EnergyVin IL ibuibs popular with consumers A a 180 ocombam . la lesgf go hcap hav *9*0Wa"b benter gy sfiis W uba liss Mbne; eaot3 f oo aoMc bMhseMtWKw fod uai die Mid of 19n2 _. Of geasi ypWb ly Ioa lm me sat kile » cm he a divsa .çkl. fora m b Ou l.en blb, 1-t/J dms mbe Onms Hydre perum'4'c ofm. bacix e =@put flummeo Wb&s lb bmIs b*k Md Munâ ênwa a a" Igafm25-un bmUI.Lga s SS - to q.~* pucbiSe m- le«cosiefcie cmm Ihonem o4 blel bt « sv bWdtaptél ub m& lcn w soacoSufi» sboulti le put i aseas eh.e dit bubs a inmemto bmieuerlodyffdenbyo bwchWW"ly aeai mm Ii on for a logp& f dmiinti "Reoed wale mw muu ieuLV eessibo eb chat in 1990. the bubs eue quil sil fou or mm on ua iss ae. poed for bstlwoom sim kkdiuia, uhici as- cUL Cptf, , blepoieteconnus for ani ohe d or fo u inTMnol f Now the rebe aler lfu bemu expe mm ussi Mko sa hi vaelle bi- s avertie home, mys Ma Keoa. MS KSoenMys dit cansu, populie troduckd many a varicyi tadnmm doscent bulbe A 15v-de ,is san anou cflIsbej an tubeds s 0Ioe0 ur cm d rae af igs wh for a in. puta it nuàn iy ofe nsuufa«ae dcent bulbe.m Ard 5ie conu Iof m fene dmus isbas hwd0 a mi ba leà mna o lg eue i t s for m tieva Thse bulle are avalable ai mit hardwre, light sea i60-usa saidescem b. lm 16 tinres Songer. For Uic tuîne e- -of i avem eSy. groccretlt &ide *par sitge IgMt bouse. **Wa rcom akie et Commnae cIa bey à CSA agaproved ;S Howeersuppy hs bS fii i theHal 14he tp ieuwim hba, %ad in52- conmpta fluorescent bidb cant ciaia pu sixmonth, duesi dmovawhemq Thy si vàW* n sevesd dw&Ksitsn. reb90utsfrsianflOsiKSlo rebt: fi ntarisayd l iy g ang a consumner demand for thii product sri asa wmcalg Other waybt u0sve anargy. hWig youx compied eâi une r, avaidls ee North Ameia *Anotier dine to rive sockt in a typéca home incluais mina aliier go tu listes n they perchuaidmUi bulb. Sa to n aigu ccha Compapct fluorescent ball cont mare dion bouse ces hmv hâlogen floai or spot lgIes si off a require& dumets so lIWO cm laerm diy etU recaiva, dia, $5 niaise.a aradx»W omul adscu balai but use up so m sci or pot liglus or aà omuloo ur miy le maned dout for asoatOt donner, and qua ia die madl. 75 per cet kmi esargy si lm up ta 10 Alond liglia" uys Dabby ICcoun, Enci me"o aisoft tatti lights off cIta no Georg Heraagn, of Hai HÉis Hydro aimes longi Sa. compact flaietescers a s- Sugaervuaar at Onuio Hydho. oni in tha raom. recommeDds dms use of the compact flatares- tasally caou ka (0 use. Haloge bulbea sie efficient. uaa.g up in,40 Whesi aopping for nerv ceifing or eaul cent for agicufwa çpichioms lTse Onaio Hydro rocoimsenssas pracaiai pet cent lmi pocak thon a coveaticni Aitires. consut dS l iulai dme ha arma- envi 0f (aer electrécai liii cmn la tub- energ efficient msix of lighting for a tyical bu1b. They praduce a chIler lga si cas tare caLa a single, bull as mm ecoadmical stuRtî ifsa flumsier etliguais ame undain die haute dim mincaa conpact fluorescent aîdt "tua wo four utionogm ta opae thoan oe citai sevatal bulbe ai- operwie. Be prepared for 'moving day . Maovang atrcnt tows or acroa dite cmuy If you're' gainj 10 use professia casi le a ur7ng t-_a you dslad ny si co- niavata Sa bruns from mi lent Mca ordanate the cloaing of your oli honte ciai compaties. A gow M s ofe iaomuum dm cIfl oi iyour newc m Planni a the abou mavmna ccn a comas, fat. pau. secret go suvivai - you MY aven tryt%0 plan sassa refard&s closmnp a few days qwLt Stai nakn a flaor plu of tde tue Begmn 10 Pla u r sva um leS Im c m an anai& plain che everytdia cili go. mcmsh in advaac. Setuopa moig axpense Doe't guets - taite motassemeats wo rai bockt, duiscard turmeant!t detes, collect mott dinssains and Mn sai ay omi cer boxes. nri fienai relatives si corn- your famuamt« ciii go.- Puse youa do business cith of your change Plepare a list Of sI i tiets you cish to of addres, 'nove Y peb àal u a - eclley si ATnge forad. changea of ail min=se. odier p&- So a bules mascksaung ah. Wmaics - MY ta icheehil On moving dey. puoi moyens wit a connecton belon you si etn your nec cOPY Of Ycew Dacer plan si lay dou pis- huse. tic siles ta pnxaoe flatt si carpos. Vour i *1 MUT A UN -~ O~sud.a~ us anal Bt 5 I iI~ WIIUI ,5515id. 57S1 PI ROYAL LEPM a mUntu Seéi~'. ~td ~,a. st lu s s t 000à,1 lAmu ~ b uta In twa Cg lm. . - fl W l lit -1 iqrbtj tldlets 5dm. £W3 »c Sm * èsa Sm I m Cduw Mb M".set on* 141O» Jusi oaea 0t 0Om. sal tuas aidelplat el o a 314 &CIO plap*fly, ,a tatou. .emar =dua = ..1 878,41101 e if LaID1 .0a - MM - - .- A3 u d . ,.. Of hem o,... p.. 10. @M ;I-iim ~ wu ca oe v u - usine U à 124' let. Wui m*MWRiss. A =un. uwaSndOm ls Àh. siu 00 su T~ u. 25 MAIN ST. ýMVU DO <I uams oIAIJTY Nmm. lmA MW. 111M 1410*8111841 lU T. FROeirAG MWs mat ad-a STO N 3 -1112 si lut 12%0M0rlfaslik-4 x -u im ai.Zoned Cl. Generai tl l l s.ooa.b 72.70ats00.117t C-" M . M M ~v o.Mc gm l 2.5 AC budldnc lot just 22.00011 scie ai pvti culide Campdihlvlle. d1 u 2 l a i ss e a Mam nr u h s u L A h h L m T 4 M N A o n < lu î b o x 4 w . 10 f d i v b Y d r @ o t o s . 18 u. ie vosae Nom Narir ~7401 $19D in Imm '0 0. ' rjo.M6l7S11 Lns 740 3082 MAIN ST. EAST CR« A L MMUP