AUOTMOSALR F04140- Sml 096lI O B#g O 0 ~ MEN'S 3 SPEED Suporcyclo, 26, bl. fille fut FULPATTnTIONf LARGE NOSTALGIA AUCTION 7 hatnmrfii w 1îfm gère 24" 10 PSiN YMORS. SEPT. 24,54 AT 1:30 fi spis whié w h foil Ken 11W Pline cal ~ ~ Oo NOTE: EARLV $TARINM TiOEI 878-0635 attier SpF m. mime1 cpocle8or 0 UIO» locIifis e d FOR. O. PUI. IROIR SALWOIPut bun heure. No 0pulwmeqÀ. o l doar FO -M. AL JM'ALMOM. GIRL GUIDE UNIORM à Boave Uriorc, 2 ir"NMM 8E. Wh-ot hsat1ord box Sprng end Io door or talesmmong twlo ou.po TO CONSISI 0F Tobacco tins, papier, artusts sKuioats; girre site12 -14. boys sizoN - 9. ios. eotism oniton. Cas 878-1613. sal M"cpur l prtifs, fistulie, et.Hutodfuite lu Pions caff (510) 85& 117 aller 4 o m VAUNLA)ESa. ne a" hoe pofIi 13.r1 CO" San- and oectâtle. Hertnd dO oublt lisate orgéri rPaifs for mos maes. Compact, Effrae kilO ma Par -d miwbn 159 Ohq xn sisooard iuc mm. 78 Irewood Eldcirox. Hoover, Piller Ouaeei. Kirhy, 837-02il-à 1s.u 0&nb-sspm sfor* This man worked at the. Art department mmvu FIREW58 FOR SALI.$0. Who;$5. ernn, Tmritot Btalbns. Sec. B73-9240, amd promnotion of lmperil Tohacest Co. ler marsfacod misie oit, sait 878-6865 or 876- . yeahs. To be sid et %mnt Arcior Par.'Io 16ocab at83l3.serins ocron,r.i.rPit aWle, SEASONEO HAADWOOID. 12o ltSet enocuinorcef SiierwoWa Hume - Auctionier dlvr vl .Poe111e»40e o tte Hunest Auctlon iani, RI.R S, miitos or I et=q. aud pent *Toi. 416-8781-4878 ciiTl eehi peSons 8401l provida nh i li Fox fof full flot (416> 878-7647 CARPET OEAL$, lts oui logi quaityr main onitp s if10 In To à aoaatr itlYle Attiedaend I risatSaxony pluth front $7.9S/sq yd i 844M7 &W"49 per Yn iiud co ork 2ab UNEEREupomS boniio Saoiony plus carpets frot $g5 55/npr » woins AUCTIONSE 0F sq yes MO. 875-8583(es -:3 m * Vo/closý car. pidaups, 4a4s. can. 81m. &ilcnrp CAPTIhi 0sie tOmt£Plse. drop soi (0000 front dui Go station), trckS. brigader tandemor , b.ekh- ondo 100% Nylon Carpot. 841 do livrngmoom aid hall-1 loianipiain AC ndng niotors. rotary M-.. ploie cnos for $36 lodludes Carpot Pâtd'arid Installation. -I~psp nqrs is. tinlioritait. 30 ion lintl. 4o n moimn& (30 yards), Sore 7W*20687 -3N hoeIqie pessi mon raer o ardo.Cir 04inc FIRST quality roc ropir carpes $5.9Ssq. y". mBer OicN ROIVE OSEVTOeATOI For ail your caspet natis Catu li 877-6302 201 LARGE SAVINGS foiredg (Gls exeseie Ceta ..h e INVENTORV CLI!AMAECM R.A.M. LIGHTING Soufreu. Sommelie rot Weliha ..M ýFR SALE, Coloroidos Db.fs Seruels Im0e, es- m YEAU WAMNANTVU m Apply roqura NOTE Uriemervied artion, cars. polpe arae oi Prffim8Ws ly 03ki pots.Iié-Pasn §. -o plet 504lot a sule/r certîlicate. ail o1/Or'teins are ti.O fOq 'Dehorah .lui SUb Tracy Str , E. lswrg rn/f exil N. deiia meplernrrd lion, 878-7ff5 (&iYiisse> Poal 878-3736 (9SAc, Il 3 . or -S e. s Mlton thr. aile nii pa/f In t MI h/Il. ..a in p3111. (6 pcmb 9 pc>);LfUidà or Nanscy 878- pnl ,h r prxrOo Purtairaie il htiarnit Fnday 0cr 2 7338 (8:30 ani lit 4 pOt>) i. mrrnxoe porc/es. Fui ferme midi oeflforo cr11 o leon ai titrne ol soie '100e rail to . d FRIOGE, STOVE, casher. drye. Good crde Wn arrIvl Grand Ri Conrservation Aui oidui Vui eParato Seervice avai". 