1087 TOYOTA TERCEIL Saison Wagon Ear lunt cosalion. 5 spesil. 9 .Oe $5.200 Plions 1178-1907 111044 iOROLTD V. ecoalai -odo N.e W«es W40 mab*Wsed AM ie pe 230-2748. lm7 CAMO, bam sutes, or. W oeifed. s peinf. new transmissionl. nu rubber. air .mien pbý. pc. $6.00 or beut aIl.f 76 0234 ahlai Sp. m GORUD LM. a 410 8111115 AVE. OVER 75 CARS & TRUCKS WE BUY CARS PMIATELY AND WILL CONSIER CONSIGNWENTS 875-227 itEeILfMU$CII, W Fb@bhr4 300 engle, 4 boit mmu. camp cdilipanie B.V. beed and lau- réleu d mkit, mil mun., SM5 O.NO 0am Coipartn of the Town of tAlon ie i- opain Tendlers for dme Suppy aid Installation of Oporeal" Besebe Lighten as Omagli Tenidu Faim aid Specdfualsons ae avag- aSe bross the Depamnient of Leesure Services. vidlontarkl Square (Brow urso elc Mary) wilo. Croise. AJI Tortillea Ie b subnOloed slould bue placied en c seaWe Envefope elucli clewsatu 1W satue of the Tender Lgusf or any Tender- so necessmip aptaid Tenidus m uacepuied un@ 2 00pme local bon on Mondal Augubi f0. 1992 et On lIi loisin additio Toun of Millesn victoria Park Sqare, PO' . Box 1000 ILST 480 JE~IER REYNOLD0S, offeclar of Laese . SINco. NOTICE TO CFIEDITORtS In Nh restie of Pfidp WWhled, Propoty Manaer. de-eaied. cf porions fuavmng clami n oaiso aga the esitme ofIta abovej ind ,i W* Ngth Tous, id Wlas In Nh Reponal Muisdpebr of Halase mette led ut Nre Cipy i Héaisin on Nh 241h day of Pabnsay I902 as, requieS la FM -rg cf sais wMl Nhe widersbgd on or blre Na 2»O day 0f Augut 1992. Aler lut dame Nh Psbli Tnaie vil prmuasd la disius Nu 05mWbl, blsg regad onll la Nh clais of mbusbbh'e lmies fse bend ' > . D&a Toronla Mà 2-h de id Juiy. 102. 145 Qu.eue Slrsal. WOUl Torontoa, Ontio.e MSH 2N@ Filse 83792-016 COWDWRTER, HYFOTH uiAKL$ NU EXPEMDIC NEcESSAR. Emmi monq "0 = Wu oln bmw h uils Mok or Pen Ifrmnation, bord a mg dliauad sosnPe anvel o: la UM Ensuiuit.. PýO J9bs 31601. 3290 Scyrluu Avis. jîlor0, York, Ornano, V2I< 2Y5. E aita Îlgnt WVANTEID 1 OR 2 DEOROOU Aparleli. fW Young prolescona couple Augustf o efIeber 1 Phione Mails, SI9-8a-027ý 25Fr Rn 3 SMDOOU TOW»OU, lridge Mnd slow mdkude6 Finit and laur. relerance need. SI.00 a mraii plus ullbe Avalbl Sepsas- bâti lit Cal 054-556 4 BE0000U, 2 aiorvy defacbel bouse, Outrage, 5 aImpaices. central ir and cumiatu mbduded, $1.225, wavUbom edellp Phone, 876-0W2. 070-0000 A bRUff IT 4 RY 3 bedroan Super ne*~- bousbood 10 moinues nonit of arin Country bêchunt. Efecive rang $095, Sepsnibe 1 No di luae S 519-053220 LARGE 2 badroots tomnhouse style, 4 eppànm.se$OOOmonUr plus tagettes en Acton. ÏALHO.4 <OÏ.- 2 bedroom, sure dekAý2 irndtf $750 moneihy -lt utlisées. Ome andi lest 416-624-0M aller 5p lee 290 Artmn Rent 1 BEDROOM. Ocunfrn Georgloar $420, pl.ulUMM AvMdbl mmelicey, 873-M74 2 MIOROOM Grousil floor of bouse in Canpbehlle. $700 encludnrg sant. aise 3 bedrocm tuxsîy 1,500 sq. fi artmest. denverione Melon. SM plus utilss Atsk o iv Si R Poor, Asims llaune 876-2366, U4 ONTARIO STREET NORi, fMine newlp, deoralied 1 bedromoutient en conlol sec- cm bi-ng.aiale Septembor I SM5 plus bpdo 519-02 2267 FOR RENT In Georgetown, 2 bedroomn apasl-nent bru park.ing, fendit & slave Avait"l August V/02 $SM plu lb. Cuit (416f 876- 0650 CLASSIFIED 875-3300 fr ÀVAILAUSLE SEPTEMIER 1. 