*Golf etiquette Uf yolam MW o w deu u 0oOW. "i seumer ilsea oql yosi wisa bâ saai - ho.o un" - freay =à= à" gm y"u $pubeely albuOrn i sgwSuoee. Pk~f mû ySuu Mu gvfp sa séme. >sm w la ou lois cckftfi0 ps-swing ibo*mi Se-boy. deo -Mecos vrits ubile ySe ulx Yt-EfriUUdu. IN 7»E di e u à*t wii d. dium-SW N aisr Io set you w0 swing. %ia b=u policy is b corifie, youw euly golf wo à diving ruse or the .y exacutiveuI xyes wbich am ircndei for balh begiumrsa su taseqa g&o A glentaltuie of tlhuub in seons of seed of play ex-ctsm. du pan of due golf course MW fallow golfe iu due ye dauid aveçuge 10 minute pr b106lsi an exocutve legt cors and 15 mamam pet haou aiU beag couse. Gerurl Dosi sud l3onUt U Luxe your bug on dime side af the green yaamuU i bc uti;g f(mm. Là Ille "e.sta fia. the bale plays riali. Vag Iegu pattIn when cveryonc ài on ie green. However. where yoev shot end m désu=ne youar Misyng Pssne'. plsy uhent rady. CJ Muak yor bal o dpgren um l iayaaulun epu. U Determine wbsl dmt you ére guing wu play beob. i i yaaw taen. J Neyer said m sonenne's puta in eor dâtau tW inc amy wsy while they arc plista dm mi% U.If yoaatend l eeo xram e, when akihgsàdiot, ty jncm. ,peaute by moving quickly betwcen dbmt. O Caunt yoeur score uhile off the gree. U MlWeys replac your divoa, rake baankersanrpi o bl snd spike marks. u AI-Ys ket fate pampa play dwamgh (or If yo- e goins wD "ta for a hail). Ilonly Ums s few tiautea aid no oame ever winds aap usaging. If YOa biouo thele Irsitianal, commnanunieA gaideliées die pnly remamnsn source of frustraici ny.pear you apply ta yaaucf. Dan Wbb os the Dweg ofa Gof ai thme £uwaa< Fmpaîêy Go4< Centre an Milton and Guaelph. lie prewousty spmin MAe years as as. si .Sia" gofpro ai M4dlcmaf GoVano Cosary Club in SaauMagaa. GYREYSTONE GOLF CLUB presents... ITALIAN NJGHT, Uatrday, Jam 27 New YUÉt Mid% Wboh Low happer uBom" D* Canada Day.J.uly 1 Buffet Dinues' $21" Uad*s a becuep SUNDAX Mu5W llauJ . avay hiy LMM & dias I 42Ufslua Rbd. et KliLbs 1010 am. - Il1 Sludy 8l 30 s...ý - Goplrvice MMCI « STO- MIIM a8da" udu 142»MR(il4onLba MKE BaXTN -B MCd Ftetcher brothers go six-forussix d0mu fXmpffll For dtu aÉers maille ftac CUMu M"d *9 duus h là bDmv A& ud ai l 0'- Scupho wu wasm a dis -k bmrab&0<d huo amldâ" Domoi Who ub bdl R11wa-a goh mho4oe-àm ad nulles l" kl "t bu lmn 1boee M uigbe Md accus ei a ai nue oce, ubis Spaty hflc'. 1-1mlb **%am ouposifor10 - h lba MII Flippais. WIy 0&s CIm eue w sio fflI s du9 *m b80" Odg~ hW. Mayes mai FsmiW M wuuulllla.dbI %mu ur Ba. Ba. in %i&Msleu w *L 9»-0 lm *hdudKy Adm. fay Cm"y DivM Ducos. 