634 tr no Aucixio cIl ici os hold rm4espnsbe Io, 3516. l* Dw n 1 INOPECTIO TUE: Frday. Seprertor 250 front GARAGES. PRE-FAS Lngle l car $3.888:Maei NOTE Ait applIcable sair tasse and tiroiree axe.s ru = &l o. Gwuoa Inelso heb urnld.ocouti bitc al sont.p(519) COIJNTER HELP ifm aplil vieil me 6el ept e o alee Cr" wou 84655. Qmolud infisaafo bistr 8152&0?i 111S etp ud4ouv6grq lWE EP REc4ENTATfl a.x.. Nm i cénilr *Garages R Us*. 1-387-1001 3 P.M.. -il P.M. r ERSTTVI fill Noflai (519421-761 Apply in poent le: CRSi Gii 51902 Pon611 BonvleL Ps PB> 85Grn 8 I8 50 MARKET DMVE, MILTON 6,.1iado. tir,"ato Vo2 i008F.rd Toc,,.PS . PB. AU radio, ai. crieý ato VaSelln ds c PICKUPO. VANS, sTAXE à O MP ORCS TANDEM, TRAII.ER5. 2 Che do. n .IE U S E L' fosse cMfr PS, PS, 305 VOý 003 Ch. *"dm ~ .sm a SALESPERSON ion iorPS,PS, art. VO. 197 -hon. 4 vit*~ For Fui toms ecployroim App8ui afiousd PS. MS 305 VO Saihexa ..R U U E * I I Iý,5 Poud aeip .1.rt 351 Vis TIror are2PXPVCk A A E S L T M Plid for "f Quuisa Exceleto mmqop ,966 C/or C 10 pidirpe eith Os B y uo -opruiYOM wdl mdap (?) t px,kcps mil, 30/ vos 0 92 0 ir., mi"8 MIS pOfIa PickUpS Wit/ PS PB aulx 6 CV 9 hv AAESL G RG AEPGG0 FMLO 1500 PickUp e/rh i's Po. atio. 6 cpi >cy GAAG SAL 9AG8SLE5 C/or Cr10 Wck up min, PS. PB auto 6ci1 This awt riuaimeu kme groo miet, r .318 LAURIER AVE. PAIOII Mall 1985Cher S 1/ p/rCp it/ PS, PS. aus:. a yi, r en5Ild uod. 8 ll '007 C/oc S t1/pi/op writ/ PS. PB, auto 6 cYI> 706 WILLOW AVE. Unit 1 à 70 1311 ins« 50,1) att but 1 pickup wiu sailrng cour 5saisi SatUl*y S.ptorýr SatuFdoy, Sqxoibr 265 kIIdItI .oyiî 1t- 1917 C/Or -in tîro dcnrp 5 2 2 8 i.m. f0 2 pi. 5 Sfl. HI 00k/r. 427 VU xlas arrxrrn Orth 7 yd box & art, 8 - 11.1 a'JO A&Mus oytnss n oo tu modael CE66403 r r/TO Ford t li? ton F 35Sniu& ab hnsac risie k stake dcnP r-I uto 0VOt I 1970 C/or t 112 loir bote fescleo. lehs. ec C 30350 VOtuto ie d-rnoru/k1 t1070 GfWGS L e0rgader tandon, dump idr 671 DOtror '3 irnid ARAGEEL tue arsisS1'il o rtti, 92ite A AG A EHUGE COUINTRY GARAGE SALERCKW L cn, trtfl.n,gi1sod.11 5n a l ao /oi 823 CABOT TRAIL -A. & SM.i SEPTISIIER 28£& 27INE ATO L natiKona 51i/ 197t7 Fod 55 r33c*h ifi11 A .. . -o yardNO rod ri Forl l/a /dCJi/o 1 ii t AM0323 FIFTEEN SIDEROA0 A lasing supplier of Susepension Syaieff TIlAiLERS 2 singlooe tisiieo r 2.10 iai/fr, SEPTEMBER 26 I (11 W. ol M". 25 (Sm"yld Ste>) Pen Porthe Automnes»o hiduamry flot m Im. loti,1 .r/ iilr/ed 1 97 radod i/Ott on lesn N.p 01,' 4 sse.. mse modiste opening In the Millior, Onitario suod t.n rap9.Ttnoi tio p1.E4 8leI U0 pos(> ie facifty, for RIDINQ MOWNERS, LAWNMOWERS CNAIN. GAAESALE -.. Ais bass. enem la -a if. s SAW, MIBO. ETC 1 190 Hrî/er 0/'pH«dîno 391 lIIGHSIDE DRIVE béat. hemhm »in hoobeoou04 aui, ELEtTRICIAN nion reus r ýtO/p ým4noorirtdi072' Icins1,r 1000 Vaore BATUROAY, SEPTEMBER 28 kwkm TIi.d famccooshlP cdlhv 1081 Husiler 25 /p ri/g noteur 01/ 72- n,~o 8 A.M. . 