Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jun 1992, p. 7

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+OUR READERS WRITE fla.ý. seuil mm.l dam P m né da» faka Ho waà deibe éb - b=eS doca,. 14"u filh flawma 1 bel fty*re md;=ea For yeus &a Mlwm aid D .Hm" "aua Society bau cricd 10 prmu butin bukcla but -e cmr toïeJ éhey eOUld bc eaillY 10 Actn i mach souiler ida Mi- tax. yct lhey have mmi of Mi MMi heautblul hugînt baskets, Maon- iained by a pan-Unie pesnr drin Uthe aunimer Le's anul qioi die beaulilul liait- ring duti have been domt by blti ho rrihble baskts.haig dicte. Thbey wili have b a b aied off. ao jets pu& the c5$ef goil use on tic raid llimg. Dorofh Gotaid Hudson Cr#. iMton Students deserve better coverage *Diear Edita: Ile witb great concertnt a vewnte about the lollocing malter. Ainio% Iwo tmis aigo, a greal honoeur caç tisto>wqd upoti ouf tocs t'y fllfl hard-working ¶îuder& froi E.C. Dnàry Ilîgl tchuonl,- yoing Propic. uoder the capiib[c tutelage tif Mrs Schoil and Mr. Pasc&w entcred a national acadcmèK decsihalon andl surprisci tbemseIveq iîLh a Lird pLkc ranklngý f ca.% the fini tirnecj i he histoey (tIl te decaîlijin &Unt a roo le tram pbKed %c high A, a mruiier of factE 1.~o l.mltio public sdioI, PI.Ked t n'l 4Ilurlington Centra)l md [Lird Dr< )urý) . Ici à %ein I. nuirgin lasucl> [lii ssci1 carrel aLbîcsc illeOt 1% 'Tw1Itrlflf for l li I cl braie and ,Icrd our congaationis olie ýcI ccild-rs nliudrnLs Diii rtalneashpr splash tbu<nccsý UrrlEu 50100IL REGISTRATION 92J93, d-A , -là . N4 acLachian College W. Délit à dîallenglin& acadeil programme for stuadonl Who wialr to naidmize fbid opporlunlly for acceptaence Itb top UnIversltles. Out hlgbly quaaMdW& e.pialencd teadrnen undenaiand the pressura 10 suro ad atd-sed"baed sol helnseb slubl aclîleve aamleadpers"d 'oras la0 oamiesl but poweol ut «baoo. a sereal of pride and baignenit pervades chlda mmpoweri our ataidesa WD tue teah. ilge oflpermunl aid acadaemile sucaiS Mduai by perseamal tamin l aid aubulaiOl aiF'"eili ambdul card. Roobtmm tart luc bina mov Ile kpk-. lm. C*4àMtM4id %d Io AC. SuhbI bo taai a c.h bw-4sy -acu Mid bovins OU lb - of à *àmm Who eau a pu me"dl lac A diisi- lm1 colletad - l M u" alejdaaae celh. a pocicalil vida ht ais wme and information smuI by do actent 1albe ce reuil about megalave agsulu 1mai aechol eutiq or albier mollts. Surelly we ahaaald ha build- ing Uni achacements and et. knawmeg ng icth ccalesful t- cenipliahents omaillenras aie écacheri alike 1o The CAUW&iA - Mdoln's Delly local ncqulaci. 1 ask #wta y00 peur gel y-u V . .. staisiert amd lin euh paàIcsuladaeril amd teachers in cetetcasain uexitcel- lence in Halim. liecre as à hIfe Out fitre aller titan ax. FRabâcheu 11Ibd. Uffiti Tunlng qW cholcesi A copy ofthis terer, sMAI o the Secrrtary Geaeral o! the Caanan Radio and Teletsso Comsesion. w.s flcd ivUh Th, Chanpion This Ictier ia cnlcSi la cxpress my conere and crltempi ai te Inter- fecnce in tic lic market of câble television by ynurCommnioniif. Habon Câble es curently offcîang ico additioaal fuaturcs, TBS lfrant .Allants anul.WCM front Chicago. Aller waîebing tht-. strîatin as a licfet eu irn thecâublecomraijaal rend dl en caoyable and compatible cai our lamily viecillg laie 1 bave: snce trac informeil l'y Ici- tci, and confiimed cîi a plee irait, [bat 1 Wil lx, cqired le) piiicb*t GREYSTONE GOLF CÙLUB presents... ITALIAN NIGH-T 'Saturday, Jas e7' Newe York Sirloin Plixalal $180 Whole Red Smspper à la