1» lassified. our classified Hotine,875-3300 M ne Canadia&nChaniinCasîedu' Dedi ZIýdad Editip DUGEL. IIFOhIIEO - Peac.fuliy ati otALYo i i W Clai4ified ~ ~ ~ reldnc Maiploos.5P Ilan on Ylundwy Augeai 1i».'E*& F m WU Claslfied d apae & Mre Sales luta R-s oi bbm soll of the lmi Am4 kieessy MA» Cialfedwod di Grae aIe~ Oubslat Dee Dow âoevsé cfl éarv oil slo --el. hW*@i bei slattnd an OPEN MOUBE sa l.elsdgy il aMW h Wbi Bk Digagl dmwr-Oi. Co auieD $i764 o.iIlisirttll2II)lj ~adna e iuErax diun.a" Co Ymmei Dowe aid PMiI YmmnAU. Tis rail laq Pies Abolis« ClieId Dhuçlar. Weil. 5 Pm Clabis cfApa Filles 0. Oge lnuai MrBan. mal"rs Hall Loggoe Thuraday iliam COMaiialaa ry fw FAX 878-4943 1 *2 éicnt ie lfofy FisAM Pmeemm Catmiby ALLhach MissionUUE&12 ~. Comsso Era alod Oulili B1j ,~ AILEV. KENNETH EDWR o.i A AHT IWPIIIONT NAVV LEA- 10. nbhlu. icanh. e~ li.i.aj ,abI~ylu.mam"n e Ou soMn Keireneliotre puead amCETrm OORP US BAil un iw IvPOir.Phtcl rrîîo -1p soei,î or tyhé EAftlf, Am, u" AIsè sho ib l a ,ý &*&y Augusi 23, 900 b. helo ai sose Siamos Gu Skier, ompfb, ýp.pioth« th t , tr i oo p-u or.p..d for hisoi on Fraoy, Auge., i40i. 1"92. An Eu- He a gorgs tous nt iwg~, *OiS. IdOlro8 nS9* u U- i « " d evi f f Cwrçmivel satin de ora l LmOe s And aqdemie amOiw . 22. 10U. sobi 9 A Mla S -id. 7iiO o. th. -flfl rolivinO d-a Retour J and Isabel <fla Oreille) Eurl Dsm In boit lonsfy gobies of tiaib. salae of M ts l ier bomaberai àMmd LueS of ThfL*195 et lien èm &ffy roem. 01 Births &réelio. Cul and h m ob.t Eafs, of Méilan Days of soliinelo mois =ain gotoar us. and Lloyd and sois tt Joutnse Early os Friands moto tfubio lm oead is hsele. CON-. * aind Mms Fra* aogg Suzanong (rie Caraptiase Saoy, maid by m" nm anad Beut the, lii0 kba n e iocoriceHEOFIC.O .OM) 0fýMaim oow f 0 ili... thcanne ne~s. Fmeal Service muafroid on Monday, niatbaua lme ai owlnaim H FIE0 bot, cf tiroir sert PhOli LOiwsoem.lheng 6 is August l7th tcm Si Dattiers Pre"bma ldy tabassai by Mm. mofDiTH CANADIAN CHAMPION to 5 oz ai osge Moton Puics Hosial on Suiiday CbowcS, Canpo.n,4& hnneurs on lie Churchi hum R eIsabrois JmIL EOPNO Auguai MO. 1992 Feni grâtroochld for Fraof Coni C*nmb raiy - trcough ie J Scort slen.fee.Oa WIigBEOPE O in crf Gshuaa aid Sotir for Mor 6-4 Mm AI Ewty FuwIl à km m 2 t Jambe, Si.Wo lai, Npfou Penomm naigl. Ision MONDAYS UNTIL 6 P.M. bce Dcriiao 0f Moion Ou, apçal *W"fi la Di MI ci Domo and .uiaSê. aid Aunt DOV. Stoppai Dr 1 Munis 0. M K<atmi9 3 N OWOOAII, PATNUIMA SUSAP - ort, on oc OSREYU Nîîrtng &%tt an4q off th@. *oidrl larigots 10b 22 t949 Passai amey J 30 1902 St ar LT BTI-~i asdaeyo OSREYU Ss ý J v itridai leowaad aisir un i e <~* onM CLASSIFIED NEEDS Oînsoy of Ca'pbilv.11. Ontario a,@ (8îOI>) Scotl, Nancy Ounlap. Janet Bus ~ T e toam Yeuagl ho b. e. oveiulidn.d, flot Io liie loisoi pori. b ai MoControc Spices Irnds. Have1 Bradey Sr ___mmw of oot e o noijoehe borti of foger lii chis ViclatI s Mal@ and Laide kicUughbn la beu of %O oma r ion al1C>ium Froide, me.glei s ix 14 09 at &Wb. Doiii bons ID ie Liiiliiii Bons Kbnom Uns f VOW My Lio 9-UA CINSL Hoapîta on WinOd 4o"t Sih 1992 ai ovaso, ievmsh Mwnonai sarvice mas field W.