.WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 HAPPY ]BIRTHDAY t CANADA!! -May we Prosper for onn*koa. 1')C à . Thec firV<Annual Bcd Race were piped off by-members was a tremendous succcis of the Milton District Pipe ad fun was hai by aUl!! Bgnd. The winner of the Two heats ot 3 bedroomas firsi race among Country Feelings, Bank of Monaca anmd MiltOwne Vanity Fair was CounorY*Feelsnss. 'TEI PT lThe Winner of the second race among The Fitnes SF E Technique, Green Ginger * * end lThe Equity Centre wras * SO JEE- The Fiumes TecWnque. Mmfia heat wus won b Ilu . * lThe Fitness Technique' WMé m however, a fomi irta 1=;r* as lodged. The rao Lde Cub A given - The Fimncs :Nu Technique did loi have a pwou* reulbeit ...what do you < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r aufto4o 'ib innersIl 4i1f C 1 0 ~LCT 0 fl4UUJNCRAMIIIS O Pîctured above front left ta right: Carai McIGowen; Assistant Manager Claudette Telier, Ann J*nstaný Manager Scott Fletcher; Manique Prozio. BANK 0F MONTREAL 144 MmI OT. UIIV~E~fl M.J. Congratuations Banik of Montreal for being chosen Business of the - Week lune 5th. fdiIton Branch Manager Mrs. FARMERS Scott Fletcher cites "Excellent Customner .MARKET Service" as the ason DOWNTOWN fortheaward. 1 The brancb is 1mai! EVERY with-ohly five staff, w of which have bçen here SATURDAY for oVer 12 yas. This ,Ute ;,frJendA, fail 'MORNIN c a 7 AM - 11:30 AM client recivinT ndividu-. al attention. ~ The Bqnk of Mantreal KI bas full bmnking services including loans, mort« DAY gages, deposiga,'ivest- DOWNTOWN nl9tls'm Ifunda. 14 anStr6et ha& -SATURDAY .been home ta the Bank af Montreul for the peat .JUY 25 *37 yemu. Prior ta bhat il 878-8874 was locaied two doors east. Celebrating ils 175 Anniversary, the Milton Branch of the Bank af Montreal would like ta thank hl their customners for their ongoing loyalty. P.S. Ladies, you did a greai job in the Bcd Race! DETRS 876e200 J ( amm eià ]PERM SPECIAL $4950 ef * I I - - I 7- I ~ - fl41 IssU. 878-9533 ru -t