More than 1,70(1 cyclists will raise funds for MS %< aPain di Nonda Fors for die Muliqil Sclevsis Society of 12:30 pin. MUtai Mayar Gord dispuuicher fur Ailas %~ LmýsZs scy« cause or Cce It oflin ks young MS Bike Tçur will malce a mtp in CmaiL~ Km«z wil bc on haid tu officially clmng for dbc second ycar ini die aMs bulween ill ducas of 20 aM Rockwo wOO onow. 1 flic local naw bwgns a( Uic OPP nruo Ucpi Tn e duesof cyclisu. Bmupa tour. 40, &M wonucn arc affecWi alinoi Mor dmta 1.700 cychsu ne 6M0 icadeny ini Baupusm at 8 &.m, id !vaioumr mnl beffl two sepgmue mnl stop for lunchs et a migemce on Odier MS funraiâng toma gc,un- He sid I haprs in exceei dmc twie u 01h51 a men. Ioeukiim enus go mimoe F* Un in R* ko et e dcsway ini Woodscsck tdi. weecend S3M iOn herised in 1991. Morley ralsed wiD support mne"ia a rn e Sauidy. MS is a duse ci dl censai icav- rescarch and services as peuple who Malta residMn Roy Messve. ou syslea which hm no known have MS. T. J. BAR-B-Q CHICKENg [mii7 w EA.I TAIC-OUTf * ALwAys FmHS - ALWAYS mo TIr f(7 1 -*- WHOLE B80 CHICKEN $7.g5 I"1' I -'B80 RISS cammiuia--o- CHICoE BREAST rn.uiS IIlIIIiIE - iUT.a .NOIM: -.BURGERS à SALISAGES as» wlh 10 Pu., --.. CHICKEN WINGS (MUId.l, ot onoy Gala> foiucek. Lov«Y uplli bungalow w th [Paa.siirsemWE CATER FOR PARTIES SALAD DRESSING 5M mL49 B0OULE v WEKL SPE - A-S ----T ON MUP8 .r O'@ADV ORANGE JUICE 12 oz TIN 9 1 PRIME RIS ROASTS w-A $A LD 8C1IM $4 TCIàOm $ LB. s SKIom E $ LB. OR STEAKS aOeS..m i.iO 4luKG -HMl -1- 100 G. $30$ 88 __ $199 COOKED $g99 1DWK -o 'KG, HMl 44100G. -PRODUCE PEACHES r391.[ IDM S.7- LB 1KG UCANTALUE 790[* LETUE 89. 6.P o l c oYmi IoeuusM5l1firs a aB, CHIPS 180 -200 G 9 Aumihi MW Mary unitom r.bnly s».lrla - ha tW M waddling ai- Tuffords celebrate 6Oth anniversary Austin and Mfaiy Tisiford wcr hoeoured on dine 6Md weddsg ai- rnvlY as a Prdcn ply held as due hain of Cawolyn Millo. cm et dhek six daigaters Ail six girls wccc present - Helen Dorma, Elizabii. Jouniic. Caolyn, a&M Kuiv . Tha MR Ted wu out cf die province adm it m. Ail of Nmn ibjird's dmi mmnu wMe prislent - Helea of Bur- linglon. Edlidi ai V-Ktora. C.. aidg ICadisy of SouIthampia. MNty Irbir4s amd relatives mese ama pess for dmi occasia. A suprisi inale meas the arrivai of mcvii minibus of the [orne Scots Pipes ari Drumns which dilighuid bleupqk d" ,hwa m01 .0mwy t. hep ie . &Wh.rz y- COOPaoAucu - HOT MN FLYUN OOCTION NOTICE oeuawcêua.rnsm ~ pq.5 1U14 5.*a ~s b, GI S~ mu. se. vam~ uic mmc otpoar.flur4mVmsaqb Stan .1751 * a muas ,mirL uyauiem ~a * s,*v ,s.a..~ attira r-, t..a ~aau5pac j~j * UWOROIWN mnmir.~ mi ~l M~i.i5p.m SA * mmvi mou t, ~a~muu~amc SAUREHM5 dILO wXRayCeoldIc -e