Armed man faces three charges in domestie dispute A% brgaadlt oiai lied Maiio OPP stoppeait à CEa o i pohoçeýM Wrml home MO@diy nil ~ BHwy. 401 veinind nimp 10 alier am reeted ta aliotW POU > CE LOTTIERT Guelphi Lisse Sunday ditermon. he ao=asa 31-yeu-old coin- An w O Ummo" piste atac mon-Iw hushanai lits; boca clarail isaul &[tur an incideattiià friend'a hWl boom sepor.Ud i10la a dis- .11ith eateazg. wapom danger- heie n o '0t _sdeod covere in taWl velfili a boi 3 ClU in de public peace. aid assault. A 22 -aodWEm.p»a a. pan.. saa OPP CoL Dive T'homas.. A doincauc dispute ai h Chartes and à amn aere vmwn u" m Ial e ausaeci wu chwrged aida pas Street home, wicl was -sashoit fiena aita the aoni au as. session of sien pngeny, driqi up' daring te ordeal. escalatd oui saultid. Police ada a -ai folloamai aith ai impuper Iiccea, aid fafiù 0< coneul nt Il pan., police sakd, tht aunai alia lt atat aioa à t mXOe- inuaance. A man. armed ahd à ge. bedromn La gel lier pusse. H4e p c '- sot ieM llarteatmd ta kilt a 24-yeu-old wo- bue CMl dmi bed Md heId bur vis Crles hsee man. A suspect as vresird a<er M above lier head. A 24-yeou-oOn- Thse regional dump amèer etaouf- jumpeai off t secand-floor bakcony mzioStregwns a ascud L on on Highaay 25 asde milet of of Le hme. olie sad. icenie latsrecveitd deves wlao sile a cordblest phnt 0<0e t cham Liot lt ooaod <om tht job SMi office ataiteae on Aaiait dasi. A 19-yeir.od Couson Aveaiue tht aoekeed Mit phoss au valuie -A Miltan mai au chueda aid a n fme seveal chises after <lie ai about$100. MILUONNu MILUTONE SAlA s. - & Accord lx coupe 5--spw. iSÇ ON SALE It'i officiai. Ho"d Canada Imc. bas sold its One NiIIiostt Honda in Canada. The Accoffs imtpressive conibinaton of performasice. cSofet and style leaves littlt worider whty it il consistently voted «Ont of theTen Best Cars in the Wardd and the No.] sitiling car in North America t1re years in a rvw. Your Ontario Honda Deanr are proud of the accorrplishsment and we're cehratung.Every Accord 'n Ontario is nou, on Sale!'3 ~~1.1.10 la' MW' i.wsh Msa How 1» -9 .'Iu. 110SbelAve East lre.ghtl Uý Milton mnd'.l>.E. Tel: 876-4747 New homes for Moffat Gcny Bromz MW énlita »ty Io1m bav l uonteng dose ose lm pwqaery. mmB eina Io oeqmol tu dut. Ison could oedy aines md a cucte of ti1 % f tgO~ venana Mion's atisig pBn*« iNfcte, Jole rIsx nid dmi inigl bc a toasts seil ai r.ogimWu p name boun il would proaby bc im- poable a mm ~rw lied cass my Ixebenu aXk Mo SM$i' well, dnid they oSr 11w ooly way 10 niai do"an -YM picai pe 0<511e ua alr aagply would be aith a coespchoenive neground wiser atalysis, aid Halluh blked ai ding dut for tw ,lm usa die 'citde recessico, despile Milan*s prodding. Mr. Sales' subdivision approval pad tasaci unanioudy. al- dicugl MoM dam 30 Conditions, nuaY Of dtans aavMvnmetly Te- l"e. arn: iaclu<fd -AEASA MITO RAIO *- CA TAN * E ATE PP01iE 'S DANS ,'IHE YO à ,1 (3G YSTONE GOLF CLUB presents-. e4"" %!d Buffet Dinner & Fashion Sho* by Green Ginger Saturday, August Sth, 5 pm Cold Papaya Soaqp Grtled Monkfish Melon Rai Sczlad Currsed Chlcken Ginger Dean Salait Roast Leg of Lamnb Jarnaico Corn Salad SoiffTon Riceplauutain Key im Pie Coconut Cream Pie Banana Cake Coifee tea $25.95 &*ze gralitnes u,,cluded) ENJOY FtEFOOD, TH1E FASHIONS CARIEBEAN STEL BAND MUS1C Cail Greystone for your reservation! * 875-388 Goeston Golf Club offers business lunches in our louag; even ing nieal in aur dinwgrni Sunday bnanc &Wd bosquet facilities. Open Io the Public by reseraticê 875-3808