Spark dies early in romnans Ski Su.asf Fuelvalm Nov. 13. M"t. Cbaueno sa YSali yeda, Yeu know die amy flotwo Mo.Iague S amheuodadSTAGEJ Netn av~u lamed plots an Jutaitemmwo m Siteq cona, aie, pus on lier clwpy way. ly salid pcdaonnaioe. Im ahwnn flie i992 SteWord pradictxi of Rouie and John c>e. no spot la bei lulkci can't decrMe wtmich type of play it semi Io be and dito Acuoni Ciinolin's Rowfoflow. Fali culst ,p a adle. Coeduiiag die vinanic aspects ée as liatices ta je lie, w Uic pdm ys Uic always played op, it is nice ulien à production cmi uili qait, se dm&&h. Lite Fallows.b lis a Mec i emepliis oua die vialence. Fot a violeit play ileus hiaing die mata. aehi his lies, beimg l li m god ae'se manie note n die ait neglecc place. climbing. kiesng. liandlig dhe eouh peint dut the Wbi chanacters am barcly teenagers &M be unmg? No. *oidia ti n lm mani of ee traits of dmt Young. Ilf you've neter mm oueo and lui et gc Srtodspraduction lnvely mncludes die ele- balance betweeui dlie dlice mont imipoan a miens, bue noc tad Bex ceneoeauay la alterlite style play, lame violence aid yawli. Lamn Kene aid fcl of tlie whute play. Rinaice îe flot pielied ta die as 'lýWbLt UnfixtunaielY, ta lie Mmeaable, sitte, esihe it camtpetea wetl dlie violence and thte youdi of Ronic aid luliet neede i0 etie aides. le of dmi praieagon.uts. te die point wclice noa element titaïe à gent 7fbalt. ae à gent Meecuwj. le ni predlmùms. fice productian ie dirutancee. Mack Oij yauth and inespuieice. Or, Pertiaps put af thc prablem is dise Colim Feou. wtlo play-up ehaased betacen families and neai plays Ramca'e fricnd Mercuejo, whitaj killeil carly in secs. fleese hiegs ame rccy donc aide dic play. es imply gie beest cir an dic stage. Witen lic Jadiei. If yau mnuet, waik tc play ta jas rone Ieaveit îe, play lance nmucli of jas zip. Odlirwjsc put, wan't-te to mcmrorablc but ai Ieast dic bl wien Mercutio us die beet tlisng going in yaur produc- lite ii. Dan't liowcvci, try ta do alPtlicse Lh tie of Roqico aid Jutie, yau're in troublie. ot wiliat talents equal Io M. Foem int -LEisuRE Summer is afun lime Whuie dic Mâlas Leme Ceuie provides fret-dus jodor ite- mig. dicte'. no conmpuBen 10 bcing lnut igrest adomn. pflae iii yc ongle ame lmi and pienty of alue lays fice lMm. liee poal la open faot >ie 9wiunsing daily hum 1 ta 4:30 p.m. Ainejujon coïas $2 for adulas, $1.50 lor cliidren ami youts, or $5 pet Ianîly. Mso fcatueed ine icpak us a su- perviied wadueg pool for Uic smal fey. at no0 charge. Lac niglie ewîenmers may bc inter- eeec in Uic Icisurc cene-e's Mid- njgitt'hlalnes evecet Aug. 14. 1lic specia swum runs IMMn Il p.m. Lp 12:30 am. Ticktes caie $2.25. How about a littie adventuaee? Actian-paeked pnograin Yauiit Ad- ventpie Camp bas bois specilly dcsigncd for oldeccyouethaged 1l in 16 yeae. te includes fut l3lled ac- tivitieta keep participants occupied ail day. WlI. Dsck Middle Scluool is die location of Uic supecvised proae. 'fic nese two sessione wbcl arc dieal f ie sason -run frorn Augus eae7and August 1 uta 14. flue Auguet 4 session, wlucb un- cludis a bus trip ta a local twuist au. traction, casas $34 while Uic Auguse 10 session will no tuip casas $27. Yauds with epeeja ns sen; in- vited ta jais thc prograi, but par- ticupante muse pravidle ti ows cmr givec if ouse-to-ont supervision ierequee. TIie worid la gk playground A suimer full af fun andi friendslips for boys aid girls agcd 5 10 10 ycue is available theougl Uic Tc"e's playgraaid propranes Crafts. gaines, trips. special ceente, amd mucli Mart art afmeg the higliligias of Uhc supervisei pro- pain heM Monday ta Fruday for lui! "8:30 amn. ta 12 none or 1 go04 p.m.-) or full (8:30 aim. 10 4 p.m.> days. he pragai s avaululle ai four School - Robes Baldinu J.M. Daes, Sheerat, aid Drookville. ficlbest sessions will bc licld August 4 La 7 (uncluding à trip ta Oiitaa Pinte) aid Augua 10 Io14. The cmn for Uic Auigux 4 session je $27 for dic ful-day peegeu aid $8l fot de half-day japan. flic Auguet la Unsion Casm $19 for Uic fll-day aid $12 for Uic bail-day. Day passez me availaie lor clilrc aiciiag lim tlian a feul acet fllic cmn as $4 pet flil day and $3 lier bail day. New d tisumini m Uic playground peapan la cslcndd au- poere.o aidai pravides cure fot eltidie dwint dieu p;nit'cm- m«àgd wSad o ut.e Sallerva6on taite pila il Hogl Peam Ham. aid âe chimf am walld 60 Md fica JIL DhnS - *dypopun kicoalea dieB On Irip daya, exSeudid superlejo aim W lac ne a Ramiy PNt comu, msuity Cana. TUi bours m 7130 me 8:30 a&m. ($2) aid 4 te5:30 p.rn Au * gab pmvgai lot peeple aili qoch aee. nue se die Rebut Baldwin piaypw mt Rii- du on Mmn i l~e f0 on lu six peepi par aici. -d pntkuas not pia: vide diefl cmuu gaver if ancta- osi qulelfon laregajsed. FRE ACTVTO s:z se.ý