CLASSWED NOM:A Mlon.--F@: S3Gn-pu Classffied.WM lyour classified Hoiiine 875-3300 CLASSIFIE!) INFORMATION The Canaduen Champion Classified Den foi tbc Wednesa ama~1i CIlied D)iàplayT. Mon. 3 pin CIaneifi.d wonl adi & Canage Salea: Tuesday il am. LUE" Exiâsdi EUiIIoD: Clasoaflsd Diop[a), Wed. 3 pn . nTlurdaillam FAX 878-4943 Enf &Basnd Ou0isiom Th. Rulamar.. . hada I.h.itY 9« typog.Phàc.rra .Py aal.i,. hy th. ,- Pa00 tha hIF f.mlc pvunPéd hy th as M. I. parma . dm.alaî UNIT -Jour Fond Sm ma Ilisd faono. fIereait tue UU I. a*yCMUO% sf ing 1lb 14 or Welaea. ilaalil =N 12 ozý on Jiy 17. 1992. PauigaiiiaU1 fleiiail and Boin 9V*M oi OBs em R n Fa loiys mai -_ Unaa A Pas NAYKALYK.UOCELLAEO G-enad 9UMay Na~lap i a plsd fa ai nounas the forilcoming marnage of thii da4tar KNahaaiy-Am bIo FI -i -g am of Jas and 1 uida McCaiaid The weddig aUl tom. -W ai Grâce Angi0can Chiwctt on Seçaa.tîs U tom DRUMMONO. CH4ARLES JAMES - Jaly Ili 1979 -i à*2,3 . In0 hi NinS iafiYo a bobvd son and bug. Mmo aaalsd as -o on au day ai yaiw lf Ford aasj slae0 a n a al Wms yan maors lon oy. For ymm Cliarlsue à âon>atiraid wwae Gai let us hsïFI you tr a yen on bon ha sua rso *"g forIs -chafasons Sieploisas, Kas ad tma' PELL. . I lovag masiaory CO EkN m Pol mia pnaed amay Auus 4. lus4 V9at wed give dl s caMa Halo. Ded fi fia sane aid way To Iéar yota, vais. ses, yoar singla. To ad arih yS and dM sfl To pas mia hmv a glis. Chos im fa cas e For youl r~es au. tu hiaurh 75g poIla.f.iyrdl 40 Coed P hanks NOTICE, CriO DAY HOUDAY - Q MBAE COLLECilO - fusa wM be nm gatiqe ochedan an MONDAY AUOUST 3 Gaaebjn la i = e Wu bumab WEEK 0F AIJGUST 3: RCLAR AY Moaldy, Auguli 3~ Tulmday, Aulud 4 Wdnsmday, Aupidt 5 Thulayr^qmjs e COU i TKa IIAY Tu.mday. Afflot 4 Waiuoday. >Uiue 5 fllu.da. Au"pu O Fdr. Auqad 7 Pldr up of Flécycls niatdi uli be domi on dma aam day ms tii gatiqe pe4. s - .J. D. MATTI4EWS, P. En. Mase ai Pusll Wou 1 1 WOULD LIKE To OiaUM f amly. ftiads and 1 naghoan I. corde. ia. ai"Vdvuat 80WWgf f"p aly mi Nospita A apeud -Ii. - -ay AOUNW SEPMÎ TANK PUPINO WE hUM TO EXPfifl oIE s1ie515 tad Io Tapes. CD Disco. Wathhes, Jewellery, -3 racla dsePadma Sai. Io ma" PaS own4 um ids and noég~hom b hi o Ch Toola, Tires à linua, TVI, Sliatubooed. Golf oas'îWO for *0 as l- loaci > s egadrasin aid sapassent ci aube. Type~as, ce Padbs. Camnrs. tic Pu.ap bolsm Ira ése Wlai a""*m o, rcenthm f àdeur"Io mmand(Shoeid pu"p ai WM oveiy 3 Yanm> gnaiônoliar Special IIhaniw Io Rev. Roben FDAY, AUGUST 14, 1»f2 Niav. usa, coare or jaat pi lsi M Ps. Hyde and aFe J SaS EaFly Fien 10 i.WW d PU L <510>) "4M mous Th Pa au a a.n EXPENCE ýS N TOWN? AUCIO I ; AAESL .oer US PUJTOUT GARAG SAL .YrEMA l0 134 ROBINWOOO CRES. YOUEMAI~ August lst~ 8-12 me.M4piwrmsésos» m SUE MURRAY MARYILYOUNG 5 du Fan -w cd u64419 FuMM&îwe » sud a hm -om unit "s et hami ha.. hatai we bs- PMOVOCBAAI ana P" cbm "* <ai wau la and Ean""a 11nt ai pMW PN0ayi la ,bila. LMd iau, à* le. 07HI&1U4 fia mim à='a aidm lotaii 7 Cais,____< MssaidMo MW 87535 p mm MMs a -hf THE OFRCE OF mmwu hr sous Wb& Oibu one. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION (Faui t *ae Biupasi W^»oe@p@ @ie.a.os WILI BE OPEN ON QwmUyBa aqla ""n*t. Uai. CDf- ONDAYS WflL 6 PiM. ______hm____.- -- TO SERVE YOUR muae dà* dok M 'u ma MM » WISSEI) NEEDS -MO sa Il - - n ' dde - 9 M m ~ ras m m m "w . «« m au MiP m~ -aller__ 2FauIOu.a -ryt. fied- l a pdiU5.f A ~ ~ %le lesi. .3 off Usianlà . eV 4 $&M. 1 .51* cou9M f374r4 We CLASSIFIED -ue o 875-3300 'a I ie