YOUR '! Burning desire to do better A feeling a dt dey couicldinclue a beian lgsu iwitdi Caver gut tht atSta 'nil liredimw" about àumzS4 thir own busiees. MiW~ - *9 y Npi ien uuis>kalw Tom. Bed md Lysneo Carton we ai boule wÈb diii ffit babies Mcd 0cu mabi mmn nioney ubie idi àmi kula. LIàs they wmr jomnd by Diii Carson. Teres m"t in AM FvId Up! Ltd. flsey ipecialime ni unique Isuid- pmintedl cesunica whscb arc ai in about 100 ies écran Candi a in soni arc. of dmi UnWd Sta"e. includin Hawaii. *"We've had peuple mii vara- tionci int Hawitai say diey saw our stuif la aboli (hue." says Tees. Cb~sIls wuaie htfit remuezle mc carry thein otigiml prodoot - ligh sich cover. Tht ume receivid à bct qi alvre ad Ce- cctngernent fret tht owners of the local appe i 11 bar. 'Wé ilanted iasing decais but they pusied us iward haidpai"e designs." Lynne says. 11s. novice «Woenlr discoveàod tey shoullI zro ins on jmcot feu products. Iliey've stuck .--- th_ lhght switch coven and alaci produce sqimihe flower potu Ln evera mes. Brooches and nil nit oesnmic figures menimid on sticks ti b Uuckmac lnrnri$a vase have be.iicu~ d LhY're curreai ly espeimeis g with cieLs. Lysine hs tht artst in tht group. Sht cmates tde deigns whicIs bave maie the cerarnica beauing tdm Ali lird Up! Ltd. label distinct antd populau. SIX anW lier partom stive to offe scmsiitg diffuent and atiu mii m akie a better product dmta toc comeitition. Scottng Missiontt mufi shows keep (hem up ic date. 'fley use ihooe sa"t shows as a tesiiag gmounti for new ideis. If an itm proves tu lbe populan. il becornes paut of Lhein stock. Lynne i faut to pick up on ivends i. hom decoriting. Heu Satn Pt collection ses cacu nid bowling prime doga. Holstein cous aM pigs. crisp cai motifs buimuisi with geotstuic shtapes t"y biars. "i a ncw ine of garde. and flota desigim am anog tie selection. Terein's hmmihwid Ait end 4rn'm husbanti (Teresa and Deb's frother) Dave have a bmil mn tie arccaxnitmg. sales #M isiping end of tht bui- neas. Odiis am ah. employed anm the wtcen my driy lie on dcvelq dit werku ai ciaflqecpbi. "lNmns an mucmh Imi ab iout cotanima" maasb. - She and hm pensera av e - mmead lbe puodut. mepiued aMd «rmi n - lfa" metwosk widi odmo podms. flsey believedlb key ici mlii: sur- ceu as an bie n iquences of tht: Prodic Cumomcesc.xpress mlii iiiiiéilty lIuiq tim W.nd AIEFb=" <L h eusemly lk- ci ta a OMMa Smtum î - îul plai md la boiâaly a w1maamle and -oxb tarlity. Wki the niu twa monilia lb bule wMi nelceià e an - liih Rcdh wtwn &te l b. mc wgih dm layt MWs lime poat ic b.ff a wiii b.e lam by. Nbi Ma«i a l laoefy ei e M cemy ubon Me- Plav's a 1-measure 'n fine acting Ibo tua eio - al Sriwd FeMtval. Brie Deoed md Ccl. Pic. oi« dii u in Slieeqmm'es vey biicib commedt, Me.s'mvfor Méavea m~ =_ 1h Nov. 14. Topiea b.cum e b.ow mm mn Svvn- mm cuqit M m odae haumfmL W6 lodity muld b. M csld .Èdy, wii à oùx cf ire mi conne, diii pechic is lm du ima of fi acaumg Bhdfoed pays lb Dui of Vimm wlio dia 1 b. le.val lb City for à vice but dqine hiffasi a 01w i muv emq bis nabjeml ulula lb gostiemi i Ukec over by Poir a lb Dotis dqmty. An- lammedimely Anglo bu em-ieg on mnmity l Il mi sacs dmi on dalIs. lieb.I. lbe mm of Glanin, mini wu êtemid fcisgmlg bu beticib wimh Chil plias WMi Amgi fur tIe hie 0( ber brothet Angelo Apieci only if lial wiii bcccni bit, mitm ln the end lbe diqguidi Dulie ma evesydin bimnju a la s#"d 7MW. l#ow iec mme black =u a be? Wà -k un Moll. bc=ekxUIn STAGE Mm phla i"f uPFObNy Sltijwti lmi mwmm mi! Iragi piMy nicWmmg Odmelio. '4 mim o kmioeeali uaqi of Meaaw 4Maeffl King LmPý AMcmmy mmd Citopusta -il fes *ai,. Me. rufritmit, tu qmn modm im 7 fr AdAm. mmiàldes mIl rog. <cwse lse .aty Bhcatueoidi. icumition between oedy 400.yma-old pay, meda go bu loked ut as mil d «wMe oe foUmewe wui ome cm- mail (vm m acamJ b.e expecu ae bo.- sidoeml a prema pylay1 midys lem bave a we wid apet dimn t by outi 1992 liIWls «ry. *lit wb.m *omWl 1 omplai? Did mocditi ozpoeiom. t is de diffamo b.- 1 miil dûs, wht goull belmeve mi?'. regardis twc. wW Simikespese <elt wu jimSio md ha dilesi wih Aagebo. mi yul clar and wltu we. tht mix fedl m jussiio dits cap saoemt. Dmn die MWr play conenmboe. lUimis ma production weil wSml a"ni. Given The demande amil cotisects cf thi play dht mu actn. thse xçkpicomà b oflitli are well banod dwi m put Iothe addition of die plat md die b.lance between thl oemodi sevn.Jsigu lis sud ilbplan u ofi 0dmi mientsanddtie tmui, il i rc mi sof mcêy umuuict pus of the play. Il» i blark hig quality mi! Cm hghy ncommseded Sights & Sourids For Back to School hm0RCm VHS VCR wtUi 4-hsmd, daublo-azlmnuth demig for tapqualty plsture Waa 4. .ii tao a CieiO 16-523 Enjoy the freedo a crons ""'1495 *TorWapui Is ling *Nota. nducilcai 43-8304 w,20. nlEhvfls functlos wlth4 é~~ftfl amudui 5 cuÏiuta .3 maiItUIallet "0-1 eux" SPECIAL PURCHASE 449 19» . b. 50-mu i da useaNs ra sae $50 79àwà * sin-e me D~ciy 14-1047 hmuesmqeimu/~~sns c nl,âd uilm.pWAW Rmd- S. luk d- -o :rhPm"1 og . ypqalm'. -is. R- CW..I Wo ».-d Jumt mnol t.o.mnCo m ... mm" ud Pcni io l u Mroe AimpLyiro- ewie c... do'ý ~m 0 30 R1NOth2