Potential Liberal candidate is first to declare federally Darvid Beau. 3&. laU da«e @- "a candidame g âcw bou is cq- didacy for &0 piey amcila. nomhmianm %0 me in da l cewwia - cxpeocUd 0 saine Mmu ffle W Bazar cm go boe-> liem wcui OâibmlUimi MPP Owt JelirSl, hamieve, M mma ho choiera a Ibo rling aoacladan canddl hy dan Mfflimuioo mm "odip. Mm1 federal riding asocialion hm yei Wc deocoime whcn a nominauion meeting will loa place and st dans conrzecdoeoing Unce fbais intenitio ta nus as Une Progressive Canwiev candlidate, i n cnxi (caderai cWLon. 'fli Minimuart a Revenue's Progressive Ccouoevativc uiding association canidday nomin- atin is cspcled to go wiconsaod Refo,.m candidstes Lait mondia. due Relann Party of Canadas Oâkville-Nilion fedea nding association .msiioduoed Uame palential canldidates. Oairvili. î dents Bob AcZxo gM3 aid Dr. AlLan So<ersa*, g ong h Mil- t on resident Rack Mahbocuf. 41, am expccted Lu concst Ow1 canidacy. Far Mr. Bozai, seckmng naminadia as a poli"iu candiadaie ia a mien ex- perience. Howcver. LW1 Mareneri- uve ms flucnmiy bilingua am las es- pcrince tas a cainpuign woeker fur M11 Liug posty. As weil, M. Baza as Ln tas Uid term as al directer of tic Oakvie hcamier or Commerce ard worked as a volunteer wimh Big Brothers' M. Bazar bas livcd in OakviIle silice 1996 and os manied mi two chidren. Mr. Bazar is neIf anare thaï dm Consczvauves and Reform Pusy mesobers have officially embarted on Uneir féderal electican boais and tbouaght i was time forthen Liberis mdo the unie.wa 'l dhaughà i s oeper for dm1 Liberais oi Io bave a condiable out dictei o uly tumcaxwe questio fra. peuple about wbat dic panny ntantis for," be said in an Intrview Daugerous Mr. Bazar said ho alendcd Une tefarn pony'o mwAo-Un-canidic meeting asa - ci Ued moch MW in lacs coaiderol d eng camin a dic pulyo amadiale ia n avin-Mihmc ridliag -I laoked si Un Refonyn Pary. A bo f wbait dhcy said made smma, but a lot of whist Uny aii s Uigmu Md &rihoniag"m MwL ai. Mr. Ba ni d blai lab c k de Uhocal Pony mohmia. Pew on of à ~d aaWt vis i kwell of Sm o -Mda " et NIe la aller Pelum cuia 1 vu UmmMy cm*"h Win tg eb4but. hw*l me m a- h*if p8qIs,- bar a" p-on miau l A i uailà lle nul go Limi Ilay mm bu àlla leo eft m mi hl àmulanoL s. 0»AM*Seapq le Oakvl olmums oosu David hais, 36, lu ennouacesd fli auit the I*oea l a nonuI. lm l rwz 1u Uai seldn In OakvhMu-W tmndhiau YOU ARE InqVIED TO 'THE TTE SHOW' A n E x c l uI 11 U s T rip to M g » r F a , NL . Y Saérd oand from Milton *Smoking A buveragos allowsd on bus Dancing Uni à:00 a.m. a AUl drinks indluded 0 AU inclusive s4Ooier Pemon SEPI7EMER 13, 1992 DePARTURE ATr 8-00 RM1. SHARP FROM THE HARDBALL CAFE RESRVE TOUR TICES NOWI Hw3I. 25, 1 "ll North of 401, Mrt, ont. M -(410) 878-2205 d For SENIORS OnIy.-. SALUTES SENORS Erq'ui» about out MILTON MAU..- 55 ONTARIO ST. MoeasA- FMsY10A ICaiopu SATUPA, 9 Au - 50Ba PM Rainb.w Taxi Ltd. Milan ANYTIMF, ANYWHERE "AINIOAT 875-3015 111ECIALITS 87541 *10% DISCOMW AMEX FMA SOIIO VA-M What's News At The. Milton Senior Citizêns <A Recreation Centre DRr.è.v M.PA.d, C.--é.a, Sumnr wisoabcbe d s e ms o. we have had a summer at oIl. Oncc September arrves ne know thai fait i onIy rouia Une corner. Doni bc discouraged bocause ibis fall brings ncw M exahing leisure Oppattunaities fat dha 55 plan in Miltoan d dic sun'owding ast,. f~JMmh Milton Senior Ciaizens Rczcatin Centre will bc hosting aQ Open lieuse on Tuesday Septenber 8.,3992 fon 1:30 tu 3:30 pas whidh il bc o1 pen to dic jblbc free of chaue 11àis a perfect opporhanohy lu drop in lu the 0çanre mrd discouver wbuii in st= or a faiL lie oier amatem dma 20 propraus ta, cbcoe frotta as ucil as nimerons; speial evnts firoi ioaw cntit Ciuistmas. t/ Since tic mmi »sonWa" or "older adult' at55 plus' is nanspeciliei amid -ey geactat dte u ham rir offered to try md ineet a variety of mecd. T1hele lie maddna non-physical recreahion pragnanxs stacb las coue brd amnti ortira ph"aca uccesia paa"uc as om~ t cl, vait nid shumckbaazd crecative reercadan prigramua sucb as crafia md où psanting; apcial isucecut poinara snlcb as Esdag r-t Exdc-o Camn Heu lify Fme Alivc &-viu piognai., wd Fuit Cà*i mmp or n voqp . T1ham oely bfly audica wul Propomi s mav osilmi a"br diii fai. Yma if you une mWer 35 Yomcm ala paiicipu. in ay ciUs SeuicentCre pavana la Wl bc wclI ali >w wwlIc &W inc hn mc Opam Houmc Io MW -- meds a" eit Maybc vdl.ucsiq ymd s m mding yu wnl cama duo âufro yme là obas V"msW u b kWv ame hsyn. lu Suiv Onnii honat21 Ommi Nf t&F.RummusWm Sa My ci 6 don owe Càu Mi174851. M SENIOR The DISCOUNT Greenhouse DAYS, COUffRY. Modm, usds nd 10% disount applieg to aul gmcouy Mtms, mruch mom W~Y Orn an My w Omue 40LS %Pioea Omuise Bruece mFooda 111hisO nwqy. "Lgol0-1 IOPTICAL LAB 'For F&«t PmfoenbnSevce « 10% Discount offered to, Seniors t ~I *o lu ihima.. ftL5h.5~ ~s-.s,. r -------- a