> 0f OVER $100.000. morIli of contente cf a il1 p ni A "eridelid lit Jackson and Jan loiel, Augual 5. 1992 ai 11 ama a, Ldw OBICN, 19 In l orsog Miers, of dia Coseoidii plait Md Gogsew ISom Il Pdml IlOd 0f on and _son Maill ibia Gby et Un.lad Cliurcii. 4960 411th Ave LaInsie ISbànd i lair O. opssd avais Augua 19. W lme Dochisle Gr.iai Speai Oiaiks bo Di Soppai 1990 BRAMPTON UÈVEIITOCI EXCH4ANGE MO. loi hm . celeni cote and pabfnce A soiccie OKioq joff WALLACk MU. . T"le loira yow 0ai s. Loud. <Mlorgi ci »reaisaten ary. 810, enieir. fhaook <ou b0 dm OS murs« ai- lAlln Distict Pemaiifsl on Mondeày August 1 MO, 199. aif gal. COienc hiumi 11111 " ON TUESOAY EVEPOO LUST 21,1502 HoggpilaI esfiecoly Sarl, hailoing to brong gésobo, Die Hom<. illge 87 fratro W aly Mier up fer de lie$ si*fiisd, AT 6.0 .K V.clonrion th Oe «rond McCcàeo belosd hlotsaid of V<rgina (Don An aà doig sain unw aosquslqr o h oloi E GAIETAN, AÏda, rotimoldb anocs ons set Calca) ow aimait cg Aimne and the kde U& Wob Fi ~Vrasqatbs ifeIlcii E mia et ho balit boiltti. Aareiias. a ar 1 Ssu,. loMr bond Dilat kcubOisn ., a MiePed. eod piesc 1ode; Crystai Vaeo an oz beli on Tflursday, Augus 13. 1992 ai Doeog Nelson. Doug MaCuicoep. Pilai and dressA& Grs.udcfilée Glass... Decaniers. Plaies, Atlh Trays; joseph &m Brai eoonai HMtI Prcud Parents Destini McCuclbn "i, Ehodia aid Mmi REMEMBRANCES in dm. forain of dwmicn b0 Colfee, Pois.; Tas Pets. Bels. Napkein réegi are Gînctand Stisen (INes MoM..llen). 9.8. Assi nOieed by 14 granhildren and The ifln District Mospitl Foîundiion Ise Cup&a SOmW; music Boxs«: Brahsa Pm=a. gr ,.ýt a R~ and onne, MicsoioOn crasses, and à greai graiidcflldfon and a borge %footbal Co Cossectabli Plai hot and Eh Gasta Specu Oianla bo Di R; Maneder, Pediea ii tuli pantmnaf and àargue, = in eteNVO tf sais i irea, aid mmi Noise Path aid die L si 0 staff (Wu"),>bond Ssg Mari el. MW"a nd 0aie o Tb k effort lIV %Do iiuiSom l la fiieiný As Ml MARCMESICM, Wa and Mma CSOiy and Aldelo avid Cu&d 5oun Feeling ai due J Scoa Eaiiy liE FAULY of duioe NtlaIion Oubein mmi la Bekraa Rcraama aid oss kiklon re pètrtie ho n baceSit soticf fiatFotl Manie, 21 Jaais Sbmme Motaion .2 4 snii,àhwf w êat.scns Drir âAco« e %o »l son Adea Ado. 102 a *and 7n <m i m ni éei.doy Fwunirvic sel ho b. d ecrreealuufor #md bU miasme. aing sneaiAcce~epnli o Dîirtci Mospital on July 3192Picud T hn madayI l Augua Disrih mi.w ibue. cua aid laoalaes ui meracipofoirter saalioffl mtogr, giar s.i iaIosad uaniCoinoese Folftero