Rash 9f thefts from autos %is Hahut Regemal Police -JUdC ci a Soenter of HaOM ame silq for dis pubis - mm i n klemlyln tIsa pensas muqionlb for a amis of Ilft finssaomobils in Dwiug a 12-day'period bô- twem luly 6 sud 18, dec City of Burluguo experienced n ra" of 165 sntnes go privai mtstuotiles. lu mot Cases, dis veicle's lilse duleves wageted cauh aid Cur mmso sysumm for the mmn pant, but disfts nvoived televitloui set, walleus aid ccl Muar telqulirees a wel. Damage caued by p-a due entry nom cose a vesp of S200 for repa tio dms Win- dows. This dieu w"al $33,000, 7ii dm ns stakie mo amuen ctes aaSa value of dis pro- perry and cash solen fto die cars 515Cm' ie initial dwfflg As s result se ail psy. Iu- sWIVIýCC COStI eCalmu sud las esiforcemeut oe is u as sel. If you hava'so'y uforrmasuaa that leadi #0 -m --sei in lr or any or/mer case, yon oesy Se eligible for ïyash rr'âs 4yp Io10 leM Mase i -5W>- 878-00l 'stIti.. & Caoodk Fond 181 MMNST E 878-45l ' MaFini ONREOtST Singing tetns at Bible club A gueqo y0ff PM*g po ferm Oeff an umag Mllaâ&à Sgmo--ed by &-m flçu Co.dt, abou 30 *emuoes h. m es dis sougomn mae âme m mmu mai hay. %li ysmuha urved Momdy ai poefumid a concert ai Motn Mal dm dunm md evmsiq. "Ibeme 30 yooeg People were fâl u l oven die Sm of Ocigua,', ai Rsudy Gaa. à mmende of GraccBnibil Chuach. ..%Y arc suW lhg Part in dise Socls Avenue chmcs Back Yard Bibi Club shih ongoCoin daily dût ses.k frons 10 &.m. to f005 at JEW. Fone Scluool aud Honby Commuukty Centre. AU actaitie are fre of chapg.. butit fans Gaurgh ahu for a u» n ' me hmç on a i-abt &et" aoimi lIts pL AN MOR ** S SE PI.. 24 expoleilim fil oar" vals at. VOis l.<I rO adibtki Som Fsu ts istmnis rus Funrdumwrai 74uy conI. mi a rab of 24 eofflff film.a@ i. avlhbt ini 9998. plr* and nrga it only 92Wl plus tas. and but of ddhîSOC tramý eurY c&amus sold gmu tii nPorPt Ns.saa MoUslqw Osillivns Chuallua twry F.hm carilu alto c"mu il ua agus $9.9 (imIA la)flmp0rm fu tuas Induis U2 in Mdwmbt Su Curmbum aam y. ot » Camer as Mcbonuds todoy &Wd loup Io Ii -- --m m s ~ Rent hikes stuck Wt 4.9 per cent Lmodîm vil MW be le inmme. rmnt by 4.9 per c mnà 19 undr aum rma 1 « u imesln -meuy m byt ediam~fycifHoumo lIe 4.9 pW cent gisideie ia the "U lb bclcujsrd inier die new ent Comm" Act ad et à maduto hme die 1992 gukitdella6peoes. lii. guldelmoe 15 dime ar-nu by wtik à landlSd cml in- CmU die meut for a uni pet yew. Mou Onm oft recave à f5m £Octass no geue thon ds guidelîe. lu mma cuam laidrds may ask for a n oeuse of qp tu 3 per cent above dbe guldeline for neseuuy, legltimiu repu, or for hiaji nmmus in aiditue or wropery taxs. To roreve an abo,,e-' guidelmn isseuse à laulotd muse jusuify dhe cmis ut a met ILconxcl linmu . ON A HUGE SELE,~. 'SPRING & SUMMIR MERCIIADISE' SHURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION' 'LOOK FOR THE RED-SALE TAGS!. Éaie in dffectjo JU2 - August 8, 1992. Sale goods sMas- hL AUil ie fini. Look for the red sale =.Pleas Nte.1s Rom lqcations som item may be et price Iowea thamour repiar chalki.tore prise. Where titis 'cofrpetitve pu1 occua, thue ainrtiud maffl w be off our regu- IVluiah-store piS. ~~I4 Mau3 E The Boat ln SeIwtion end Prim Anywh.re i C-ADA ý(1CEST 9 AS ýIU1 ; tbM COIS Y FU£W 101,