en .C oTTmunity tewspaper Box 451 OpjVILLE, oxtarloc) u6J 5A8 Scouts ind bomb sheil A 8c=1t troopa caffionglrip turriud out la b. maore exciing than plleching tenta and! budd- ing campyltro. Canudian Armet Foroe peraonnel vue collet! 10 WoodWWn Truil canwground on 515111 Une Sunday ufler- Mm Mm thed Scoilas fount! a caino *hall In a steam. Thue "hi. mit belleved In b. in dange of exploding. sea remenred by 0:30 p.m. -und! twnred o'gr 10 #W. ospulmt 91 National Delence for dis- -o, 8"l regina police. Exaininaion of du Wvorl Wur Il-vkntg @Wo revelut il wu of Irlal orWgn aun e mnufaured inJuly, 1041. P.olloo boblev du asner of dub bonib badl ree"i Idunpet! if In dué streain Io diupoee of Il. . D'[uo Io due esturlo condi- lion ôf5hhe @.110 a wu ob- viaus Ilsat Il haf floi been In due salor for eny Ionghh of lie," allit a I-tlon poho" PMrobme». INSIDK Tii. -820 Milton Air Cad mocently c.t.U.eW of opei'atlon duri ànnual lnspubon~prd eC 1h John Tof*i Sport. Centre. -See Page 14 Features POiles........... DPMéua... .....-2 Clemufhd...213 Remd Euate - .RUI.RRI iltowne Wbtrpd.=~ :,j OF"MN CQ IAMYY 876-2888 Challinor wants brwplnt buit Ward 2 munincipal cauneiclor John Challînar tact Uicrc e rj~îknauain subjected au vandalism and intrmtenitn rires. il; 'vcry disappoinnud with dlic decision" by- plant mon h Ui &r appcai hcaring ollicer Milton Mayor Gord Krantz lias contended the provincial govemnmcent ta et lcast suad Jan- had saeWplant amountcd Ia subcùmoing dia Mir Grier's interprtation amnounis lu nock Brick's proposedl factory in rural Milo. on grtfi use for the propcrty. capiliig on a loahpha because iî was the Speakmg ai municipal council eA btck plant dperaied in the gcncra ca of municiplity fluai madie Jannock destroy the nilihi, M. Chalumer servcd natice hhhB 1 th. XPooe new F.dîity eust ai Trentaine abendoncd sirouw~fn rffmoving any aftempi ta set bis fellaw ouplWon side Road (Town Line>aiid nrdst af Main Sbem, possible chu7. l *c imiding bcing an exist- wuth hia position whei 1'council tctetes fur many years. mg prupcnty use, r. Bestimn effort echoed the mbae, probehl wG cçks Thue facsary closeti andi die site lay dormant dual. Wîlh res0.aW flenvuronniat'muns Ruthu until several years ajo. whcn nunicipal ocm- Provincial aiticials say dbey want in sec Gri~.a~unensnt Lam week dut she hWd cuds madetieUi landownets demolisli the Janacka plan for due overaU sale before tue enwe Niagar Esçarpnent Commission decraiùng metains since uhcy we bçmng âes 8111« PLANT on page 2 and appeal hotud appravala for due projci, Mr. Challinor sai. "Ruth, 1 think you madeetdu wrong decision.' Watt! 2 cplînçllo Colin Besi saiti Ms Qfficer charged as part Im ecseeerfun"m h( kcie te of intern.ai investigation Old-fashioned TI hrpotplc media spoSe. ah, theuW flue umucemen Monday Wsmmcd 20-yea velera Çlatan Reguoea Police firei an mnv=psbga o wbaucet by Halton corn cooking ormh e ndwi Wmd PfSOi mHadiqaedtdm Local 'coi.a will be ~ iatif dlm On"ul conlues ai part of àà investiigtion baus mlrdnng who wrmi a eoeitovenaltaisk 118,u~a 1 1 - Suudmy. . moy usk allegla polose wuongdo- dimafubd Io ber ieowa euulcuid 11 bwm e Uamii hou has 12th ân- Mt k by- Hala. HiIb rqeunmdlvc Puni nimil Cm FW Nwl iai 1Ou&m. Io 5 plu S oegm dàoin., 45. wuil appw loir Johnom g ,di Jane 3 tegicmal ouwicil b ogu e coaiet dcm wiIl bc WiU bat is expocled Io be a pem auary pojio meeng in CdMiic M-M ."Ibhfh 6d~MS hmu b o u ce M âer umai flhiway (Aaqig. otb' ymwas bIler ~lee higlu4u*. m ~sbau.uauDam. Colline '27) m Drniu-à,wk s bc or m the itg polioS officialla coverod vq eu qipsec A 120eye-w y s M. seiNf ci@"auIau - ufi «àf amalit by à lHho police OMMe in coek lleu omg in~B àdu buk. sallagla in 1 bau lulil1dm Police 1903 A aub*quu PP Unlou Act mui waU bie a l- fi alpo a . l . u nal Eo nlî m t wMl b prowêIId by a IM uuls.* Thb pay cauid b. »- oeVoe.p .' àWmduClq po» w *50+ Sgi * ju~ m. "uuaol~eu a. in msu" u oPUC m u n~