Mn.eSLioiue. rii pe CRESCENT LCM home« ugese leffile 10n lun idl dng i VC AECNTL of th 48 acres of ots hote L arg e c mrr ii i il orVuCANdTai VOUR SEA ENDS HE NelI maintained hom ipgrades in Timi 3e0drooms, 1 1/2 Ba 'rom Dining Roam, fiu Nith large Dock. P1 77,5W0. 1 LOOK NO FU Moderrizd IGcha d Inground Po Miltowne Realty Corp 1 SSoid more homes sinoe 19834 22 Ontario St. South 878-2365 78-2M6 FnWmuahd tp t boi.si»,s,= "da slun FOU SDLE > central Air. naw GaiFcpaeolu&le e a&jui1 I iie Z AcSm ailh WOI Bar, -à aPplace. drapecla, i. oauli. hi1 Sie gond aZe.d %&.Ocui and finlesaionaly UMOS la scapedi %laie cas Semf go MW n nie building. b nm UNIQUELY CHARMING iv. ..LIw - Étnà Nestled atop a ralling hili, this Quntry property felatures ail the quallties af rural living yet only minutes ta town. With features such as a cozy family roam with * irepiace, large country kitchen, separate dining raam, 3 bed- raams and many more upgrades. )CATION Amust ta view. Asking $245.900. Irece la "fy oi Cail Scott for yaur prsanal view- bedroom Sèdeaplit .emddpoo %u ing. 878-2365. asd. To via oei do*S848oCOMMERCIAL LAND: BUILDING LOT lvlalonoi Located Downtown homes. î ampbellville in the lru ofvllmage. 1 ommercial Core. Audrey Priced to Seli. Cail 878-2365 1 Scott for ail the details. RANDALICRESCENT This Raised Bungalow features. 3 Bedroomns, 4 +3 place Baths, large taste- fully decorated Recrealion Room ani is situaied on a large Lot fully fenCed. Aslong $1,89.900. RCH RE e wîth recent berlee - 3 ths, Walkout 'ily fenced lot Los~dat MORE FOR YOtJR MONEY 4 Bedraams. 1 1/2 Batins, Master ,. Bedraam, Semi-Ensuite. FiroplaCe in Living-Raam, large Recreatian Raam, Greenfsause Kitcfsen and Main Floar S LaCxtdr. Asking $177.5oe. - *OpeI. 4 +2 plaehoL Sa I Wndow. Est-in Iitchon. Usted et M11ER Futl Room POWER OF SALE catit to yard, r .oÇ f Bàf baid )oM VMt BU e 0DownimVin È8111%0. 4 Ob@ hrt