od iapoeOstao.s.,.O, dear mothrî gràndracalier and great- Ail verbal annauncoee shag toit@ George Fiank, Gfaziella and Saleenne gmaieoaiui Speceao tiomba Io ors Rob~eo rednocvoeelwn»n mortes Veseon Mudumc Th&"Io OrD Ss.a 0, Tara and and&a. Oinelm murg andi1C U staff of ei fiOrl100 Pm &aY cf "Ml Onsty Or l<flcml tom____ Ditrc Hopelao la rom J dst Eaf r Auemeere: " JuneFairal ManieFn« ll ONALV W. & iCOlY IL MUlWAR *M iSq bcoten Anre aid Michae 111ihed lOfaî un W ow TE FANI of Aiiihcy tacTref mie la isc- la ainounce due siof dme lm. gel on oen m <¶f.j wcg49~p loriomedge the, bidores exitanded la OIeiii Tîîssday. Augiust 11 1902 as Guelphi Garerai, hoo oD= os»s iMto -6 Ï-«5 Mompitiil Ka-iea Ouler (ICau em or ai 3 21 114 f clasratum S(f(ogi orio Hotal la Dgres aidnestes aonte; a"ldu 3 sa &%il Elizabeth Ann L~~~~obap oia. Mcl Issas Funera Marges,b LOie OM .T hii bp.assUe pl ri mm "ns'. 0 i iuiU n 8W84452 NasaA.in f aer anasuilAni o 100 URG N liAse cdu à5ipss, flne The pas we noeiud goaingr afler iroir Aurox Bel Com>Iete Funera] Planning aid dailoom Io sye MNao à Stocs Fcueidalo Su cnin idgau en ri ciltye Praud P*,,,dfoegl ihP*pyn nTnysi fy 0F gîandparsni ame Ann aind Ran Mclnfyife Co M unsageil teisi'iis allia prmp.yseo num Toy m Georgetoun and Ma.ry and J*osi O<>ond of eods KI"emc posieeess and,5 ANii UUe Ma"Wel ofichesaiylia eeas A apecaisai I&Mi ai Ru Bealloaidt *op"eký N Pa"ea sesc THE FAMILY ofi Ona Ma1P0oimI aAflU i~T ea la u i fi * Iaiuseal Nueri eiçma oe soi e ii la' sa res blid bosifonimi ffi eqm. hW~ea gw tlt cadl CreautI.. and iieigbue st ara aidm la V& sabl lard doses.m huaitimea mond More Soin e ,caic og is dim , fuai mm à Amblace(bà -Ab 10Ro OM Gog$W100% »,b V o Nos ropia ad fl lo1 fiesel missage aid lu Lads cf Oeeae for $310 CMWPm lositun SANWTA, "Mn cuse "ao Pmreaylnln Cieura. #W oie beaaufjeed (30 Yom~ m DAu"e lUi lim. at PeSai agu. Nok ~ ved aier" O ie mb. Toi el aoo u @W "ai Mib 9befip Maiaidsana. ae lisd Wiaê las. Diugsoi y.ous 95md 17-3 daMik of Fik aide anl Ifomidi Ji dem Nom sMd",cfhua. aid gags ofn Ilesta hot uai, geI Ftw4kw.Frm o b 7-11111 bond~~~~0 SAiI LisMpan bjnMe an Mato LmsetesldM OW@ « misaie ICncied Juie aid smtvimâ de * s * muý Anoar »iPE $UO Pus3if 2 Noiona ICcée. Lowbq Auto la m"i essai "i *ifa eeTqmcpy.2 oJMoe1anJ -R00 SV -mehee. dY., Oee- Fuedsm .leSa i eian -M iftliben Hoy Me my imai MO5NAFé,Iame. slifs pa- Cieacl i 10.00 A.Mf l 1 en E&erpou w*ql 5*ip . *51 SSisSq. mNémon in l 4 d w Pricsa le~ilu limait vu. owkt Almens f WW orMi w Sia »«.mS~C __CLASSI FI ED OIREFA@NICATUD GARAGES il Ga) * P a e ~ i i s ~ i 1 h, i e l u t . 3 1 c a r $ 4 . 5 6 5,iS 2 c a s $ 3 ,7 5 6 . 1 c a bolu i aim 8 75 -373000i $3.156, leaifan »doudsd Concressa asil sé.M h mOn llongie- W n3MTS BuffesNE$ cmbO dsdi.2 21 image Pomma Mcmi.n m ox orlaai OnS, Il125 O 7.0773111.