12 Tescsklappkmuterehv nodl 295 lnorafnilmpu, 7e otairy .me Pare ho »ol ft osage *Asuf naio"l ftsolo nr 3 pot. ô/ NI/ b o 00cr -e-. o IOVENTONY CI.EARANCE GARAGE SALE llhllditir. 3 limirs Industriel erpwkSnuc furro 16" trip Usant somi mil pioo. Gaoni a fi UCMW Pormb okcn «ko-o asie ndl64 u sreGARAGE SALE SA M TEME 28 10arise l or y àhmi dtsinsterrdel 0flAV. 1083Hvor/a ATO20 BAN. - 12 *T acommiodai*ta kn ovrlkm ED -a/s). Miq veldor. 24- elon Wood planer. Mis 320 PINE STREET Pafer otapisiru, leeol pluos s oyo ChisAcasTnwrt oeet coldor kîrco dipîlîrk 160. noto, anaipror Torets Cnut quels nortel M215> W-0C calrsý V oitl.. ton ay, Saçisnb.. 26 à Ha#Noe odu e etdic. a~ RoV.l ers oi consposmbv renurera fioe, panrs. ainhsa "Wssu. mil) an/f ni,c rem 8:30 mes. Ill 1 pi. AM. NEW MERCKADOISE boit packiage ttlcludir Company part pain- TWO W05Y RADIOS, MIîxO ETC 7 G3E base ia DOOrs, Wood. sose hoaohold item and sien__andextensive__berthes, nons 2 GE r t Prme es 34 GE m"bies tîro. u monst- 13 Homo IMouveMnt - C.oemna romi couiflrdjpo i band). ripy tenter. tdf cinx rosie , t/o , Ou/orIA nis -..-.- MIIR L..C/ siile jato/. - DECORATIVE PLASTERINO. Inleonr anid 8SYSTEISM PAN AUCTIONEER: t0 ro exolrs.BtOuo coninteing CWM MILTONN paio 'toldg Kellyrta rorl ami. ONTAMO LST 2YS Mitg . KlySIVEET CORN, 4 var« tebs pachs a i m rplise sid pelotaon wori n eîr sgn Fo r Fega Guelph e .spe itpe 9W ait s? bÇ Sb=. cul 'Whe hie fsnals m id «Ch ii Isi sdttoey Cal 11264780).oac Peailis ____________________ 80h frezus Av&#" ao 5i S W 10 111. irhit MI CONTRACTINO. CoEpit Aodei COORDMATOIR FLANSRO ANTIQUE SOeoth.5p MROclomu Hey. 7, t ise cotl ah Actesi (519> Confeca mno&. No job loo *nul. AI 0eas. 1111 - lma. 93 . Pm" l Un tomber 28, Dm en 4 p i. 2 Ombore brun 3 coAgmwte rse/m,. d8843 Self Motivated, croatne 'porion. who Province 4#m sabd bmrlasu welI velle Youth and Seniors fi pooliabu Afetg Kaci Mesttu ohr ailquos iquired to co-ordinate a snote ahon. Oniario,. liser. 401, Effet 320. Admiston e4-00m à ODwn - c evc aHltnRlgo.Cl Prais Parking. For mont ibonmaiu 418&6 CAUCU SOIL, mamane @uid, V"-. WU à i lo o ' UnaivSerity tiin Pul Re 1225. elvuh Tagoe WmO5s 7429CI 9t0 LAURMR tionoIuo~vn1aia"us and Volunteor Adminstration _________5_______ cadiM 1%bat li 6""0 C la Important. Co-ordinator ai re-. M ÉSC E TOP -"ML & Mu . linge = 1 &hepm of . me, . mulla croiit able-bodied.pereons en clear LOOT WMTEF MALE CAT, Lost in t'm Guée of fiepo~i.s d saisisw *ae &&ehw fs hebp on"u. tmm, or«ea. ianagW, uicemy or Bai for dableaid snior cessan. Lhs e Ma NOMof401 on'Sslrday. %peames deco>.uuy. artuim Truw U4ig 115,1-2111. t f e t 9 k I*O Io..06 19 *No Colu, uhioiuaed.o ers tuie no vu empopo ruuvo fai dtom 10 ss suht renfoie lit flOaSO5uly 2-mi1. ---y In dWleuor oaspy. pO1dayr8sp9e assis, toit na~~~ELO Mtse0;B mz»wio IRANES FOM- Dp. b"PART néÈE WIEE!KzN NELP for Hnintort au' w ygmr5 310L, 02. F0410 05 .iil. I WM oiegos Pcdso *0UV11, Seni 2 yow aicess ,Ewapeui n Jsotpe Dun. »O Uie n000of ai " 0.91.5.. flas.04.. oubi. Hwis se oai p 84-18 nm A*O ci KWg x»rdni 8715 efi.8741 epaerts ped 3388&M ieu