strawbeny festia ipe )ýr"ùndoa 0h Spaaplg Sb.y IauVWl mic t Uuum I" aIM» wd a utaflcmcoa~ et ul àU ipeghfily 1hm. b., 2.S35OO Mmy duah t Io oedeu mdlU Ma. nl m ec lpqopl 1SaI* me fl8 Radi UnJefhd. a y.WUà.l md . ywUg*h bacuefes), 10 dit Kn*b of OCoIU.ê.Be aloq wui i *o ou . 1W. in Roeavay Ho wbh did a mwJob làafi . uâ 11mb abh 10 Dl Ra>w Md Ms bemmeilul hoa= = iaia Na" fo ar i tuiçu eatm@Wmeu. laou ur tsglbmayl Whe law bii mep# in buc rcid PFar higa widi dmt flye d" b L l Wmt IPage one S caitu <uN Mia.Gqdls la ThtChuyimo m 10 !MLnoet Som@ plants and p Dm dlimr:1 1w ymu know dma pldmàmn. buttercups &-4 ,tioàdduam mt tim cammon plants dma ne pioaou lapaI? lbey mt. Vflheo ac sevcral hbtded plants. dma have been inimed sa pecatu- mng physbiogicsfly active or laxic substance dut cm be hwmful to ii. Omuan Sociay -fer th J .tO ofl 0< uely la Matiais (Oitau Humant Society) bas produccd, a pamphlt eutitli 'Pet aad PoIsdas dim lis veral of hic P -iau pilla (Md dit plant' imic PaMU) dot con hwn yau pet. Tlu pamphletah lia bts othu b hm- fui substances coammoniy foetal 'uaoat ditbre ht dut humlui to Bec"u dice is virtuatiy utun- iiaiated aunber of powetaiiy laxic i-sacs.dcec heun umnber of symptom prescrnt inan afrecti maia. Au antimai dthm hasi gested.' *abtd thmogh dit skin. or id haWe a lic mateuiai, may shia> am e maieo of the flloiaq cci.. oea. a upaou vc, disettes.. aagi Ia km of coeedlian. hemdln difrKiiies, convulns tollaMs or deatit. If your pet hm hem paàsoed it is àapol*t toat't quickiy and rugon- sibly. Have dbt plaine ndunlea of #We vetuwma md pxm acoara cete nmarby. If dit m" ni be- havitlg abnacmail or qanl ià. contat a vetttiib iAtttDdtey foi midaiui fSa it free pasaphiet Penla d Poisons dia listaeammeof t a.m- mcm poison pets m exmiad %o.a wtII a jnlemau cmobosia dt cSmmon syu*pta. a pood pet dauws. mesnq y proceduse wbich cm bc takeat loaumies a paisonti pet sudi lun case of pustu cn lie avoitled send a aell-fred= . uaaped cnvebope - la: hta' S.P.A.,Publaclan DWpatanni ets don*t mlx 6640 Yaqe Sicte, Newnukei. >nhuia. WY MY N. GDMff4Wi#VUI * oa*dmwuooedkuo ~mb>~mane S iJ * 1JJUE ePRINQS Play jater, -Pay Less -.front just ý2O LA E D A (A, P qaowÈbAYS,'35wEEKND *953-0904 '2OWEEAiSMMWE a - f r.- .