2 bedrenosi a"pabmmt. $623 and 1 bedrooti apemet, $401. kIndui adiai and parkig lmr 1 c. Nasrre and place ofislé l, siennale sopliuy lo Don 0100. nie Caar Chaspn.m 9 Min feel. LOT 4NI. AVAILAOLE SepWnamu Inl Aila. 2 A 3 shopping. Cam Mid cad Ienualed. $00 à $750 raspecWllp?4pd exs. 1519) IS&.os CAMPBELLVILLE VILAG. 1 bedmai. WU second Nooer witb pivaise enrancaý $40 monifily. Avale Seplbtw lit Cal 854-2181 gheing bU woab and puseonlmlsteei. FOR RENT., Ie oosiiy a os bedrooi ki, lunWflmhd Msimat Phose 11711-2791. 3 SEOROCU TOWNN4OUSE, S350/mont, inclusive, Femabe/non-enMla prelbrredý lm- madMe occupancy. 070-3003 CENTURY HOUSE, Io share mrielhewd perion, raer Carsmpbellus and 401. $5W0 enmih ffl 0069 MHARE AU. FAaUTIES lu Sinforidble ountiry bosse $335 moniily. utib« es cluded 876- 4117. SI4AUED ACCOMMUOOATKON, doIIIse GO. mdai Laundry "akmu. $4OOlmg el drve 875-1507. 309 Roomns Available 1 FURNMEO ROMN aieble essolf $232 p. monde Appéteices wbduded Mailgei slave Ai, for Loe. 675-7537 ATTENuTION -Roonis. beobef or andl new I bedroosi aparfsnl i, eai.lumsings.f TV. tn. aid sois). sObles aid Wm Si 0deso aid up Fo gond peopples 077-eSE lOURNSHEO ROON for rontins ait condionnel Touuubouse. dos la met and but route House psièges mws la coiptlos pool $e5doelf. suit maltaisr eotsng "os~ Cuit aller 6 tem Aoriday la Fnclay, anyores on monekende 878- 46Q7ý 315 Commercial & IndusL Prop. REASONABLE INOUSTRIAL UNIES lot rent 1.050 la 3.20W sq Il Secrefwuda Sevacon preees. 875-12W0 or 1-416-275-6034 32 Ne& B iwns Soe SAVE DY 9MARS40 Office or esai &puce dosimin bb Apçossul 450 tu IL LmW of pamloq For mace miomao 78-004. I ____________ i FOR SALE $135»D0 mms umh a Ilpe. Ftd. mm. walur éyu and dawhuehe. KaIen moal~ nid bands. 3 oeihg fane. Suluslg poo In usnçie. neW GO $UMM. paem tior 8m0-477 AnyUkm NOeAgneaPb-ec FOR SALI OR RENT TO OI lTés luxury 1 be-e-oots innio biMasb Vilages on Mu Pm. Cal Gauy Thomas. mlas/ieuMtenonne Reelly, Corte for furîber delaili. Loi. Low Dourosymnn 878-2305S MVfATE SALE. -JAI $129.000 M Laitier Avensus Toeidama lua àbaal. Meuf dacor illrougbtout. garage. central' , .oesiçly ieIeed. 078-16W. PRIMAE SALE Prelima 2 ia" mbaMg 4beon (masser badree him shouer lu esal bug -ous). actre baue mauni tendrese. 3 batbtomn. pare~e gau* mass alM 1sW - fre 1 and taac deanr Lrges hl roo and diin mon, p-i Mm* Mmi 11, ail breaws ase Dm"ljg wmi doer inf mals al.Fw"ced:Eesàa n ai, abriten vas.. assiomabo ga ç opu Sd above grossnd pool. neu broadNoosi nd Adelng $M M.90 878-1109 WANM - 3 becicon bunigalow loi Odob 30, fAat be in good onditin. 87-9M32 TRULEX REAL ESTATE INFORMATION, non, on pour bosse or oftice compule Usat Tour moemeripeil ompulser aid cutm oni Butl.nglon.076.13000. trot Brampton/Geor- gelown-873-141 I or brot GO'TornA-338- 0 4 0U S se R 8 2 OPEN HOUSE Oendey, Asuuel 2,2.4 104 DNIAMA RD. W, MILTON Clai CI Trlaw Rond) Hall air cuntry. 3 beonired bndul bungalow. 2 car garae Cal OISELA L. BOENCE $48410 Salate AmP. CAdacy 21. MatIer Pea Esta Lut f I i i -0 ra ni ~4YOUQ f IQ&T CHoIcUý» For Premium Used Cars 4bassbl 005A ON OU LO WE HAE. iV LOO -..-..--. .- BEIN TH C*PEITO -. iDA I.