Housing market now stable Jtaly Wpdicd lrml-- forua Mea Cam, accorhsg 10 the (leS- villa, M"la eid Distie Real Estime Bond Mid Maody "i wcvy. comsbiried sell gruing coe confidence. ssosil meus Uhe mésisa selU reai stable for Use rcainad of Uic ycar. Tie dollar volumne of sales tait = thssU "Ialçd $48.2 million, a Slighlly bigior diam lune's "aa of $45.8 million. Tva hsndred and fifty.wo sales weoe reorded lam moasdi - tlsre more Usai is July, 1991, end six mare Usmi sold i Jie of ibis yar. "ise miaiket as in fairly gond shape igliî noýv,' saya Real Essai Bond Pregfl&nt Markt Mallalau. **CoridiiLos mc stable and alUsog sala e i iely Ilucisaie somsewhaî sil Use end of Use year. I ttink we can ait breailse a casiots sgh of relief."' Mr. Males notes dua alUsoga the number end dollar\volumbe of sales is hsolding steay. Usere were aisly 534 ties piopery lisings *registered lms moula wîth the Oaks- ville, Milton *nd Disiric Real Essaie Bond, down isîghî per ccit froon se Y= yaego. -Most people cet Iis las ma gond aime ta male a ksllng an ca esiat." Mr. Mall alenys. 'isai leids Io retisce lise number of prolierry lasfings b, people una *ismig espedulons' to scé how mah molsey Uscy casa gel for lieuf propeaiy.- 1 Would like... BaiSa cerne lm mmun ie aarlLb net joo ua u KOrioywold J@tnliarHO Oafla o10en. BSM Véff ai SI. NU et ai iosl YWel FrMdet. th w» Ume am pan of the MNsaui Ma iél e astercard prmoIfl - quà l e b flng ront Clctnua od& Donate junk for garage sale Hu die rainy weatier lefi you stuck mnade cleusag out closets and now Yôu don't know wha to do witla ail liase prsorlesa Icaures? Vlic Canadien Meua Heakil Association would bc glad in taie them off Your hands. Tlaagasizaaon is hostmg its nnui gantige sale SepL 19. Houselaold goods, junk jeweifrry, clothes. and ailier items are nordei for nie mal. lItems can lac dropped off Moaaday froin 9 i.m. go 1 p.m.. and Tucsday to Friday frums 9 arn. to 4 p.m. anal September, 15as 341 Kerr St. <second floo) in Oakisyule. For more infrasmaijon. ealu 845.5W44. New rabies strain heading this way A nMW attin &Aukeca VU ain& i iau .aaily by Ummnon às meàg lu NEaw e Rsamfffl mm oeand hae ay1wdamintm Ontla. al- se 16 mmom par «c ilnir ibq " sonq lu bc a feu wu u - d nsau ofa Scmubagh. un before il Sm hm," reginal coc- cul-aid Ta>o ..m aaiy. cillor Bad Clepeust OUk M1illS la Hea, 20 aimai re Co> .lecel Co il Mon.ây nigIa fimed mWi la 1991 Mid 33 in1990, N, vàë ya mi U ic disu al- Dr. NemI W&. pxrie* uin de m usddaf "could vury" <baly pagatls m . .a.- aeeng a tqia releaud lm a ilules aOeOkville m ilna. week by Mallon Regim's huMi A »Midwy of Nauha Resaiec Z cahsmsxoe, Robrti Nasal. M. pispaun wtaih nsansnzc fos o1- Cleinas a on lie regianal heidi ta"b ixau* oral rmcir 0"ed ceanmlae. in bail hun't waolee wU foxe# or Dr' Nasal sied tie new Maa ikiak, Dr. Na"a nid. A laisÊ ftece Sem bu am oticeiJauii.coan Mm been $in-,s go caie iqi *qalU fraisa Floride maaiy silce dim vaccine-bait Wice n eul accp 1950s. and bas reachd sem-n Newe selI as toal dyaier mcdaad4 ci Yacrk saut. apprasimaiey 80 kalo- concallini Use penSions. m"tO fam tie Cànadia barder If caccoo us cbs aes hold lis Ha. ht', cxpectedl ini Oratari *by 1994 or ton. variats rgio nimtiatives wsil 1995.11 b. expuided. Dr. Nasaid. haghestanialrabies ncidenace in Learn to m ake Northi Ameraca. Dr Naenl poiid Otin i report, WIi as average î*atural colur2M 2.000 caes per yesr. Die dLan à spreai primaaiy by caccns aend L.wn hou calur im of iN n paF skurAas m dit proavince, end skuusk be ased an making rcal aculles seali ho suscepible ta die nee tic. for daily lifeaifet Brum Crerk Psa.in- cocsu iain, Dr. Nasa ntiaid. ciel Park Siaidy. Atu. 30. Wliil Ouseiaoa.n" rabies cnas Hou ta Ume iona maicns Dm were down in 1991 go their loweit rid ael fnOrMMs 10 dye el level lis 20 yons. oudhitak in fabric, ad baiket seodiaig Wini be serns Newe York. prinuriy m i a- &--e"sictc mg Spi-i ce F-,i cons. vea Io limes Uic emsn.J Dmc miks wmflJf.llce4 raie, Dr. Nosaksasd in his caport. fasium. One of the dangers pascal by dme Pacicp.iis seil Me a gulde racaSai ousbroais il ie i asn"a valk gt 2 p.m. and lears wluich bas ons ftccessfülly adapted 10 living pliants, berrios. eid trec besks cals ho amnS huans. Dr, Nasal saadm usa aea as dyci. With, 9 3.6% of Coi4fa owneis 225 Main St.MLO 875-0811