'~o919 Red Eurich*s wiming attitude vili be carried on tei uitiveruity Uhit (.1. Hets met lte challentge of livtng vish die eueds otf camebrât puty &M hms bit fmi- Mmi mapétel oa. See page 10 Feattfr Zý ...12 40 li ......... 13-14 Claalfled...17-19 MWiltowne Emterprisj SULMMEN OF OuALW<y 876-2M8 Halton has $18 million to get people working Business to create hundreds of jobs wM~ -govemnment seed money Tj ýjEL n a press conferen«4Cbrmltt Rcgion's ad- flic moncy is geaird toward helping chtose who rilo i.~ mmisihative cesia lis dakvtile laui Fniday. Mr. have cxhausted tbcu unemployment insurance Schoteits stIilon Norlt MPP Noel Dwignut benefits or ane on welfare. flic chaumas otf Haiton Region's social ser- ygqajoffh ambîbous job creation suaaegy. flic -~UYou tbmnk about the hufm vices committc says lthe Ontano govcmment h~ oâvinciai govemnw H spnl 11. t billion on side&' M. Scholtcnu sid. "fltink given hint sinte mtio heip rebulid tun i over Uih es 1bc thm ; s andi espects tihe k about dit broken lives. lThe peple lives. cle ý- money viiilli t o 90000) new jobs. tho sic ai homne - titey'rc not Ralpit SchWtn ecLs ton1 provinci Hiton Region bas been choscit to alinsinster lazy. How woulli you like to have dollrs iiiflo mt~I*for te Jobs Oniano the progrant in itis aiea. 'mn exciteli aboqi tItis, Not a holiday for tvo yeas in te esplye hnn traininig fuid reccntiy just dclighted.' Mr. Scholtens toM gstited prtmnne o youlife?flta's adisir. ceaed b ren's Park. reporters.aelM .JOdna. 4$ijcal welfare cheaters target of investigations PrKARM ~~3 don"é mt haive specific data in Halon tu say sof. occurs wheit soclpiectl (ail te dlaim itcone Tea rwwhoer ve fit witin Ot" tic "id or cht of titeir spouse. "flbey (meni) neglect to flic mifluit otf moncy lit clgsm atre costg cei us lia titeir vit is wtriii.,* Min ts nexi on dit lixi for invcstugaoe crack- maxpayena ta Mms unbknn be said. However, tie Wbile Mebt an oibeno sta up à bottine ing dcvii on fiuiahuionî volfa clsncs. Relgîo riccvered $342M)O lm t heougi faie nick-nâmd "muleit lite" for citisnn Io report Simmiar action to finil chars« laid apais a volfae claiu l ye, lic said. "V/e hae dite in- woltfo acqeti ley beieved acre choelmng Btington wonta itcher titis vek Li especteli divituhl puy bock dit Regio&" lte rsntm, nuci a memme it requwed ini Hall- Io folIote in Milton. sid Euis Kaiof, die In lune, ie Region boned -n eWiibihty reviete ton. mid Nt. Rati. Regîon'sacting comunam ofocial ievices. offi cri 0 nvadgmatemiacous clama. A foarmer Ne " id z d ioth infiormation 0Iop r apto Doet 4 a&d per ccii of Ontano welfarte Tontuu aid acouver pollice oÊl'icce. Pate 'e"y phonos Iq our office and raine thc msu. " rociptnts; are choetng on th iots da ms. utiat Foula S ver ith police on investigations, mo- >à4 Knui d chargea 4elaclig à0 uailet Mr. Ratio!. Dut ho coult't uy Nov nuey of the ly dasiqg iihuatioi. aiM dam in Milt Mo oseo bc laid clpic lise in Hali.. A eommin typa or velffo flu. Mid M. Ka- vidaits à voe