OeINION Boi D248 191 hfhoim F_ MldttaL9'r4M9 j 7U2341 Tome lie 821 -3837 j Fux - 8784943 Clanifibd Advwting: 875-3300 l Im Oliver Paomir Noum ilo Miwmsàg Diramâc Th.èamw Piudam mau CLdn onifra- [y 0diau. lm Droi l5ýw am yemhbys cowa, preui iBey du't eit, dmtà tilte bisanc Be ctaneics is om-y. i don'itneiu clit: rock. wlnar growtlu on radio nterrly proves tiut ay'm yoUrr grutesaa reliz due music iwritien m a celebm ofso yoc sit ind dormIes ia.uIt lue hmBe powver 10 trove ycaang people. No. 1 -acu beautifut muse. Bach, Behoven, M4om ais d Mt buamh cf hqipy-o-y -tit of lrg qo. hn guys nuiltrei for tBeir et, tBey wre lauglood ac, chideli md led difficuil tises. flmry Berew up before Bhey urut on stage. Wlile a comfrable living could b h ts by gamning ilou.il was0ugh to aai de ben of puces cod Concrt revenues were bomdt ti c- cuanulace. Rerordngs cod royaliturs wre non- existent. Lile poputar nuasic. dice is gond clissical musicrand dmn ha bloo clisa" music. flue différencre is, we douVt have io do lie sulïlumg; tie and changg tastes have alrady mc- complisitedi i t for us. When you tîsten in<ru utmusac. you hase Io tisten 10 a lot before findtng anytig of litst- ing qualiay. There are <iousmtds ni setections. People hase b Ictisug Lu die ctasics for meverat itutdreli years dsnLng wbich tinte pooirer quatity music has been wrdrd out. Stit lue e s eveiN 'muni haves' for any cotlection fromt Bhe vas[ Catalogue or clamscat mui:Ber<hovenns Pastoral <Ssx*h) Synu. p"ou. dur noble F#Ith S>mnphony, Moeus's Jaipser Symphonuy, Pachabet's Canonu in D. Holn's Th-e Plaueus. Vivaldi's The Four Seson. mnd Musrsysdiciureg ai an. Ex- hibition. In fart ntany of titese slrctsons are asaitbtie ver> chraply on CD than4t, in pan. lo ie fart tinît Be croposers am &4d mnd nio royalties nerd ho psit. amu~-" y -md& -d Unaie Pmm »qM. - I âa o* lUn m m op enila tu a -' te u ivan cd &wiim. sas pUMu» 0 la sUnuaom cdy uum m n NotOiolh ut a un ul" m mun sme. n aaiubum.o tu dc msaI REUj AVR You mute lte a tyle of muisic r witrrdBe compoue i Bhe am. ta Be Yomu or 10 Be rock explomion md emut in Be emly yus of tin style. Be empimios wu on Be peformer, like Bhe ma ilseff 1.1 mauatised fron tltn air. In coulenporary music e or atduati Bob Dylan for a recinL th e glifuata of Bie wre of Bhe uisic, Ph in1 Dylan Bhete were neyerat notable camues. surit Ms Franrk Sinatra and Elvis Presley, ronofe front an abtlicy in uig. nonmtiting dut peuple rcu hoe tuied Lu do ratie, conwelentty. rallier tiom m oibity 10 create. wlirits à trusertalenut. Rock moisie bas a rr<luao for loudicess. But ail moisir shoulli ho playei Soul> ta atlow Bhe lista"te 10 fuiiy aipreciate iL. A joy of going ou Bhe symptouy hs Be volume titm a fuit orchestra cain conjure. Titere is notNsng in coneticrm y, music bite Bhe taisy cacopltony of bels mnd caution "siocn populace Bhe eut of Tchnikovsky's 1812 Os'ertr Pedmaps Bhe best Lting about Bie cisssics is Becir universi apprt &M recognition. Petople Bhe wadd cve am fantîir witlt Beelluovens Niush Symluouy 'Thte Ode ta loy' So mucb sa, tint compact dises were creaird tu botd rnough music for whole of Bhe Ninth to bc on acm dise. Praps in 200 yerm surit <hings as ie Brilles, Led Zeppelin mnd Pink Floyd wttt bc considered