-lit- ýý l SHANA CO(JINY VAN UT Mpu Shans, Couflney Vin Riel Paap rMCenhl11Y gradUafed f ront Carleton Uflislty wilh a B.A. in Economica; a former stucrunt of St. Ignattus 01 Loyola High School, Oakville Our t amiéy la very pmou ai your %mm.es Muai love Moni, Don, rima. jav Jy Mmie & OMs RHOIIOIA AME REYNOLDS Fowq hWe gfedU4tm Iftom ucmmou. Un.versaY VIIII & B A. onm* yEUAmy Lad John Reynolds 89e proud Io ennonce 0W. graduatimof theqr doughter. FionU Ann tramt Sheraan cotlette in ihés in Language fiorproters Programme ewt !M ew7rd tor OiitdoigW A&mm»*.oi CangralutuMte Mn§. W. »tes la proudl 10 announce gital her granddaugh. fer. Chdtuine oons, hu gratdu-. ated f rom the Legal Assistant Ptogramme. Seneca College, 1 Tornlo wlf iHlgh Iloni. Gdon. Larm eand Peul Gadban a rn PI.s.d ta annolince the groduaion of thoir sontbrother Anthony tram the tjnbvefsIiy of Guelph, witt en Itnours Sactielaér ot Scienc ope. in Ecaagyý Anthony twill b. t WOkii ,the deo et 01M le 1.ron.qa studioet Y& 'hWu tise Fol XW.. dom -rhn Love Mum. 0" sid P"u MEL NMOSEVAU"SI 111111L Roti~~~~~~~~~ Ken Maml Syia - Mofr.akBiand mi ue. poussy nnounoun. tfe graduatio of thoir "Mon MWi ànoneth rdaine hi hueband. Veghui frant the. unWtvof daugtiter, Rhea, front MllcMaster Gu#fihiefet n otosa 'f . cngAm UnversttY. S4. recie hWe B.A. I Dw-e I oogrli. vm#m wu fotiin. Itonctufs Engllah. Rhee faves inU lithe studios et the. University et Augtnt for a one year etay. làawo WiiOn lIS MiL Ne laà o tit egriffu. Ilet fMilton Distit li S ol Oorirawdtios h