i ~7fl~9 k.unday Tho o %ionMuseum ta inviting kidfs Ia lois in aon fun and eAxitemsnt tItis summiner. Tetuumai Kelso Con- sevl i rs hosttng the. Kicks' mmer Ceestivai. A whole ý'oster of camivat %ame~as and acivftes su oflie place Sunday fi naon fa 4 p.m. Admission ta fte avant is gras andi most actêvittes are compbrnentaiy as weIt. Also. no pre-r.goýration is required. High1igha<ýoI the carnival in- clude pony rides, gamnes ot siffl and chance, fortune lti- ing by the ,mysî enous Medanu Zelda, fte lamous "Man E*Nng Chickeren Show, tace paitng, mnd homne made «e creaftl canking. Thse Kide' Summer Camival ta on@, a lte ms mac. liies lesltursel am pâl ot the Kiemmr92 catendar of averts. Amons OIle soWe aind - que eum oni diepsf.y Salumdey ai thfe famera' ma*ef was a Mlesserschmtli - f« ief.tlgl. ftse asome m OIe elipa. See page 5 Featuyes Opinion ...........6 Dateline ........12 Sports...... ..5-20 Cl"glled ...21-23 Milhowne Enterprises 1111.111,1ULeH OF QU*L!TY TePsel .1 Lbs.i our" Base m ic 876-2888 Climber's Impaired t conitions chargecodtn after 401 't A mres cliniber injgrd tahen lie a c id e n t .eî(cil 50 fret a[ Ralleankepon a c Tiseaday was haKtd lins unios candi- A 33-yrar-Mid Branmwoumi lios in Isps yer*dy. lia bren cfmaged wsts mipaied J jJi Rose. 45, of Lndon,. Englusi dirwvng catisng bodil y hum fol 0w- au. . Cella tlte bmoftoa a luge cIîti at ing a sinigle cmr accideit oui Hsghoray Lecnevtoloe frh o A 1979 Plymsouhs Horizon went plc àd out of cotitrol white travelling qrThe mai's two chideci, alla weri westbound oni Hwy. 401 pea the~ watchimg liseur parents cluimb, stand Trafalg Radlexi tat 10:1 lp.m by he!*ssely as liser (isez dropped The car swerved inte tise mtetli ta die ground, lantlîng bonad frot. dutch and travellrdl 55 meiren hfeIore fearcsdrnt il being blaiscd on sinkmng a pole, mil Miltons OPP lxkf limbngr esperlence. White CiL Viner Arsemmia "5 ai ol!-duty .Me. Rose is a rive-yeu veteai of Peel Retti1lsi. Police off=ce, who dmc chOllngmg raure. hai wife wer rsui ve go is arriveu rse, mset~ a n, 4 as juit leusmg. csnwbar tc, pvy opei thse ça dom.s Th.fe 12:30 p.m. foll occied afien and ltse sale punuIgle s 40-;e.. as a lire line if a cistier slips, The driver ssufered a feacturd Wlimi Mr. Rome slipped. police skull uad aille white tihe pfalegoe said lis wife, who as hlindm recravrd liroies ribs. à fractsued PM si P» A rope. lked thse exprence nrrded anhie aid multrile culs. Bauls accu- ata Tact Io It situan. punts tre folles ma Missas Digmi D em onstration sport ' l wu lexpoienie ons fise panaci Hlosital. flpoinh"gtebelay line. Tlue Bruquasn wana alua fac11es lU. Dluiy muum dey ou" gels binthe11 iril @fthe1 Ofyis sd cSustable Hubbarl chosifis af impalyrd deising ams p§"relt aIs i*l Mul M lhi 0"i = Garn iwihpC is Firefigses &id amrbulance atten- neAwani a breadialysez lest, Sfic is OWPI lilces W mburt rorsi fi 0aU wu idSt nomê damis stabilized the ijiilid climbr seloiedr la peu us Milions M O~,~2L55l se-re 11wmuhlg &MiaiaUhiCd i camred huis up a eugged paLs Ln pr aincil cort Otobe 5. - - @eCUMUR oui pagle 14 Purpie plagueL invading marshes 8 " fflSM"soutisers Ousuasa and grows norfs frins Sud: Sie. a2m.Marge ta, Ksskud Lake. In dse United Stages, dim mari rorurit uudy erssaes dhm 1,900 square A M" irtaeed nsctnmed flise pusple pWgu" kluiele of wrlaid hiabitat are loss uiisually 1<1 is slowly ciaqtg up rus Ontario %Wubadi purile osercrife. Haltrufm uai tmule to dic oMsgly Eàusxir Thse amlpit of lise plont rus oisve vegesgabrus lim plant -purpIe IiOiSlie - tahich experta Agi is ben "dusatmsan." according 10a àq rep ert lme by lr a isi u voilemans in d"aiot-ae tar- die provincial Moslry aif Natural Roorve shs.Thse wrrd eauuly out.counprics auher plant fle and Rug&r you in ýua b ihen lIra. te plant. a h fio ma dluei wcoWy frofs Unike nsany culiez Ni-ouuaft .~uzvsu Area. sull am i wlinoa qppacre m vigaur IlWlmipi whigs, you cap dos about il." sad Il Nau aloc bres bisos la rduce taiWsi populo- t A = ie eio.lnal de vi g pàau breut 1plut bo eus't -eagee uan- Paupta~ ~ ~ ~ ~Bon ba ebs a eh- Wue s lpu-a of Ixefe pl anning . tig e wrrd th aeily W t sadu ced o ive z Héin Cruvaas AtBw -.1 cas fod, st liabilat. or s"etez for oimiais. suid Ma louit m à illiI ggMMa M mul i casmst gr "Yeu'I aia sec it in àan northruln Nordo Abersea un lie early MN,0. upI inggisa ii 11 p MI's oll.o ataim iu ltkely in flise badlma taa dumspby oeears-gautg aiqu Pli ~ prpLqu mn e nrsi ships; ri Europe. e.uasalerOMis.Kuhii se ut M-. Apensc la s rise li Vta i rose. «'One Ptuple ooorsdil tan aIm igprumd for eue by Elursa i u - leblond plant c~ uiaeq a2. ilo asul gardos oni a 9 ruey pluit for bceepes. 4"ne e 11111 S"~~ ~ la Cauih. die phot mawtd rew Ixsiblerrs unql -. , - l'bc *rnd hm nota iuvaded hal dite arliutt m eo MWWTLANBSouipageS C"LE wiDO - WIIUÎ;Ià humT TMO IvauS QUALJFIED TIRE & AUTO SERVICE aOE4AP "MW 45 ONTARI ST. NOTM. MILTON 8o-150JV M 11, p