classics, clsn iof lthe yssutti cul- ture cf*Be lie 2Otit centuiy. Mien sgpin, mayhe aome of Bhe <hings we conxiste, <hrow away weitl capture te fatcy of grumeralsons yet ta bc borti. t suspect, bouever. tit Beethioven wîtt suIt bc psmtr. Apet is only welcome when ev "I'd juet bye Io hase à pet bu my husbmdc (uife. (alter. niolite, uhalver) won'[ Wi. Foige. for Be nioment, lima in man> cases mutot rqig" someaone have or do àme un a à MWta p-we play- (t don't meu pa-nt prrvea"a a sonuil dtuld fron cuimg a pet liti cit o popely ýwWe (or by a tiny pet- son) flisisueta oilplieod inaucrwuitso mntmy faron u nime,. mnd every rase being dleni. g'u benl jus tc, brave it lu Bie Ont ting hs certain. A put going into a hu=t wherr every fmniy menmbez urleome ils ar- rivai nmtds an ifiniècly buer choace of living a loa hipy tIfs dmu drs ici pour, con- woued oen.wpor Som ofB 111w nhaue coïmouly, mot moy staca i h0 . -l'il do iti Be wmli. yS vm'i eme lioe l'a <he." Oht. me. live if at ure pilo ici hoe hom ail Be lui., w do @111 Bie m ,m m extes body assmd Bes hemS ne i m ae budy. If Bie pet i quoi- ldan a à dog or à a ot e ail] ho a «Wr fr- me, a ci""q (ar. mnd a pleio aidnehg mpmÇa md ud foutu M . So m»' dco«s, (hmn.Aow gerbile) m Smamnc, mal - tulle a u tnholir cages ai RighL olù* usmg whlele or ,rseod, md scaux media ad <coites Mati Wllo ruchio abluei No way ia à penctoi acla lm my opoud au Be PETS AND YOU~ idi of Bet pet gaag ai ho tmwe of its ptaoe. Nice twy. dta0. "ion give "i a dlire. YOU'It love hum whenu, or.0 vb im. Peeem!" effective over Be clani sin. A iai guil Lamy m a cncene illoe My hoe à boie iie dei "FM% l'm me libal cuse. loi eh"~" Ho-, ma. et maltai aide dom -Y d @p bains ,ma (tli Bie wacloibec rotaeu bu mobts). S mIo wm Be m*e l ~Socioey. or WM o au, il. um lilise bu I o oemplsmom grme. Md MW ctéle mer ho«.e" OhL dem. Net aiuly i il oue of Be worm ways m obticis uy unx o pet. yen il! Mr Bmde ptomient of onjoi nalea air youges haunte. la scenatto mwuliiu Y Puinté Roy Umm~ Bad Mma BRMA MULRONEY HONEY I THE COUNTRY ' iI Cherish your brothers and sisters Relstsonsitips between siblings am dm mout enduning of ilfamily bonds -lhey LMn longer tita te tiasups betwcen qicomes or btween parents trocd children.f~ Siblings sdm a common bruitage and lo. n (ftn àcomn en oo. hte- PSYCHOLOGY cbey may love lir poirets, as Bhey get okler à% dhey slmould gel Mrie emctini support and IN THE '90S saldwuty front diceu siblings Vlie question Là. ' «1 wîil out children crtain friencis whcn Bhey Wo Siblang relaioualii bornmm e. impur- cotaduits? Wil! doey have à seme ofctit en you m you gSe ider. for à vartey of soladarity and belp cacti ollierl fc <>ons Yrpaet w,! ne and Pau away. During die early years. siblings wtt! bc nvals ts an importmsurce of emotxiona support and (nenris. And they wilI bc logetIler a lot. wit! dusqamout of us cunt ta our brodm Consequenly, LIey are inmotat agents Of and siser. We will ail undergo life-stresses - socializatton. Tit i. tBeY tlatirIY Preseilt a divorce, losig a job, financial luses. leam- situations in which à chiid musi lcarn how Io ing tiuit your ciik lus à disorder Or youi resle cSnfiets, corfipromine, dm. Md aispqom is ini a car accident, a bai of Somn kind unies, do wititout. fley