Here's how you can use your hidden resources If ym-ou 4 0tU3 iiicisms Y.w "M isdq homwoams fam aatag 0<il. RWSP a lnq se dim S20 isait In fiMt home, or 9 >«Ie félikin oi dfflo Ug ySumm MW mm uouapu.m Ioisby ar mzasu" bu Asc worriseI allowotfhat u wud M b"ml à qqallfyhum An. d wldiÉa In adifisa. *lma have a . ltuw lit adseqtm d"wt paymt dus nutte Hans fmàt folle. y.. RESP bom Momh 1, Mi oba cen cul mcii w topis qIo Buym Plan Jus mis be de uwor. - 993. Mm. deiins où clouha di de a e 20CO i tsdb di doua plynun om kt AmSnod in die 1992 fWd" budge Sqas.bec X01993. , tOta c$40dXI. dis plai me ainssd at W~péng Caia. tic- AAber nwsing -im Us ygetn . A . i. Ppau of d. P l i. 0 M d cumulai dise down piymemi for a hanst by mua compisto a iit BIaent' Plat écicelu w eimba RW fofnds, witlfwil lesting disin iid*ai opi so S2>W c Wuillidi AppIIC&I1(faim T1036), cmt caly bc ma&s on RRSP comaiubuiioes frth msl RRVs te build or buy a hans. availeis frai ts<ufCid district of. mad for dis 1991 taxyev or toli. No «Kmnc lax à dedIîcI4 frais te fim. Im foai shild tken bc subified ào To participisl in dim plan. yots mms ISola fundta ninit u dshy'le rcpam to a RRSP your RiSP iuler (but*.-tft tuni, Jos int an apsmsnt t«m cgoufs w=crdng te die Sovnmms repqrma initanice company. tmua otpdny or hams "Ucl Wbziainlte diseolwn schowul. bsa&snagc fini). 1 cusmois If you're inesnats is parrtcipeutigin dis Oncd<ippreve dms foimt gîvs yqu lla- * ie clodndd ii taite plce by Sep- plan, a roi cims PWoe.mld cmo help Yeu M'm*fmots isidoisi furtif froeo yilbu RRSP tomber 30.,1993,; undmutad heu i wçsb. * itdut any taxes being wiU"hcd. Yau may 0 it locod in Canada; Thc plan is availablo e fot-" nd ex- wîdidiaw moeoygfroo mors dam oe* it u not previously ownsd by youelf Il ONLY S1 $4,taO FPROWattactiv '11 on Iront porch Io titats ont lit*' lards and alto view of Fair Lake 00lty i4tdaf.d essunt.ais furnace, wetng, foofing, soi Ii eave. tasçla - attacfisd 1f i g-açpe H-omne approx 18000<q fI Lovely Iardocaping w4S total fenced backyard Iooking ont Parland To Y'e th.s weltifel: fiais - PI.ESECALL UdBlMl CLEU AT f 3121 SALES REMMESNTAMIE, Rf/MA W.UE SP!INGSIEALTY (NAITON COA.) IndustrialCommercial Division E,. Mitchell Limited, 44 Oueen Street East, Brampton BRAMPTON MILTON Indusrial ondo ndustrial Site fousr aleCnd Draft Plan approved 2184 s.f. - $115,000fo1500s.. Priced to tell! .Bui1dîng osmt~j ERIN ERIN ERdstIa Sit ldustrial Building lndustial Ste2à.000 s.f. W80% 1.14 +/- acres complete Fronting Hwy. 24 Vendor wili finish Adjacent lot 84 Fronting Hwy. 24 building available. . Truck level and drive ihidoors _gEORGETOWN GE4RGETOWN Industrial Site Iniustrial Land 1. 17 +/- acres 31.8 +/- acres Outside storage Outside Storage Services Power of Sale - at cudb $700.000 BRAMPTON- GEORGETOWN Industrial Condo for' lndustrial Condo * Lease/Sale For Sale 1855 sq. ft. 2,000 sq. ft. Nioely finiehed Finished space plUs Near Auto Plant Mezzanineb 12'x12' Dl Door BOB SACNESS samtrinnta,-uus y STULLA P*mTON :,an porionus M407-77 Seui 2 V lie. *mon#tl£du du (4waibli fie luutd" fuS aI" h icea t e iIrshn kdiwo as n.u li Mony tpaI cusIore *Mambattr of Mulple Listing à $elg Seri I OfiA~A80 AI5 V 9MTORr~ U ouaFI Largehoi S dWMnsm Min two-buiom» rho-f *wA& For,* audia *a cd Ywoe 1117112M06 to buy qhome à A la Womàd 0 hae coisi yau ftâsé Mad ma Suly W&d ban use ailgbi. flisy iwl&cd'.hd Sr aud. odshms oir a. ain dlme. - fiplux, a o sna fflm dlm SIin mCeopmùaovlouq xaod aise i y. AMIUND PUUATIO IAN CUVE.R Adnasng: Nul Oliver iuanagai RaUl Esisu Selle Rap Traoe Lymi Rami S As " DaiPi, Ted Usda!:Haywa SfoDoàu Il: 8utincla Beeàby 1.Pubtash@dbyý Tihe canadien cflan i 191 Mamn Su E. Mfin. Ontario LOT 4N9.,878-2341 Adverfising is mccptad on the oniion IaI i ia h @vent of à typogtiphtc" *nroir, fiel portion 0g the advertîoing agace occupuot by the arronasus itnm. tfglthso tdf a reisonabbe at owance fo signillae. ai net bu chwgud f or, but the balance cg the edvatlie*ren wiif b. patot for et thea aplicabllq Ie. The publshan rsinidu eit ta e eteonze and muinci idesieg, In thei *vant of typograpicaf arroir, aduuliising gondsa or services itf wrong poce, goods or services my nut i otd. Adwnuls * uet y an efr toi sat abd nuy bu vàisiiwn et a imitm. SCOTT REAL EMATE INC JSR1 W. I. LARGU FAMILY MUT MT II Fwe be&06nn5- 0*V8210000 Cao Y~Voe 878-20M If you fýîve_à a mala;r homa and ar** lhlnking àf aaWg a ham ciantéi qwel Ifl" te purchas. For autin a Vvdnna Ofulul 8170.2096. on Ca I.FO DAN UAWsTuRni iNFOR ATIs :AL t I I j iy, --I. 1 . - - -.