C-eb*Me.l This p.opey bas It Bd- gSe O.0v, -0h09, POnd ibeaf. forel andà cuatobuit biai bungoow MI' màn-Sloo fouir "Mnm. miae beéconu thi ensuite and attached double garage - NOW 637a.Mo cd hSiw kWr more kjnnémiglo COARW. M. B3ROOKS OFFICE: 878-2365 RES: 87&M007 TOR. LINE: 826-1030 4 BRU TOWN NOUSE Priced to soil (beiow others ln tho ares). Neoda decorating. $124,000 PRICED TO SEIL WWLAT ONG 4bdrms., ensuite bath, famlly room, majn floor laundy upgradad kitchon - desir a loain. KATUNA WALTON UPm 1MM1 *24 Hm Pqe leeLufai~q - -. w" -~ dsd. be~i ~i.* mai ui. hu ber md - mou, usmuseir wi meu.i me - md d. k~bvd. Pue M Idai Iwo"11 i MIII. à dhtd6t *m iS74 IWÀM ud for AUDREY many NEWELL Y-Mto ln an wue of new largo homes thoe contourod to gwv oaalaglv Ihomo sitls. Just north of XLomobelviIo. CaO Audrey Io se@ a RON FURIK Ter. une M&IOO 1i4 2dp- de b a t. gap.10 1ICHARD MERMAN ii Rprooow"v OMMe 671.1111 Ta1roriio 81111ies Wdh =m - TiIINKINQO0F A MOVE? Cali me'for an'obligtion f roo chat about your current home's value and your wlsh ligi for a now home. 'vbu may be surprlsed at how easy a move can b. PRESTIOGE 8784M3 oe. PM=nr.fi rf bih - Siétéè - -----r----N ______________ i - pua. veut a 1 pre - - - @w~ *o~w loi i Aopmeelyhl I IRD lU-? M11towne tteaity Cor'p Soki more homes since 1983e 22 Ontario St. South 878-2365 boihhauyme u ll oe y mm1- W*i te ucomimoo.toeé 0"Dml poli. Il you are Ut*ng of slkig "idor buyfing, pieus caii me, AUDREY; it 878-2X65 or 876-5M3 for profosaJonai, frlendy serwice. u AuKAN o wm Aa VI 00W -0 VM 5a. to e mee 4u e 4 kid u. of 4 - e u, . LICNl M, oeir Thle Mv.W b~hoo oe u~N JEAN SNOWDEN més nquauaiv 878-2360 or WY 024m.goo0 CadgWorap. 1- Co.id be ywo own demedp of eft Wpg 3 Xk n 49 Oflr" prle. Thereà a oWâk- xi l bw l* = 132. L M. So gxi yow HMIOJE FOR RENT AVAILE AUG. 181 eide home on a 132 IL lot In thie TuE m OF MNRE o b rlght ni gome on J' this 25 acre piece of EmoaprMaa wonded&Mi. The home hmB bon dealgned to blond ilo lis surr0undi an 10 Id. edvufl of%: boidut pictures oui tachi uaoiUWPTi U garage and hesled WOrli- TNthm& ai. b0wwrf BMp;b Tii. hun tue ON tmldmo soap. &=ouleof -erround 9eri.dNan. gores..ti tis' imeiuom mmu @W. Stream, lo f lîdilfe a! 1 - go, à« flipuli S t . fui inciudlng deer, and much, u ie91*ajiN much more. aid you have a home bd". ullhout pauallai I GARY THOMAS B3rowe/Ownewr Gai Pulien Fre" [awuneýt Ma urioe Mijour Audrey Newell Ron Furlk Phil Prestidge Richard Hlennan Carol M. Bii~olo lndsay McLaran Katrhu Wà#mo jean Snowden M em 878-011 878-86 876-4577 878-w 878-m?3 878-M2 878-156 875-m75 *Paul Page Arn Taylor Betty Ingle Ron Macei Clayton Hackenbrook Sharon Kffley John q.p.> Pems Scotta. Prior M 1 rh 8U82995 854-9M3 M2-4286 878-0198 87-OM .854-074 878-M 878-365 8782365 875-1m# 4