SPEC USEDO MI9 $MWin 4 d, vr ,tO P.B.d , rosi tlsfromtr,A~jlI OU"c 196 uoai it , pulse ulpers, wlre whel, stemi 4pprox. 7.2,000.l 6 rnOnth power tiain warranty P 1281 1M6 Dodg Ram 100 PICRWp 318Ve. auto, blus Matching * cap, P.S., P.B., runnirg boards, approx. 43,O00K 6 monit power train wmiianty Pl 1291 A 1907 04dm Cutine Suprsmgey 3.8 auto, wlre wheb4. P.S., P.. tited glas, sportniiros, rear wheel drive, apprx. 69,000 K OP1301 Balance cf new car.warroeity * 1907 olds m .l» RoyaleUIorIganf 2 dr., 3.8V6, auto, air, power windows& power doci locks.4 til, crulse, cas settp, power seat driver aide, FE3 sport suspension, 2 tons ore- &Id greqi, appiox 76,000K, balanc of new car warrnty - 1fS Cavaler VL 4 dr., NOue. 2.2L. 4 cyl. eng., auto. antloci bialces, air, ROI., reclining bacicet meOats. gt*rOe cassette, osai defroster, tintod glas î approx. 15,0001( #Pl 1307, Balnce Of nmw car waOwty !M0101ev Carmica blus, 2.2L. 4 cyl. eu'g., auto. qir, drivers-side -1tq bacnet qsas con"ol, twmsjinted glas, rai defr054# pprox.20A00K #P1290 '11,600" TACULA ~R4 TRUCK SALE' Ch ct.vSetadis <ik TOn Pkkup - brouit, 308V8 auo =ar atroua sexs, tt crais,.piswe cap,, tans paint & mach. muiot mqre. 1 owner, approx. 37,000K. Balance of new car watranty #1017A 4 '4,900- driv, auto, air, tilt, omuise, puise wmr% mmrs cassete wlre wekm mamlng v*Yl Moi & mach miore. 6 mnonifi power train whimnty approx. 108,OOOK. 1 owner, #5516A 411,40- 14 Oldamoblls 90 Rsgmncy SmOugham 4 dr., maroon, 3.8V6, auto. air, ORl, crulse, P.W., P.DL., power driver seat, wire wheelm, vinyl roof & miucti, much mnore. 1 ownsr approx. 85,000K, 6 mionth powr train war rarity#8M2A 2Lumina *4 dr., aidait white, 3. 1V6. auto. air, 4 wheel disc brines, -t*eo camiete, P.S.. tlntsd glass, divlded iront seats,4Ja., omise, P.W., P.D.L., approx. 1 6,000K #P1308 '14,700-' el "Ôidm r 4 dr., blue 3.3V6 auto, air, tUN, crule, P.W., RO.D., lire whees, white wall Me, casettle, approx. 27,000K #Pl 295 414,70e". 91 Lumina 4 dr., sedan &ght blue. 3.1VS, auto, air, tilt, cise, casett, 4 wheel disc braks & more. Approx 2 1,000K. Balance new car warranty #P1296.' 44,100- 92 Lumins luro 2 di., coupe, bar gurMd, 3.1 VS, auto. air, antilocn brakes, tiR, ogise, P.W., P.D L bu et seat, console, unusltsu, ra spolie, approx. 15,000K Balanci ôt new car warranty #Pl 304 M 04dm CIsr *4 di.. wht, à.3V6, aMr, auto. P.W.", P.D.L, ulis whes. stemso cassette, anise, Oil & maàch miors. Approx. 14,000K, Balance of newoarwarianty #P1310 IO C M 4.dr., Whlt,3.3 a&M. P.W., RD.L, eao cassette ME & mnuch maich more. Approx. 1 Balance of new car warranty #Pl Z 1991 0lds»Il Ob1 Marow 3.8V air, awmlnm whehls. del P.S., P.W., P.D.L., tilt. crum 17,000K. balance of nsw c lUm Lamiàna AP blue, 3.l1V8 a passenger meatln air, P.D cnis, 2 tons paint alumnin whels, oo mcral & muicti appôx. 20,000K, Balance warranty #1008 19204Me CluB SL 4 dr., grey 3. air, P.W., P.D.L, tilt crulse, wÀre wheels, lnstat lc agle, approx. 10,000K Baia new car wsrranty 07606 I . 19,730- 190 Lwnlna Z34 Coups med, F 'VO, 200 boma, antl-ocl boi Delc Boas etiso "0"t si gloe. -pro. 11,00C1 01 nsw ceV warranty #560 1902 Lwnlna Eure.Coup» Mat 3.1V6, auto, bucicetsats, P.W., P.D.L, anll-ioc brac til, cruise, rear spai &Mp 15,000K -Balanc cf new ramty #5101. 818,238- - 50 M MohM .......... mm 7,000K j 112 6auto, cash.o Vi Warren uto, 7. tL it, flore. of new car .3v6 aut o. cassette, mpack ne of l.P. 3.41. kies, air, Swatt ,deep tint Bakance con , s, ste rso, rX. car war-