Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Aug 1992, p. 14

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-e Maton c.osomwmnor oe uf ci Ww1111 aýd OstauWa Pmorn sau~o 71ia: *A woed faikt. Fergueo D tMbn»Aw i i i ....... ...... -.. ..wrU 0F..... diAU@ e C a M en M" 1 lo Ke aWa 1h11 n m neuv the mmr Unm 88 ONTARIO ST. N. MILTON GlACE ANGUCAN CHURONl 317 MaiS. E.,Mion 878-2411 T/.dplWanv Pi. Ganmm - Wi.êpm* 7,00p ni -E-uy-v ihiu GRACEWAY BAPTIST CHURCH PUi alle Ud I buS w. weiaccie Yil le A M alOs et 467 Mms 111"11 M batm Lbffl 1020&A, - as mdie i1w,0 "'"s - moi r*Viosm Sm0 p-t - E-atg Sad' PMUYEAN 1» M" S. IL 07040 MJMAY. AUGMS 0.10lm thnmy -WU op le8 3 aa> Qume kb*W- ma,.a liwS lâauy Odm ala b pans) AU we 1 Profile of a you hakespeare Le",& Laboar Loim il pà dama md Pmie ai Mal/m. dis pagle o mai's Manh A&s About Nnidi Dons Araa. yout fuasw e p MM cas aniy amiff in hidi m Wc L.ACK away. Don Annadia n w seema lai ys Iw1lIl proiductios of af M ie of BBC televisas t/a b.If ySu mima i L. dirnan- STA G Pamlty Twm fans. mhoa crpp isment Cua clami ur ss biehsary of Eaglish ta playeti inictlî joyalt ai Loes aoaaLoS for laughs. If yoe Mmmil. coapus dis w.Tn ayceet.sc a Nasue and duie malia iembera of »aund.h oite mis an aguage mid teer Loscas Labouras Lodi hia comi decide sa amean alh of aapmisly Profile of a tennis in tisselopaien slmidy for dmre ymarus i whcm la time main, dime mark i highly taulier dimi fuit flamas.Im lis a dmup ie wonem mmli neM nmrnpt lhime entmlamning. diough il mn claudeti by poiammeal ta saine. but an ces pursuil of knowledge. Ail l limhe aitder mistake oi the yaung iemee absolutety soeessamy w usiter cea tule putifg on time pressais Shakespeare -mt mn more tapical istimg &Il of Shakespeare. of keeping il. Love Smclr faill matoan ayof his odsr plays. Maiy of U Leve'a Labouras Lmai by il time weong hainda in lime plat's comme limea refetences aie IpI in mime mmus ian, S hMe.spare rians tiat Ocicale unfolding. ai uie, ai leai on less learseti li aI lietratfard Festival Cale Thc unfisumiy large nimber of audienees. T/me resullsag oscunty Feore *ya Berowne, Dieu characters mn Love's Laboursa Lod oi pun msaires ana fet dima he's lait Matamoros s thme King of Navarr ta ts undoing. Early km lime action hiscfor ElizameimnEnglis. Lacy Pcacock ms the prmnicest timere are fou oeolin couples, andi Nat s, a% lime play andtihie France andi Atiion Scaly-Smtim t ail ae givra cual come la lime ac- audience seule mn teoenjoy the fare. Rosaime tian. la addition timers ame seyerai Once you becose etturied la time For ticket mu./orniiiiios cati 1,«, periph/eral cburacsers go clouti dim spoaermsus iafliceet on tim chau 367 t1600 toit frre oisuime 01 Toron masn stary. Ilimers neeis ta kc a main jets by onie Don Armad anmd time (ao In Toronto,. phmone 363-4471. foetus ai aur attentioin, a main itrat couty mai Costandi. mdlie verbal local cat of lime action mnd eimaiacersatam Help for preignant teens Arc you a pregnai wessagr? Do share liu feelings asnd doiss dite you ksmow smeoine Who us' fear.