tram about hclping a - and we tmIno t ur bltg for support. persan whett he cries, toa1ding uP for YOW3ttf. Wjli oui children bc dicte for elcb aime comprumising. fllcy tsk ta each atier -ben flj wilt depend an a hIo ailbingo. tey're womfed, kmrt how to Solve tsablMS. Firsi, of course, ta wmat we Leach Oitrt- Unfonuinattely, thte imTportant and Poiive chuldren. If we erat cliemt fatrtY, pruse thm rote of sibling retationshipn mas bren bunrd for sharing and hetping cci allier. helpt Bhem under the focus on siWios ruvalry. Yet. sibling tu reov cnct by neglolialion Aid Coin- mrisies tend ta dimnsish willl age. white tie promise. they ai more apt Loe c ftends. (potesitiat) supportise cote of thme nibling If, on the oduer hant. we louve <hem 1 st- reltionslip ittereases itamtiatY dec it theinselses", if Wr don't notice it whtai <bey shaïe. if wr tiet cliemt as a unit intaid!cd eryone agrees rnwidui(p<bewew.dhien.rm flu fart is. dhe clouenra of siblings in mitaI- Apet won't interfere witli oui daity lises. titod is mont fien rtaird t0 hOw close tlmeY Wrong again. It woutd bc foisti indeed L10M- àm tildmrn sume thatdlcte i no exta planning roquied Ker" saudy in lime COaai JOumidt Of when figuarng out holidays, weeknds awaY. Soc"oJoY. bY PhOfessor Ingrid CAmuidia Mc the or even lie nigitin, and a pet'S welfare ci ta be Uiniversity Of Westrn O)nLama, 'eV"al taite connidrerd. Don't even ttuink about trltusg à pruacai.conidrahi dos( inte imporarna an whopprr like ibis tu someone who darsn't lite lité. For simple. ie fallier ap-t 11meY wamx a pet mute firt place. tive (Cg. more <han à day'n drive). dlie lm cou-ý "ttt e gond Company (or (fAtt in <ti blin tact tlmey have and die Ira. satisfrd try am Wit tit ointe 0f whacever oliie put alrrady with die retaiiu aP. lives a. ycui brui.).", Noc onty dor titis agu. tntresduly. women. divorocd, Mngle Voi .aiarahIy mer do, <tir large font wit couic chillu_ people tend Io mittn ie mom ac- combing dowui i &isnes chiai BuLk> or Cocrt tive due whhi "W ir linga. l'tre am OY or wbaievrr wints Company. Two diingo us ponUle expmmala - for exaiupl. sibliiog Blà aboue wbg wen, m overcd. or me ehiddosa Mny **if you lat me hmv dis pet t'il ho yo %andl u fort depivod o kindmp. Or pum slow,. ymu bra fietm, nd your (avmuge cr- ttmY me ampIY mor avMd" beo.s Bety wmhor for MW rosi ormy aimth lice." As dont bave nhilân uwoly Ms yon wili conte us ocpt tit rai But *Moi (Mm me * 'mtY Ici"a u0 de prooue ms YOD kit dmo buiof dote 0evy mu of M oAW u ari.d old toiho bcou-a Cimt DM~ mme t4e yau My r-m Io r-e (oued -6he in y VBe rrlismddP die rancit -mlm . lua day doualdma The uieru à ho u M a.ti m d M aB i due yau've hmqio Mi <i rotoeimbitay. H4e tuovo claliondi m ifa a livl (W &«aY. "W Yom wo ourlike fuiI. lb qwtai (or bulld) du atiMisy. me Ail1 mocnocome, t hmu atubleoc di u coll- *daat6euR= *-a ropWuY.- Of ""» ,ae loi kÀgu womt hm a pet. m fr. quoiol. - dit Bey -ont be n.m' balo eor4ceautg adol me ec 1ui you (or Boey) need a fiai. ln im tiqai Pattnerâ' ut0 cut penif mm fie.s sud mSilii. mocia dà-m ald id Be olo, " M o" Io je ainoi boxanc e amm m y-e in Nmooi Ile M11e pople, or lu dis çm. Bie HOC1 your 1oda rad Baimosui Mm m u gtO -cmms wbe W A @,,iued cif. 't roil over Beeîhbvena-l