Luxiords-,, celebrate 6Oth wedding, anniversary Au=i MW ?Muy Uux.d aou kommwd on àek60 wdum o niemuy et a W"à lv hm la * misa. &goumIy Md. es Ail Sm siris wo pean - WkII4 DM Mmeli* homa wu out o t lt JUOWtaUdi.i li M Luxfoe< à=. ":is as. PfOlu - H!1110 o am-. lasu0n. MM et Viesata. D.C.. Md ortuy ciâawm S.mmy besumd uWl - a a siu dos e moetionb. Amup"&*I m âes - 'of siia 1,v molu i< et lime Imm s Bible campers crate qu 'ilts A wall-itanging at St. David'a Presbylenuîn Clxuch in Caimpblil. ville wUl serve as à remùxnder d ie mosi successful sunimeis Bible canp hetd titere. "TorgeUse in Jesu' Naiss" was dtise iee of Vacatio Bible Sdtool held ai Si. David's from IulyNcl 20-im bew 4.e Of3 W ety chilis omon4lit ij chuscit and jimncd togutller for a lîvely sung-sog amd woesip tLàs bel-r gbmng down to their classes to parsipage in Bible mires, cral, gainses, aid sinacks. Att of Oit activities oenteed arounti live titettes - *bekmgmg in God's farnily., 'Gmowig in Fat'. 'Fuoving Oditee', luaking die Lord' aid iUiag dite Neas'. As an oflerlng pojeci. ail te cikklde Cantribtfd tinned gnd non- perisitable food. Four larg bases acre fîlled andi taken te ut. Salv&Luon Annys Fond Batk in Milion. A apecal fetue Ofthe VilS pro- vam titis ye wu ie cannsty PDJecIt. EveeY cld u *t i teied a qult black andi tieau Nbla ace sean tOgditr tu maain Iao quaika a4 a ail bois an Si. Da;Wb ast a rnier of dit fdia.ld *M Parents M astieeie joleed à. chiden on the wau daY for à. clos- in*ppmd aà asi - by àm. ditaçi. Nad week vais a voudaaa mac- Sru Mdi aujm d be of die log up <bmue pa~ ve le body of de àm"ffl daauvaliaalk. 0< "Aea à. m mcmmu«Wa lima pdou a m maI Baby~ course An >u. Spml a bal, If yff. 6ab la u iy, Nwulis Obisi, Re6 lr Sà à 1 M in,;. 1 e aad.. W à . * i e - *ucoeu *mu SURER IlVEIO5 12EUOA Umhs, (418) 4ê3-143S- <NW 7MN DAY AND OVERNIQNT BUS TOURSJ UFTLmcmcIUU/OyTO Avm4 MW HWUMMU»iAN M ADVflIUE à.2 MWp CNZE MWmWS r DAVF m~i SqoeM Wlg mawUSs PMuLoe , NAUrOUIMmY ie. . a cmOg CUAtCANAOIAN WISff Wy lm MEUIRAEQUEUrOTTAWA 6 sa. us b" »PmptaITeao 1 Il Cllt Dama v For FIIEE BRiNG YOUR Pl ANS qpiAýS