Picking. the right mortgage depends on your needs! ou lisse, vu licfhe iai . dMM&M prfymmu. mmi man cfisI udm Phin Metma Al auwa- asS ff Obe a<q Miens, DaniS, iMa Coanq,.ab Md ceo finamial 90 (hi conuane by die lent. Mmu Wa for whi. e~ Mh (of instanist fil~ for a Mootgag M. baerins: Mmâ huilai 0<fcm llr a vuaey of maya w0 mloPtnm cmn le afflà d i w h gadftpuqlod ( (hum). 1h.. 0 Wlldd Om odue MOMM B ltasiue. rmnmc Yeu slw haieopwehmuts wks moniMpa&mois& or Pad etit . inCLu.t w M m~Yoles orovoM bSgt Ms aval.PM " ftohb e n b.dm w sitea Md ced go >ou Io 5iIe (ho m Io ilect a moilgit NatO.al HOUIUE AC (NHA) .orqsf ai.ham l. &MEIIOU 0<& OMO S W ho y-i qIIy wnesyournsâ A monfgag wblch la jnaawd gq" ade(tuk Vhk.ralaor flu.Ug-r.ss.oraqs: fà, -ouo -i V = leth addod sdi lusi mlu la a mg C' A mongage asja by Canada Mortffgagod HSuaq Ccqoeaor A mofWag lm for whh (h me. of §=i- uoitat iallmen. H yen sa buylng aà long-wýi 19an (rlea of0 buyang a qon (ClMC. Doerowers mmia pay an ap- sa cagu, saaaiy ont mmt dms once a -U bons1. CCYOiattO- wMi uiaily begil home. The princi s (he amun of Ui phacatis fSc go CMHC (Whic Maially in. nOMMd, a iOsby-IDEkconditios CbmP. Who. yoaw f10i8 aplicac la op- banor dbe cash yo< mmUaiy bogm» l'eu chuam ie h Cof à< pno5lCt3 MW"Xi) amd ne mmihy Pa3YIofl MUlY Mye (he p0owd. 10cVei u your bonne Uy Doit bo aic cxpccbbd to reçaay (he principal, bogeuh an WMMMrnc Punlum (which ias aiuhl y sane for a %pm1ied period-, bowever, (h Cocoieed. Yosw fai aisuace preiun , wiUm (h.ifttemt Morigag paymenus arm added wo Ui principal ainoanu of die amms aWIliod *weard (h piecipial? mo Si bc liaid! wMa yow Ma moralg. pay- applied toaud boue principal soi intirest mOrigage. Uaoug il may b. païd in cadi). -uY 11oerdlag w0 (h change (if any) in (h muot~ loi» lité iluainco oevuàp l ava- ObeinInta a foritaill: The rira ding st mIA mongage ar us.aly iiogiwuo rme 0<inaeemit. b do as 10 Lake a real tac locé i wag Yom cm m oafls nueanins puvchasent ecu boy t -YOe CM WWIYdi Mortuage rate preozttl. laie h mi affOrd bO p8Y (Or YOaar nca home. AS a wth as Uie aLS a 5% dowwnaayntent. how fr.uendy you prci o w ay y - of you le Yeu- cms satie yoos geperal nic' no amore dma appuxhamwy Ternis susd onditions moragag insallments. Options mnciade 'M0'8Iffl wsh ava 0 i QomChfrd of asttitd grois incarne stioald 90 Tlm actuel numuber of ycan at att takte aiwedd bl.weekly, bmni-mndy and rates. Thas as handly if yasa expe iteet; «oar fSmo ngage paymenu. rrue olae in ~fj nnul ami ~ , ls to ie. .BxcepI <or MPm mortgagea ses Also hoeMMn xen' amnzLo rjod whih may b.e UP w 25 YD CiO" Mn mma onfhldeaule sIW sOUied .CUrC a ruéewa dicem Ses Alo, o mrcpaai40%of assuued yea. Ilic terni or thc mongage as tic grass inconie shtouldk taa Ltu tof peidfrw0c misrstrt sw your mortgage Md i oir contracas pay- ote con1ifiion à de inersrate as wieil 1 R ments, suce astgg aar lm xcd.ts Wenaiiacrh Cumsoai ae olfcrcd choice and flî Ywc 'rc Shopping arowud for à biîicy in motg tens payment bfreqca- mngage, chck wmi a number of diffurent ,inetrae.aoudnprbs r, MICV REU D finw-Winsituios a gam Mf ay n rent options. amd meogoaaao lad on vanuits types, ternis. cSon sitio aidn- renewal fcws h lp yoa la creuse sriofdetriologt duc fl dot ths best foryou. Som of &atm dm yu milx ru iloption, you ,ay chomnie: T"u f mrtggesOpen Mortpage: AnonM ae ement Typs ai oatgg.a which lOWS Uic boubwer wi repay, (he "c Couvmatl"a afortg . A anorgage more qaaackly tias pecitied and ususly S- b loin whkh does flot cxceed 75% of dic widiot peqasymens chal. plopeay value, In dim case of à purcluse. Chaudi Moriago: A andWWg agreemeint tde propdnty value is easabihd a (he aich don not provide for prepsyment Mr lesser b< due piarchase price or apratiu pror go uatusy. In mon sitaauaions bb value Lendters roqiie <lias mortgages duit lender wig permit pruylmi buit may, lcvy A exee hia limânt are inaiad apinst defaalt, a charite for doing se usuallvatdeueerr.expense Propayvst opilom: MoUt rianal in- aliT4 I V - O t;ouvomtloal bhlhrato morpg. A oacn offer a nwnber of options for OO O L»M nuortgage alid is insaard against defaill people si prepa their uongage an (un or in E \jby fle lMortgage Insurance Conmpany ol Put IX any liane, without intercastpealty. A U I I e- 3 x 1 1,12 Acre Lobs roady Ih àia a ymau 1 wég kg a WMI bsuuum. 10a tt 0VMco0» 184 fi. Frontago, 25 Man for your poiloct homo from itd In hs ig Pok v»i oWiiiit*wJ NiMrI4l St o oeInformatign $1 2R99. Ou hm~hg i gEm7fiTepglg pleut~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ caiHlnsidýmle e b W I a Piu MM 0 Cucd. aiaith *NDWRML BULD s es iom kmaubu zoeigenq rro md oqoaoe s oS SwamiJ PoinarS7S-êslî 1619,4AU8.Mu k bas' ada ow l . bw-r wv bummmAMflmma Maaas t - .- - A cIluImmL ý a es '.Sf4101 ;j38MAIN, ST EAST 378-101 cu.a., 'roll317 (