Grigila $17" ,-Canada Day July 1 luim Dh~n $21" CoNII4 Ur3 Ual. Jul 41 Umbl Saw's barbeu l3a BeRUNMRZ Put fluoride prgram ckIn achools lba cdeb.b IeRSa.a iasi1.11Dgaieil 68ai Ba ba h uel 0egm lim 55.00 la orguaapenao oelveua Pnoima We fowhbaadulbl ablgl- wiàlieon ma suW py dqitis lbay aption Se lamai. @ wa u oogp4 in dtebanlS symui aid avil*h la as chliclui. _nlui -hs W Intal cilevoa aM, have lb ap- pontimtly 0 baoe Maie nafegstul 7ie ipo malm camlgo laspqe of St pet chi d eày la derile- ly nioncy Weil quel. P.S. 1h. foL ocïng leiler aies wtac by an II-year-oid Mima Jouliai wAo es coacermeld. o oualy for her own dcîAil "talh. big >o tha of hcrfellow siiws. Writ I Me childenî who eaui lie ofiecied should be feard. As a kid 1 dcmnil lbe flaceide paugman ha put bock in il lichoalat. 1 iam Il yeaa old aid 1 bare una cavlies bcause of hâvimg flselle ap plicd to may ecdi evcry a"b Wediisdy lor ne mialule. flcause o illdia flucride Bhing gaang Irans ichoola 1 nsay am i get cavlecs ai (ioms chu 1 bave béaU~it bu 1 don't cut le, have cavie. I i tbi dem1ic h aune too. Umin.e*ales as mach corse ian hav liorîde [cg a minute. Pieasce teatfluaneâd bock Ir all of s tlie Farnily Chtannel or Firsi e retend the tco Anscrican statioais in mleto oeluavaccîng ivkgea lor apçtioliitly S1 la $1.50 a (or 1ksc (wu channels. moni. Inatead ce mst pay Uic in- Our fanily. havîng vacee in Uic flataanary prier of $9.95 tri $19.95 a pasa the Fail Chanrnel duing dic nionlh as ?eqaîîacrd wcn puchasmig lic ofler l'y [he catée contpuny and a package fautift c"N cospaay. o tr enados iclevrsata caeil mua Mi-. 1 bave lanlicî bree informed abat chase leoc or in the future dhi và- the CRTC as ac of &W deinand lion as et allers, no vewmng itercl (or diete Aincrîcat Super Statais tg thW houschoki. and bave ued Ibiis deind la creale A icpesealative of Nialion Cable, a flie mulet loc Farst Choice. andi sifd il dioy wece attoccd. bey cobl lir Famaty Chanel l'y forcing çaNr Joi rio an pa. *1 fo 10 e ba -mr ihn2"c,, IAt Welght Watclters, wob oleveiestNngs la ide are simple. Sa we'imode olng w.lght and eating wsll simpler than -aver befors - whether you ward ta cuetom designycur own menus, or have your meiss planned for you. Just chooe ober our F&41i Chodoe or Qice Conlr9JPan. ... islelima*o l e. weidtt "a UiIO, u i.. Il muai h. aflardable. Thora whv mliemélmbrs to WU & o « osupplemeW frof i~sR mug buvo han Uoe Sènle. T« h sawaueai muqi w~; ow,* . I. L~IO~BSUflfler., YouV got the eiIII *A tut AUheUtau lh le d la MF qâ Pffm@Meu . , 1 . , le blae i ae. A. lan allant baili if = d. av Ial la àos bÇ~Cb mda nor baolésabN; hi uel viennent ofl dian Cabl SYuM eUda ta sc. Cable cicierisai wus de- usiai lai mai lb ladvld aiel m dimqeil ccmmuuay aid un l eelb bauietas in Otuac Langholm branches Out M l. ete, wur crine ID Lama- holt Nuary am a copy »W f&We cuh ne. ChaqiMWW br pabucaiol. flii4 l aie Baribrvasgh wriuing liont Rabert Baldcin Schoob. Ou Elatli Day ccrcnieny cu a trent SuKccUs. WiLt dmc belle of die Mayor (Gard Esuniz). c planiri th 1 ler yuu dmnued [a us. Thank yoaa lac the beamulul brccb tre. fliccec aie Iaves noc, and it idll a nîce toueh in the Ecaganden. lThen cas a cerenloy vid à speech an youe honit ébarbit; you danat,~ ing the Lice. We uked The CAm- pion ta gendi à reporter but nec anc camrer. Scout Corfaeld Éçwending a let- seci te dm pipler &bout the ccirony rad caih you aw an iL cam-e mbouh R~bi sokhla schocé

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