.Week starts with four dingers lise (lm ai o< lumel usà im Te Décetas ad Key Cum playng hOnuP' l a ~h Ie( ia o m MsL lua Key %l*m the s=ci 5-3 &hW Bhe fimi -" The Dicesas xa -je pil fma tor Md n ti 0 l (ciii to lame sa Il-5 tend nIe Key cenore mwwalaieP M pdila on Ave tois ind Be M u ev ilad mliso mm ib Oe d fur a 17-12 leali. The Dickens aivai quit sid mn Udie n"al pet on a charge. morii. tlira tunes to mite dime consi close. Offensave stars for mthe KCey mcisas weae Sleve Geiaswiima bass rn in tuas dmta mi-bus ad Rmdy Hases who bât emo hatnsied a double mn luaise for liir flé Hector Caisbei andl &b Boyle aho lid liasue lai glas fSi lim cSuems lina Wedtewod of lbe Dicàau ho a plisfes uight. gain dirce for duemal w alhà ". lncludhg a bome no, sebule sasaClatis Dsnad Len Lee and 1cS Vmdaiwaoe dia oemmiIa Bern à"l ega. M«ay's aima action s Diviuion Omis lealai Cuadm Pacufl ma thei Dividrn Dia ceuli dwellers Miflli Colvii md SoSul 21 - 12. Con Pâte siwls by pin nase nes on die liad balaise huil Colow aven Cam 1 mthe plai. Mie SOUM adui ouie @MI due fourti Motn Wie ail mhey mu wu Iwo nets mri 15-2. Des isairsd aibe Deve AaBeu. lied i peufees ia-br-àa diii. Saing wiah fave w sie d à hone nu mud aeccmma.W ci Av nus. Dmv lad lots of sqpi m laib mm as Darry Dai asi l Me- Denesit Puas Pap inpd nos bar hma qée. Fmv cile Cm Paç; payen ie âm Moai a. effemavely fai be SondIM ais e Spuiy Miehd. l11scti Maii. Chli CWLu Md me (hame lceam bau dme mm a km - qp- kiMmamd Golioa iavel booked ip nec Thai.y i Omuglaitc pueoa m sll defemve Veie b (bmiw babll bf Rmu wuabid ucha a 24-14 mlv. R«ms mond fitn mdl ladl 2-1It tai »MU but Gohp*s mmaad à lea c(<5-2 by Be eind of e fowi. iplva haaboc as laid 8.5 i ve bat M e d " ZWu aiaed da e md bu id Bea ID a cit taiss. ta en"*d a hW Bey udb*t gave q. Fai- fo-five anglis wate lad by 1sà pbyus V.W>u Nfthal Pudsal iso Ruk IMey Km CSiar mdl To DWL - US UUO as ) 1 HALTG'N Iaalvsn Cllmnsaet Souu Summ Parti - Il arn. t S puma. Fmn adnuan.R uNm l O*wmhm owyiku &W te M - 1 2111 a ua mfa il d MFmt av *11và r" di. hi* -ua I M I - P Fm i- a kl 1 a a n l a 9 p il iii.b ri« mimhuitnemai. W . ilmm a u ce" laui bono hapm wu lsd lal. o nS b damidu lb" w lts ftf S Il m -u umW ha W a It ii.Pa um F smmi 1wi ai Aa Sl PA Pdb Iluit insu md ili Ug or Springers announce awards cou Be MD^ Nping a icM mI u.aM" meiva lit*-, Swdadgaaidc-m AMy ColvaeW IPl DaM. avl %nome himak ii. aIBe mmdml HMWl Oabb. KMiMMhebrCNiy Cm 1 ii Samo3 Fletcher SANDNG UhaMaledTI Aaiasalo 3 4 61 secon~din -W L Tr Pt 7 2 Klimýe 8 1 0216 hobby race Roa M6301 . 61- at Flamboro à*.simmAfr6 * 8Jh' obl sels Aia : 6 I 3 ileMll Wailoots Mumy inesaiaMa Qudd3 PhMi I S 2 Suen-tu Club Lngua Saeuduy'sfeamarelaobby cwaoemeIf, l*Am O 7 1 1 L l Fbluo Spaedsay ie 1929W L 4 cleveol us e m cft0 laon-S SUlt Glati Uuatbi Les"m Tha 9 0 ls John Flsehr in a 1939 Plynsili. sqwmi w L Pt saonlsen 9 1 111 (we- hila. fliibs in dle oni- C,10.i. Ki mm 6 3 12 1lai wRoi Clubsý eveni B i,*m'Roa 4 3' '0 F.Oi 5mi 3 10 wensOaicelIing ho waaoeh Ke enr 3, 3 6 Kiagimu 4 4 S in bit 1933 Raikniie. iI Jaigen- Mmn Maias Slaop 1 6 2, UesaCu 4 5 6 tes. Illi n hiei 1933 Dadge md AINgmo Ylaiingaseo wu 241h insis 1932 l4.vIc W L Pt Fut %lce 2 5 4 Facrnmeuuc. HWo»mmbers 7 14 )poasum I S 2 Dciii icgennen d Hianape *ces Rebcc Logp 4 3, 8 hycee O 9 0 bnobed oui of thse mme dma li aCi- FI.C.C.U. 4 4 8 Authorized Factory Outiet for Calar Home Produets EÀIILY SUMMER CLEARNCE [iN-ST'Ç F ITEMS 0 20% OFF 11uP Umbrela reednging - Chair StrappdngAvaiable COOKE 'S CAS UÀLS 878-9600 100paasgEm mia <D8hia MON, à"i) MWO. hi U#La.u.- dpau MI Hfri 2SumoiMWAlSL, lsar AuFrL 9 L.Sp.as.i mia,. satardq 9 aimS.u.