* Iyouara mi auie.ese Dm-Onaul The Gvornmont of Ontario boiavos propodod changes tt tOtcl abour EsainAtar neoeury anü wifl coeate boterbuineoi/Iabour relaton in this p,âvlce. CWe Strongly dsare We are Ontario's small businesses, - and we comprise the backbone of tlÙs provinoe's economy. Our concern is for afl Ontarlans. As'a business personl you shoulbe awr of these proposed changes because tbey will VU dramatie effeot on pour abillty to run pour business. a) TI.AM wM effectivel preent companles from operatlng durin a str2ke wbile sCUdg emnployms ame free Wo get other jobs or tax-dedCtale strike pay. b) ~Ub M n most cms eUIÉ2ate the rgt of empoyersW fouerpamn or lEam eniingand resai In third partes being afoed. d) M oiWbi workers I a etikIng bêrgaining unit frvm crosing piokot u, eve if tbey want Wo. r Mailor Fax us Today! a, y y I belloe the proposo dzaMp W the Laâ>oer Relations Act are - a bd fr malibusinessazid wMl severely hurt thE Provinc of Ontario. a amion Chamber etCommerc P.. m Ib@ nabfl2