Taxes driving Canadians to cross border shop rL Meu National Ta* FoSte on Cou-. recendny whrncl wgued dma a unadi. hard-core grup, of misinfoemed. Iower-rnncome maie aIsmers aWC rernponable for o O0per cent o 0 MONDAY -TUESDAY -Wl cr-border shopping. %Im 11ai Fonce. whnch il made iqi MFADOWO G L ofWhs f«dum am Provincil gov- uflmnLs ad sevendi mdustay, con- ICE CR E4M 8LàmoNorwHITE lui aigui mrnaconce>ions" amc foebing O ýr«,vdc sopig smoe n 4 Litre $ 5 z. , rnmagnd as dma a cea cm. Pol tUn In sui conw« la de Tub .- Fuie's position sl dIm Camndiat Fedleration of lndpeams Buisiness (CFIB) with ris recent stsaly onA£ csoas-borer ahoppmng..whnch come- W E L P CS S A piled a survey of 5.1119 businness owncrs - te people who tlle a beaing whest Cuiadians decide iq 10A AN I shop inhenU.S. L N I bodrprbe cmtbcinre sPOTATO CHIPS PAST dias elrsu an stimted SI04 180-190 G 900G billion wwthir of sales in 1991. wnUn umau iouler, abrrnrnn $6 billin Barn8 PKG. 8 los an sbcauing to, with at 131.2 % MILK os engsr CHICKEN LEG ofco-brdr hopig.lncotrstQUARTERS wo the fishy findings of thne National ~9 Tasb Fumce,' te hard rut il taï te. 4 LITRE $ growti of cross-huider shoppinng BA 74 - a duriag te lms lew t m a a a KG,ý dumskrais impact on oui eossisy. _____________________ 2E 1 G Mt o wall dFtermg precion, milers have dome lit dras possible01- P CU E l0 miavive Uthe balleiing fices cross bordqsoppg. Holeve, thefop- IProduct of OntaloPR D C - tiras e Itoried. s ame n dea" poattion tis hu= PEACHES $ 4 s mcailera. ln ris stody. CPIS Made the dar w narnun. a nerluihion Litre Basket op efforts la collet provinicial relal mmsinTts0VrA [Wrm - TAla i.Ti M&r uwI&l tan usimoLimus Wtmes las dm rnaie ad creaming a envrnmernt fo bume ln cmit peae.ffcctveywlU..r. lir Whrai e sra plain, 'on. CFIB's study sl tre falita oe- - ,or, shoppin Il a confsuer Sax rexoILt Unlil govemmuents maislor Urne poliical foroiande I k>»W cm27eg Mdi un mmso Img mIt, cadiaIL O.iG W cm wl Winaiu ommet âw y sas = -, edr MILTON STORE "DO N-OT LOOK AT THES. S'ALE PRICE..3'! OPEN WED., THURS. & FRI. TIL 9 P.M. EflNESDAY CA NA A RY M SOFT DRINKS ~CASE OF $59ii 24 X 355 ML. PKG. SCHNEIDERS 114 LB. OUF STEAKETTS $iMoegasi