Get rid of dirt to preserve automotive body mnetais and fabries ilhed.' recommends Tom Walkey. vetei loiing iTOS O darrsioa i Ps:prsrii usvhk ipvnhewaails E eol pduijoaer protection Group. as ssys. ad isa o aaac sspenor shsme and maximiaurr pflec. ienior 9 ZselsauiTdyCs- aeosçdOno poividc corosion lioni brms haum weasa. sauit. ses air. -Virs>! Protection - enliances aud Walker pointa oui thpollonged repeur co erage ofthe« am". aied indastrial diernacals pro4ecis, à vMiscle iara vitnOISIliss jr sposmmi go luarnfu elenn lis salie Zielt 'U dy Car os lets offer à Underbody soarsd barrie, - fading ald cracking. andsubrn .lem cagecm caisse pi e e u en d serice for bel applsedl go ue ndernade of a nehucle [0 Ziebut Tidy Cwr Ceosera offer à wide * ~~matare meta' cor on anid Cucie-oksg gr l . a block Qui rond noise and preveni cuirse of detaslmng services. aecessomn V lsekdon. Assd gjoWler bree ol lie uodersale abrasion ald cotusbon. and protection prnduts foe bel onS -Many velsicle omnees wlee th&,i o g usmer.muse vehcl pro - Fan roeto - prJects «Mei ig, longer-lairq c.T1ere mie ovvr l co .rs/ uicks in use su called nuli tecuion services sm: mcli of a vebucles sents seu carpei. id 700l locailions ,eo ide ogher pais of dme contry.- says Waaker "But nebacc.s continually exposced lu Wha el ceil. quarter paneis amdG U C paste. oju u e pumr sprtéyd G M Q I K SER V IC E 10 reove e p le ad m1 Cuatomer Betefita: Serves Hours: * on~sfitve oeng ecimcjsTueos 800W arn - 5900 pm no apodntrent tnswàneGM Parts Set 9.0 arn - 300 pi» neoeeulq GM QUICK SERVICE SPECIAL Osa 22 Pl. Wuçecl - a W« - inUsewn Saletr. (If tmk*t moit*igs& Muids 4 Wh1Wp e aae.> 8atidextra c ~%a ~ ,&ZId Eires Augusl 15,1992. The expert choice. Dot rriove buîlsup sali tnd mu woitier muntis cars have a long lutung 11 ihere s% an> bain of moil in ilice efkci toi autiomosîsemises ali faunics h.ddeu armas, je should lie îreaied ai unles lItey are removed carly in tise once if tise uwnes hupes- su keep lthe ipinf ietcle tn gond condiio." lue Maies .Tihe Itarsiier tse wnter the murt Oster bsody panels. parsscularly Imptîrtant it is to have your car or aeruisd dorg. hood and trunS seam%, t ruck thurougisi> ciéened and pul. alsoshotId bceînspecedfor m i utuc Highway safety to change focus su-ît tue Obusl% higghssas dent iuiatîtîrs ritfos issu t(uu oun 'Hom h-fvent> olu mdne ntidIýilz the type-1v:huM..t Buti the1 tobs cceigi (teseai %ucli as lmpaired dn-gns GM engi Motus autoinnl e r on ngnees nerm nie reiai li w eveopini and ùni>. ao titil luf11 crash asoîd us uf ne. 1.lnîl5e m iake ins anse presesting an acsident gruer îo easir, and sler -o ais., belle m happçeiig no fige u rsipac doce lthe niumber oi accdei tias du Despîte pggess iti edscng ucsi xclur MITO RAIAO - TN RICIIPRDSOI1 CIIEV-OLDS-ciEO HWY 25£à DERRY EXPECT THIE SES! 1~Ge 878-2393 HjFA VY DUTY SPECIALS s %ih Perormance Uftra-High «AJI-Seasotr features Pedtf onc " Comiputer coded s Race proven tread deqin construcion a Muitiple rubber - Unidirecbonal wmpounds tread $ SAVE "Value PNced " RCOT desgn "Original e-m FOR SAFE SUMMER DRI VING MILLTOWN TIRE SERVICES LTD. 75 TEUnu.878-6785