- sime sammi -Patmcmipn disý A atm session of pierto practicai cuss shat is like Io bc a pregnant classes speilically for lers begins tee anti à teen parent andl imat opi- mn laie September. Thecy ame being lions mhey have." ofTeret by Young Parets Suppout liesides prepaning for labour anid Services. - deliver, andi attemdmng a mospitat Pregnant teenager have speemal tur. poup members alss rans neetis anti conceros mia wili bc ad- about communmy resources anti as dreswet n ite classes. said Sus sistasice avoaLeM ta tesn parents. Stuart, co-ordtiaor of mihe program. The first dmrr classes arc for ex- .Bemng a pan of a group mîit peclain matiiers; only, and time admet meens gises imeam a cuamce ma "coaches" (mimo may bc the baby's fat/me, a fnicnti or a rclimuvc) arc mn- vite i th ie Last lotir .ta.s,~ Ms Simiami adiled. * Volunteer coachbes can kc provtded W for suipport ting laisisu anti ECTORY delmvery if necedt Transpormitio thmie sessions cai M NEW LFE kc provided front anywhkre mn Hal- PENTECOSTAI. ton. Pregnancy counisellîsg mn alsio CHIJACH availamie mimtougm Young Parents @M TH1tO LIME Support Services. 1in . l tom eti Fur furtiie information. caîl Susat itusaus. Tiriu Rd Suv ai 944-55M2. Da.y D Ri.) E. 1 'lu caeila.Ia H eIp for Roi . ov M M frazzled moms S4JNDAY, AUOqUST 9, 1 »2 ilelp! 1 catit iakei il arymore' fAs Kme -TÈ*v ink Tr5Sh Tlbey'm rivssng nme crazy! Tia may bcs the cry of a fraied 0:45 ast - l1w Appaàsnmatt als Gai. amodier. If yoni are onie, hbnp mn near- by. T/me Halles Otilt=s Abd 0:30 lim.- Euwsg Esaigelsâe Ripy Society (CAS) is smaramng a Mot/mrs' Group imn Mmlton. Nursery Cao and C/haaon' Mothers cas bring timeur chikiren m0 C/surc pmsda for li AUM Sarice thme free weekly gsoump. said Suiai FOyuti?*o.rl6 a i Stmiau, ca-ordinator of support ir Aduft et*a kid, vices forthlie CAS.- YVUlh Sporb MOIS "Wile me'rs nt at meeting. Uie Actuè» for Ciren childas do crafla. su*i aMW, asd play gans.' aim nit. "Anti you're Fdfty Nla 7:» p.L ieaby. ao tLhey cari eali yam quiekly FOtku Yei auli if yais child is mssingyou.*' 'ENLAROG YOURl CIPICLI OF LOW*E Maliers hase fun as well. Par- icapoata ts M Io peakers, lImm co w about parinlino, do cealla, and go on autiaga. "lts very ,forrmal Md 000111w U1 S isee. but w mc à am aio.- Mt rau UMaIOF AiIGwT AT liai mito cdi it meo CO&. ANOMMemom Climber: a %M C100111 FI. mon à uie b" t dis 1ui lo. Pis ~ia aaaau.1u mimas he vm c-40"a by hdlksP. Nt. Rais sviair midi h AE~~ ~ lf.ihIy ia dis an*a. fhfwedt aqia WW inbd ljusea. a laule s t. sid He vm fiowa.I mHmdlliia Wc HaLie m* -m bi bud r i a AGinig ta scimolar Love's Laboar'a Lest ms nt ori Shake- speames carl/est pLays. ceramnîy bis radient comedy. nu a radiéie misakt -sucb as too maiy loosely drawn elmaractees; - ns only nalmia. For mticb of dim IlIt a" 19dm ceraiees lime piece was v8liricd by enieis ami aeholars. who cansidereti i Shale- speares avari play. Gise lime Bord a lu fact lime play mas prssamly rewrsusn by Shakcespeare. miich migmt accaouru for ils uneselisas. Ile pratsgasisl lever rsaliy beoame RELIGIOUS SERVICE DiF

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