am C hoos appliances earefuliy to save rub&um thousands of dollars i energy costs 213 BAUUN The. *ey avoli by Wo>io MMeg et- mm elte "second mmO m&"~ wh l dot go à$e aiq ur Ici chemis m off£"ai ele1Jg fflff ficicotý aMW;. ce -- a au tg go dauodacse m l thectc neew tu opus. lit mode, smys MeAnkly. chais fracci m ~a. fiee,, a.... 01ee Ofdl8a m," Rlpa WInàn ISOg Ad. ui. Lo" for the Bsiauid label, s II"M mor efficlâit d fi dà ipigiimil Abous 85 Iefle K- 1 'i, "'f ient for Blurngton H>*ou. 'Mo# op ad whitie circulât ficker .roquireli by tu 145 lises (Il tu5 cublc féet) pet famdy eq*lm wýpinceWs acPlumes for @bot 30 per cen of ie féàes. hier mi on ail new major @Mpime. meub. is h ght aime Io buy. hum ____________________ olcOc.. uWdWK aled m dim hom." mas ces. Ile label his due mw.. el opucts ben lutten a.ay m ,..-- fun. 370MAAMTM . Wilaauos ?*Since -ou'l lamve go bye aridi triciy coamin a kilowa btteh s Self-cieanin ovent, ahw ixtai y cou. ha.. - ~ yoea amy appuaWe for yeurn tg cont., il (Kwh) pa od.more dam convendooil Model.s amome aiaeat i. u eai ray pays w a" secuond ad maire your "Tb deicmm e pnfncoat muSai- eflca bocau d. yn bueru iuie. Ne poin «A.ewîu. choices cmully." ly die E=iuide fixing by ie o* per kWh Dmv Smli of Millon Hydro m"s de. bien clf Flu o r% exemple, Ontaio Hydno figure show of cleculclty, wich scurtensy abou 6.7 tin.e go use dhe selfI.aolo fume . l ibit wif oe2n _ an energy-efflcima reffigesor cm cou centst. ibai will gitve you chu ma.Uity cou," afil. coe*lo wvin die vn la skiait hmt DOM j. aj M ver $50 lmi wo opuetèl over its expecied mys McAuley. "lb., mubtply dum omob î *- Lok for aveis domr dum wcll iog- $"' ý1 1 7-yeu iequn dm à non-efficient uiL by 12 wu gave you m mrna front aid ditae tled aid fit igitdy.'* h. maya. "A wiodow in Wharf chooeiog an appaicc. Joe Mc.-. cou. by die expected lidatine of the ap dm illen da e ale" you tu lock in wadaou IL CAM" UALW Auley. Cuasomter Service Managera o ck- plimce. TIi. figuresa me jus: avesugea aid opmimg de.dor." 1 « Mville Hydro mys commissios ahoulli dem-. don't accouaitfor di.wayambon.migt Uuing efficient dishwaie will m-e badi une chuir &iac or for incresd dc- aaer and elloctrncity. Siuidi sys mmn tricity trusts. But iî's huidy wo tue white modemni di*aboases use lem waoer dmia f dhoplo.g" you wuhoed ch ite sf by hJand. Check for Frezr lam ai &veraige of 21 yean; - A*=o cyclié or econw wwh femme due el.cuic dryes 18 ycasi. dit saine vac for uses lm. hot wn. electretc ranges; cloci.s ovashers 14 ym - A swuich chat ims off di. li.allng on lie 4~4 - id dlihwaahers 13 yogis. dloches wili ais-dry. McAailey mys refrigenuors widi.sldc-by. - Extra powcvrfut sply action dite cula L side domr gencrslly use the mont eme. doum on awe use. flutile one donc, msaual-dcfrofiifiodels ms - A delay wash option in 1h. die leaaBut h.euys dice eetxiont; tu cm h. prograrnmed tu cone on s fugb:t 1h uIe Mie i i sin wo check dh. En.aGmide wben lot u l ao s't h.lng talcd for odi.r blel.t. luile:iân -Check wu sec if dh. regfragenmor bas ai For clodies 10k for modela dmn - . mgy $aver switcit. e alaiersamun. c alle a wash and mise cycles, mysr S eneisainpg wh.ot nid as dikecisd un ie Smith. Modela with wmo level cmi and *N SLEIOH CRT. OE O lBUDYr opama'g mantuel. hregoti clsam odfrmâ ~*i 83,9oc>~' - L.ook fur a refrigesuor witi whieels. It'. k"d sud fine fabuica. Prm loidlo ** 18 ,ent cler go clan sud vaciuwn due cos. ovashe, "0k tosne in auntkom. me *2BANG RA»D s OL XSNL 8 RAG .T~ A incond Sll<nger cao cou. $100 par mmor buggy efficient duo Wp-loded *FN213T-PD 50BMEX 150 SA . LO orEMN yer eu optimae. Cosisider "Sg orly ci modela bo cauedey ose lem hot oval. *BUT-IN OI8HWA8NEA -OFFICE IN SAGMENT rasrierti, a large cie il reqlulie&i aid saeso Uf -you only do senit cloctes ovaing CALL OND FLEMING Sales Illp. 338-2201 E mm tditelone of a hm & lauds ociler. byo ou:ui. PAG il 7 >eree lose toI, tao 1.348.000.k 132 Actifs thrse fromtages. &troet, 82le440.0. Duoe LM ~so 87848101 LOOI NO FUOTIEgtî brnactuig 2 etc"sa om. wff u lrge k"-t 9*9n PMe fIicors tm Ca W, ei colonisa 8704101 tor PE*OEPII.,~~ WWTEDUPUCTMM- Luinted $ 184,900. TN. 3700 eq IL.ege hdier lbuml k CYmn*geVb p m.e a = 4»ERVLE ewybgeineEI OESVL! b-4Wdeel Ib at~epir M..d~ 2 Yrsj smec t ellea' bo ou 10 -P.P.1y kagg a IrOnhi pc«, M& ey n=ra ff . chic des! I&Miy hon,. t Goum Ca.., a huit. dock *m vou + 2 walkUla 10 d@Ck. Cas Barbera CaM ai». noule. et lie beetý ULsed at PAwtUdsV bS tos a*m'Unm. Làtet $7400M. - 4$0000o. is SNOLE Oas>COUn leeOMwt qoeIuit llgtw 25 a 601 aisef. hrtlci>e" operenci 1903 $2.75 M. Cod 81r J. Paner' 08- aloi. *COmobelMvlle Building Lot. Just N of 401. Survey, d8ed wel. 2.5 aCre at $15%9. £530.000. Great locetion to bulld RANCH SWSGALOW CLOSE TO ULTO#P 2/3 am on tori utaer 3 booms," 0-l ktM. UP. bdm M a d.**yg mmcu Aissng SM gen HM Hd 878-8101 £1100 VISUALMS 8101 tb ilt. SUNOAY m , u.ia 24 PS. 10 m&r. a -e a barn, wtIict hm bfen oenwcle évtc tangoonm. dation. Featura ne.. wall, septie, 0 ySm sarcnes Permc n a Mite Io vis.. Mei propffly cati s K1mb' T ir M-928218 ~mc 878- 8101 bg dkodoe~ 10 Open Home. *WI.LSI LOUO à ACREAM *5 acre. iog floue. dog ke me ficonses, close to town. 130.9-0-0 on ot$2900 *1-1/2 cres 5ldlSo9 vIe * 1312 crs 00 Ip ia $13.00 CoIom ome 878-8101asiLasoe g I 88MAN ST. EAST 878-101 7.Us)041 To IW uM 1410043.4170 ýài _ý_1