1.1"sy ai DOMObus h oeuu CmUI iUthwl Colosa (triple) Md M"a Céevas mll '%w. wn oma teck fi. hm Puft FUUUsL MmÉis. m of u"i "a Md mai moni suip. Mie ou, lgu-apa, jI Cms Pue &M Ray léowu of du fer 10 lss. For du CuBa. La"y Bouaam t bMave eu»Me bMm"s Key Ceo ahs -â du *a nme*mad' Clak and Mh Me- ùs m beuase be sed 4 lo r lms briain 0*^b iÉ Oom ue baih parlitetn l a" ls tutoupe ai wa ft. t a V- Homeabs..aà-suoemuoaa alalssaahuiu *d a nnum vie vuY. top 19-15. 1wommI àw àb;u Am wu bit ilà Dm Mdv %rr F%- -, Wla duoes bas ai 3-3 mie oses. Js dOgba go we Hlum a poliédaaefe mt mai-for-sx enn.-a- Y Iioue deur ÉlÉ u Key flouse -us *Dwsi. doubles. Bob Comport and lbrry Yoasg uaacbsed dicir toade peforai weIl. going rAve-for-sia t athe plat. Ibis gaaup of auto mkers bc- camammcd for 15 of die 27 netas .For (Jagea, six of dihir CialW nuss weax smered in die aseond o- a.ng. Sand4 Aquilm uwu dmsr beai pcdaomer ubl a sdare-fa-fsn, nlg includin; two doubles and two rus Brame osdoua wu due ste of vaadmcr blamw out, Tumis,.a Mil- lm Calai, mid Souni éM il ou die cha Ira. Hilton Pool 17-7. Tie Poulinez aeared cigme ras jlm dm boum if of die second iming u li 10-4. PM iuy juit commiueil Io bold dit Saaanders aaier usaff die mra of the gane, Wayne Ymia held die bag utick fW diePlmmnahbclt adouiblead triple in bis faaw-frt-ia sushi. L-ending supori [0 mut uele ibsxy Morgan (double), I- Ormt (double> MMiS5ck Lamiiin Whbo a baW CATROIC PRAI 130ls . Ulm OUR LADY OF VICTORY St. PETEFrS CHEURVil -m et. agown eNGLImA CIIUAC P.i anr.-- - --t S.PAULI UNuM CURM As duNh Ru M aad mudd a ise WILtan Sunday, Juns M lm8 Mornine NE VER A O(JLL MOMENT . 0:1i S ui bi bh. flnwadam1StliOwa HALTON RENT-AIL FREE CR WA£ ~1 June 27th 11:0>0 arn - 3:00 pin 885 Main St. (cairw ofliaîpba& Mi Ywii be ùiir a hotwater / steanb, high pressure waur frm & FLEXO PRODUCT cqrn#m out & domu 317 Mai St. E.. MWM 878-2411 Rai. Ml MsOUm" &W. iia* - tauây iia pin GRACEWAY *APTIS CtiURCt P.alléePus Kbu à à NOX "M MÇ, MC lU Mal 5L = s hapbUmaen#à hs.àýmitet UMsm na * m i 61s.11-H LIE aunm. TawO. uR Rer. Danh E:Aogg., Senior Puila Ambl EWN FaSi. Yoa*1h Pilla SUNOAY. JUE 28,15l2 llaés &&.- Tranig in Toith tom Làt- Ia *puhabraf bit Oeil R*PU-Euin Evmgalall ay im la DMe Au Sumsn. H&Ws Nblal id tu Sbi pm urubu uismu Canai CilÉmiat ChuNàa. 0 - hiJ kxfAM. service sea ie p.- «EPUAA O UR CIACI OF LOVE, BAMAI FA"T ». 80X 1 IMVSTIGATION ansd flia Ulm te the lgt andI m@@m.aoml et subi taivutmal. N. .adfilile tl.19986 by sel aâm'a ?bum mm be -an eda la 0. daise Vnwa hI= REL[rIOUS SERVICE DiRECTORY 1 1 ORAM - ý." "Oq1vvààý 1