1-4 Train Ieak flot dangerous A No. 5 Sideroad resident waa cvacuated front his borne Sunt- day after a citiz o xtedl a 1àq uid Ieaking frdm a psmi train. The nerthbeimd CN train was itoppcd ai about 8 p.m. neza No. 5 Sideroad and Highway 25 me cifficials coulti exarnine die unknewn sustance spilling ftin the raîlway Wmaer The Jiqid murnd ouitol bc zupr-toeed cu4pn dioxide WIII -oe oja danger. said Stov .eiy. t¶0egion of Hafton's spiIus con I oflicer, wh whs on the cene. -"Th e ftyvk (on <lie tanker) bu rzn i 'Mr. Deay plne.", u venting cfa ia regional police dean No. 5 Sidrromd anid Issu No. 10 Side- ruad while <lie trm wau being transpoletobeepaire. A q*dent âid hia dog evauid (mmu thie urc& were alleemi bock wi <liearhem afteabouffl heur An Esigili souini u - bulajw inid evocuaoed by Air UbtNue *hmc eue front die Ratiuke POin cliff Tliesdy wNil vistag dlie conservatimonai -M viiis Sec Page 3 Pwo ............ 4 Datiilha........13 Sporti.... ... î11 CIaaifIe ...17.19 Miltowne Enterpdoqe SUPPLUMN OF GUAUTY 876&288 Ail washed.up 1o-y.~od rant011.1 omnbln. amp, w mumi 0o 1r0< hop cuit as a rMoet ollyftau.Iig car twa.h ut E. C. on" 1% gsce cwIrwxfàu&M ,mu *1 hla pu Io miunauw lue" Wtii MIsoI,Ir. mkmui 1.t CoTe buddlng car bull mmui.d Io glim hlaie b qul the 1.sadwbac*gb. Taxan ?rPery anid busiess tau rem are more dma $2 <mli hâtâtes dm <luy were hm yew Mldianding nt S6.1 million ef hmne 1992. In lune c( 1991t Orphasr="Dte~ Love be~ 7w Ed mi! Nnuc Kruiàlnhyc4y tdm àyerva w uli k vlla addition toimeir funily. Pride continues [0 shin on thi tige of 47. bus becens <lie ftG He mg bià 44-yem-old vite aiomt fbont a lhkia orpim neW Mone haun lm wude "icuu' oSa Il suffers as arrears hit new high (Mgum WU 9$PuxÎney S3.9 Ilie delnqo cy Mue ix thié Mud taxes are mli tee, high for naie. higlimi «'oc« Fve bons he.e" (cumomic) conrdeae. 1 d"n taxi as- nmmmusIS527 percentef <li said Milans rauence directe of srs ane goin&zo be tairly high on rouihly S40 million levied m- eight yrs, huan MeQwme. On ferumioher year eitwe." un nually in Milton wua euwnMng average it usuaily bovm i n <Lie fle mnain trobIes with everdur as bi Imme. A yez calter. only 11.06 five pet cent range. M. McQueen businessanmud reaty taxex is <Liai Lhe~ per cent of taxes ee m default. noted. "il dereasea the cash fiee" coin- Tie municipxlity ha n i nt- ing int municipal collier, Mr. tuon et seizing "penple's frdgex McQueen peinied outi. In <lie long and ntoves" if <liy fail bebrnd oui terni <lie Towen is minimn guzan- their homne property taxtes, but Mr. teed <li bulk of <lie fomids mince McQume iud he's contemplâling <lie only alitrative for land- aaking in counicil se ket hit me ownena ix te forfoit comto etier a bailiff te collect roaky antcars propenty. bonsching <liai bas't been deom Se white dmi shortfall inun xs e date in Mille mneans Mill bas lesa money ie Towen 'us willing to woek available to devete te itat- with people facing lard tînes. M. beaing acommis, dma wiii even- McQueen aid ailowing thnin ewaly bce offset by penalty ntere anue.parWa psyanent until <liy applied agau- the outsminding * * get bock on tkIS est. Aise no taxes. resadeautial pboperty ta seizeal for However, <lie cash flow crunch tax sale unt<l thie lanISwnenrx ietmant doat sa Jantuy and fur due yeum M Fbary, for dlie f~ intne mutMr But in thie inueutiffne. <lie Tewn M-Qucmms nmoey. Miltcn but mnay puNP4ggp rantse, such m lu boumew Io aucet day-us-day - aueilag vents. Thmm divet- opiertung expenaca (queoinsu- "ni retali luniç tenants would Iy $1 million in d<Mbe mid dmals Pho MM~l .<o ,. amilly pay à laiierd Io deu dwins die two mnuoeuhx m Md m 1. , - Io laep mualcipoilt if dmle mudoe 'a Mr. MecQuce couli bave in- * --. <Zk- taxes lave lalmed. stemil eahe , ie of Mo's Loding ai thie bgger picawe. 109g.Serm fixe-inercn mven- aNliue' situ ionmt't eut of die ments, but mouse<of &werew- erdùswy in nidoy eononu cisil when nu«i rme ver elanchime &W may aciually ho biser btglie thon they arn nomw, aud at r athn as surrudln wm.aisMr they'il edubnu te deliver <lioe Plueta > MrQUeai ". Morrs fo Ie Het Wgoba Tas dela mn York Re ' d mw si ndy's levmer inéceta in- famst v-g »e= 11l my fighting ftçtug mid tap6 for natTmante WjW~ pbopoetinaily la mhlut deveopnets, thie tey mpepd off dmi place v& iii tue new dii1ç9 Nm MlIe 1991 pnaiy source of building e-' Mr NcQum potedtivity m Miline *dmuia deve- rface of Mir. Knmelnycky whQ1 L loeant. hu slowed go a relative or e tva ane-yw-old then le Au veill ià Halte "I suspect crawL Overall, Mfile building we te holding our owa. ad Ily octvity ta one-dded o i u laua muths--- couple ever i below avoage. 31e lave soi Wim lam yeur, accoeng si, a fin- lCW cItidien Io lie my wboientie plinut closings.MWl quamuer repian reeat<y readby sna bua a lot ot reaidenu «tM Halnin Regia. .w e à .nWovdo w Hon vewmy " gl 191 m m 1 E v e :miait w" # sAo plle ni a hns .te m me thAMn iOm llé 9gl