uLINY4 PENINO! FRE aiFT WlTl MCHAS OVWR $2 *Sports & Non-Sports * singls, ýpacî a& p *WéVAUTmde Ti Hop SPO ARDSYou Finish Nbur Sots lawm 876-CARD umdU7O-U7à" HAPPY MILTrON STÔREW DAY! ~IY ~1 SPEIAL AT± ON~ MO 1kI 'i[]~INAY SUNLGHTf LAUNDRV DETERGENT 8 1 box $499, CHRISTIE COOIÇIES 40 SUNSQUEEZE BLACKFOREST ECONOMYPACK LEMONADE HM PORK CHOPS 3z FOR990 $47 49____ uwioo$d b. ý1 $ Guest mirnster marks church's iSOtil anniversary 1 =q-egannc.leaa aiMÛ Si, Ic.. nilaOiaiar ena htswlàiqmceaice dûs Stm*. On Jupe 28, =Màra S-ule), Cabots Ralp Sponce, rocut Of St Laina CA"ec. BEmiagma. wil] bheigo peesht . pm is, ratect wiI ho dtnnhogu pn" nt dic 9:30 a. servic. lbe vigimr Witt aile of« fiisc i icdedkcio 0 eti n i gla. whi in Unc nadhca, daumodby Machdola Ma>m Block 0<Ca.#llvl. cocon Specce la a nuldaiglirit> on h.ua*ty &Wda ntc histarian or Uim Anglicangie m am". la wus in 1842 dot a tcw " uaI fanliea gaho c bter ta faon ai Ahth-ca coeegui in Un RMat Malta Coi> omounsihj of Nu- NUawYa. Two Yom inte. a imple nhite boanc Chav nu huith at dm nutinas anore bribe Guclpl Une ad No. 10 Siilemeai Re was replacW inl 1870 b> a mo eilirco wida oMi uvics a Uno cantreptiansà placet *ciup. fte ciheres.> lauic onhigplacof nony l of in d ie ufellice wiah canqi tel Une> c tiodns. YOLTrH PERSPECTWVE Deaf and hearing: the barriers o lont %s I mien m n, irong. ha' lez tiey foenic a tliick bricWc wall au eauh à*. ami iliow- in& anymn ta e t* on the other sidle. Wlnt alact pople tike me. stwaci n icinecai? Wboe do) w fit an? We ainggl ma rnd our iden- Lit>. but we aie repotied by badi 1 wu bacu no minet!din a *aI wodd. Sipgnn wu my fis Ian- puage. When I waa a yauag gil I wau dcuaot inta a aaaally different sciety, one #in wu .icw ta me: tic hoin worM *nupalia. drey caldiwhore deaf &Md beznt me hogl a gah uta a àWh*l. An eximo o< taedamnon. bezî tgeur in moua of reopgnil dif- I wu wnun iudaied. I nus atraad ta utaN. atridd ta open myuelt. tu ra wild ai frac. Wha nu I ta th"k? AUl I cal we nuec mouluo rnoving. aid I could bercly icar a uaund. Alicu, I thogha *'Why can't 1 ta k ni my o liania Oh niere are n> mmmy and èaddy?" 1 cr*ed lot myboul I bectonc wnisn, t tc<useid a> *p co-aperue with a focaesy duo wnu ta Orange ail uval. I did ncx cry. 1 di - na did nau" tu isa dict let d.ý.n auN and bnn (m eni intcaàharhigpersan. mlc ftne with a hUning aid. thonqian haig talkiag ta iL flic> put me ina oifhe iuin &bc mu in taplk, ocer and ocer Mm nidi de paba &id the hu.ieue %m id& tited. liey wouIda't gve u c Icoul ueb a Suid, lien diey'd kam me alonc. 1 felta Uaugh 1 wete ai capeit ina - -cnm lab. Ove die yen.. I Icased ta qaca Mid heu. Tie hon éacieay. 10 proud of their saxco. naid I wi% noma an. "Nornnl." 1 dbought angrily. -l un normal non. ' aing hcamg aia hiindl ni uns uakting me i>o like Dumbo. Talkln Utgh ni ame. somdang lic a robot. 1 nu bnnat? I wua wecaed différenU>. They Iaokcd et mei dlffcently. Tic> don't ercept ue as a locales pormon. la tic dcaf worM. iocy Mntit> nie a "bord of honing". Tic> donat ac- cept un bocais I un pally-hoe. ms. flic dutf society loulou Lwc honin. Tic, ti cpprud b> thc hcoeing sociel>. fle> réel UIle are MW ed i puqgmt on a oblat: whatvc thei hoing m or du, dic det mm on aow. Tic> oit ut me as putly-ioning, ga a ade of thmi dom m occlx m. ruc duftaiety ecouragn n'a ta o lie dionu. I cmi't do dnc. l'm mu »Dm oin mm flp hn aid Plus niy cm for lient 1ied like thon lm a nom tied amuad my neci,4 the hearin toum peux ou me &al die do cdu. Iln> r4gl over Me, Un asom m dd pttgcrs ue... Who - il Wiy câblt yoti qppe m Uno ay I an? Why cas eua buv m aid dieti* m bocéme l'm ddifu 1 cm livo la two nolM aid bu& L 1 m n~l i cas't y.u .ap dn? = me ho. -MnaEC. Dmay flsgASAue. COVER LEAF PINK SALMON 7.5oz. 991,