RFIR( 4 RON FURIK Offin. UT-am Tor. Une 828-110W a F ARY THOMAS (Broker/Owner Gail Pullen......... . ... ......878-110 Freda Lawren ce ............................. ......878-4860 Maurice Miljour ..................................e..876-4577 Audrey Newell...........................878-5339 Ron Furik............................................ 878-3337 Phil Prestidge....................................... 878-6924 Richard Hierman .................................. 878-5m0 Carol M. Brooks.................................... 875-0067 Lindsay McLaren .................................. 854-2451 Katriria Walton .............!........................ 878-1588 Jeap Srtowden ...................................... 87&-3155 Mike Morgan....................................... 878-8093 Paul Page............................................ 878-2995 Anne Taylor.............................85,-9833 getty Ingle .......................................... 827-4286 Ron MacNeil ....................................... 878-0198 Clayton Hackenbrook............................. 87 Sharon Kerley ......................................54074 John (J.P) Pears..................................... 878-85 Scott B. Prior .............................878-236 Marilyn Andrews..1...............................878-2ý65 Sheryl Gray.......................................... 875-1121 WELL. DONE CANADA Miltowne Realty Corp~ Sold more homes sinoe 1983 22 Ontario St. Southý87Q-2365j ~AWNE TAYLOR Pl aSla $211,000. Original owners, brick bungalow on ievel acre of property dosêlo Mikon. Finished lower kW.i, Flonida roolm, sInl barri 4koadFM i27,000. Twc lamity home - spa- cicus sidespi: with granny f lat on very privalle and picturesque crie acre propefly wfth wocds and pond. $279,900. Sparkiing 2000+ sq. fi. Cape Cod on hwo actes, private yet on oulsiifl cf Miflon. Onty 4 years aid and a Iremendous buy. $309,000. Retiremeni dream wiih .ioads of appeal. bungalow on 3.6 acres cf woods. iawn and pond, paved road 5 Mine. ta 401 $349,000. Gorgecus. manicajred and upgraded inside and cut. 4 bsdroom bungalow on 10+ acres with enter- lainera dream iower level Inciudling spa room with hot tub. Scrumpticus master bedrocm suite - you'd $pend ait you lime therel Corne and sas. $365,000. Hbollywood speciaf For those who ile t he unique. Unusual 2300+ Sq. fi. home on 15 beauifui dry wooded actes wit h uribelievabie pooi/patiolcabanla * comples. Oesigned for low-maintenance ahd wcrry-fre. Idfestyie. REOUCEO $369,000. 11P.5 acres beautiful Muakoka-alyle views. Europeari style home $et cri edge cf - lcwing mini-iake. Ariias and natu- ralislsdelightf RED CED $379,000. Onie cf the mgsî private estal e lots -ravine, wocs -Brckviie stles. Three level New Engiarid style graciaus home, waik-out lower <evel. Highiy upgraded insidie and of $379,900. For the garderters and ccuntry Jovers f 10 acres cf iawn.s, wocds. Orchards lly pond wilh water- ladl. steel barn. Plus country-styie 5 bedrccm home with panoramlc uponiing. Vender ma linanqce. * i have a selecticn in various price $, 118,000. 1.7 acre building 1011, nice views, mollat. St smsss. $225M00. 7.8 acres wooded loi on $249»00. 10 "&e vacant lanci wilh * bain close Io Canrtbeft. * M0,000. Old faulaud,' well-kl3p fends, 118 acres ln MoitaI. PRO0ErTY MANAGEMENT fSnowbirds, Landloi'ds. Let us ~OZ~ tako your aggravations over. WM bar Wnd» 1298w. 1