r'-r flob uaa(.1 n uai Lncl Ilap for a bail in aoma pr*- ae»On VOIIaYball werkoula ai MINen UtiBSi e Hlh SchooL. Han* ari Lynch may noel sianythlng mo« titan practica tbis yar as ail Ikira bopa voleybaîl Meaina ara In niait of coacimNdnas éetefi lfley wanl ieiaid. Acoddng to Bryant CAwmAi- H M had o h sd, th* axPiln of noiespolia W I h@ le acheela mil an aglng »aching eaff hava n"d Il difficult te fiii ail th@ comiching apots wlhin tINI achooil. Alr.a coachs frein th* gênerai public hav tlth uP M am eth 1wm end Conmant sncouaagase menan isb la Wllrsaoad Wl voilsyban to contlact filin ai 876-283. Hobby club rained on The hobby club's 181h aniiai brin 25s were schodsjled la mun ai Flant. bor Spoedway ibis wcekend but rain put a dauxper on stie second race forc- ing it loi mn on Salurday. In thie Twin 25s, 25 cars ruce 25 laps and Lhen thie field 's reveried wisi sthe (tint race wrmr starting Iast. In the tints rme Milion's Join Fletcier won with Gary Colhng and Glenn Colling finishi5 fouulu and Iifth. A] Haninga fiuished I9ih due toi an accident eariy in due race wlujc com huiu semcai laps. Ai Sasible Spcedway on Sunday the hobby rumrscompieied dueGold Cup Series widu rain s lling ju. prior to the fcature. Fletcher won the coniolatuon mae a" finalied seconud in dms Sovies widu Harnaga finisblnR Iosnl. .-0~ Bluce Jays Baîs Trip Saturday September 19 Texas vs Jays 130oe/person Cal to reserve &at 370 Main St SAN NAuAm 878-2889 W. bring you the power of propane 878-2318 130 ThompeonMR. Mfiton Ont. SERVICE - SAVINGS - SELECTION WEEK 92 WINNER 0F WEE< 01 BEVERLY WOLF 0F MLTON 1 PSu nX i owbox bef h an t nw o hk 2 Fs piR m w, âa&« (eck-ed Vo, puai code) and phione 3 SubnyS, y by Wwy It ID CMMeDIAN CHON 191 MM~ SReET EAST MLTON, LOT MP ORi FAX I? ID IaisE 4. mUa lmbenwn byali2H2ooH iSUNiOAY SEMUSI 1% g2 a ATLAN>TA et 0WAHINGON~ U BUFFALO ai O SAN FRANCISCO Q REEN BAY ei 0 TAMP~Ay A UHOUSTON a INOIM4APOUS I IU&AORS ai CINCINNATI I UhINESOTA ai U DETROIT Q NEW EOLANO ei LILA. RAMS UO N.Y JETS ai u PITTSBUJRGH 0 SAN DIEGO ai UIDENVER C)SEATai et KNSAS CITY PHLAOELPHA ai O PHOENIX I MO#EDAY, SEPTEAiBER 14, 1112. D WASHiNGTOPI ai U CLEVELAND 1NAME IADRE POSTAL____ -mm WNn.us shsnb ad. i ri .u. OS PHOIIIIE dan aal. WE SPECIALIZE IN LOOKING AFTER YOU THE CUSTOMERI'; 878-4131 45 OTARIO ST. NORTH 0F MAM L»4k P RS 'OF N~W &D SKATES IN STOCK <Wo take Tmeins> 4W0 MaInMSt E. 878-4566' football con 1 7ý__