n em_ M1I1(" Mill St., Mitto<i OPTICAL LAB 'F0R FA&r MICHAELIS OIMrCAL 878-055 *mAIST 1 . LO W mfflUA J0920com feels abused by the pOlMiti proome aW the eonmcriles% Of 'the game. Aneconomie jurlâdcton wher elal citizens unde rstnid the challenges adbenefits of worlng together to creafé wealth to eiWiaoe An economlc Jurlsdictlon where there is nlo trust. We Ne&I Youir IZed We are Ontarlo's smawLV<inesses, and we comprise the -backbone pf this provinoe's eoonomw. Our conoern Is for ail Ontarians. * The propoeed Ontario Labour Reaions Act is one skked 111 conoelved, poorly timed, and la a hurtfful p"eo f leglslation which bas absohitely no support ln1 the busines community. Va a o tutgahiI Mai' or Tux us Todayl ' : F1 ~ytES 1 belWev the Moood chwtg to the làleur Itelatt Act am L...Jbad for OMSUi bwsinu antd wWI meerly hurt the Provto of Ontarlo. ltoa Cimm of Commerc à .0. Mr mS 11.1011: OtubLM IAT I