RFAIR C ARYl Broker/ CatI PuUeri........... = ......****878-0110 Freda Lêwrence ...... ....... ...8784860 Maurice Miljour ...................876,4M7 Audrey Newell...........8853 Ron Fwik ..i..............................8111-M37 Phil Presttdge .............. .............876-924 Richard Hierian .....................t...878-5806 Carol M. »rooks......................... 871.067 Lindsay McLaren. ............854-2451 Katrina Wallon ......................... 878-1588 Jean Snowden ..............8-35 Alan Bro. ..................... 275-W06 Mike Morgan ...............7........... 809a BETrY ISOLE USais, U&M43 M N07-420111 hIOMAS Owq)er Anne Ta ylor.................... Betty Ingle ..... Rosi Maç;NeiI .................. Cisyton H aco k.......... Sharon Kerley ................. John (J..) Pea rs.... ............ Joan E. Tattrie ..................... Scott B. Prior ...................... Marilyn Andrews.................. AI Volpe ......................... Sheryl Gray................... ... "j M1 On Ihis 1 hedroom fui home curre<ulY laid roUnd fol noir Freoo rclocalsd la yaur dur $a.oa. o' On hou 'sur; lm" 51! Mlltowne'Realty Corp 1 soai mou homes skre 1983 il 22 Ontario &t Southi 8784306 ....878-295 RaNs L S?843UN ..827-902 Executive Ufoestyle awalts at this ads.Supetbly appolnted wlth ....875-1121 mbany quality fealures and *orades. lit home is completey finisnti hem top t0 aoe, isde and ouHARDe CalKar for your ERMAN nlshed mobile on loss yesr iCen aIea b. n &N . Asinq W ILSO N DRIVE RUT DEAL . $131000. fihle lhre 2-storey townhous offers 3bed- rmnt Àown- fmm fiWUtd rec, mm, lug eam- se. Vou'l ho in kitchen, upgthded broadloom, prleed at howus of 0 pool and tec cents, dlosé to yaur monffily schools, Go Train. Calrtoday for mshe. mgiipniatn lvia SHERYL Usel edmasd -ntlwhue Oir -and te=e sne>. Cnlr $134.000l. Ulufflm cee le 3. bÉest agmslbpmin ft. mevtlmyaa *R/MX FOR SALE * ME/MAX SLD MAURICt IMLOURJ 878-2M6 io aus. fe op ~oslen * burs.0 'SM cs àan odMS ompbe ks5e 600 M 1 i ue vo. -I aào FMOASAL4 OR LAS 2tOM oq fIL EWS uni, Sbolos I Or Loup MOd.olauuuh I aloi à% fFï M mAl s.cOT t pon -su01ý h -Wk inss CepIt Ouf InSIs S wes e la abs 3u basesm hmis ha el casas Ms Mm cm P sos l c a . NOWs - - -. -K Nf55. E ÎGail Pullen sales Rep i 784110 Mpm sae.lî oear. Une - mu8 LAISU M tt4Y Pet MD -&W NuSh hoM bMf has hWp al 1h. Use h-..àUiu. S ~ibs iw 4~ Boss. "-le -A nah w ai §lemnu