LOOKING BAcK ~w~d ?~. - p.m on~ mn.-. O~ Ln. Si. ~. Mn. I~.Ut ~ ~mn tw~ - m~ as1t~m A.i....g. ~*n ~..m#,. - i. - s .a~w~ - - mm e n n ~-q o- - hp n .w..~ -. I. .~- s ni.. i. ii - a en . - T,. p~w - n.~a w -~ - *Who 'needs, it Oakville-Milton federal M4P Otto iclinek may be hot- tempered. and.ho may ho the consummiate political animal t00 oficix for aur tam.ý but the xAan bas definite redeeming qualities too. flc can bc blunt-spoken, oven tough. and sometimes ho malin good solid saute, as ho did this wcek with his comments about the Senate. To bis credit, Mr. Ielinek said that if dmt country's lea ders can't corne ta, a power-sharing agreemtnt rogardig the Scnate.i1te.f whole istitution should ho abolished. An arpinest oe this ntxt-ta-useless body that caul.d wut thtrestt the break-up of Canada la black co<nedy at its tragi eY mun 0» Agedi Until ladoy, the Sonat bad littie meal raie ai ail in UisfahY. Cnadian polidocs. It la only with tie relatively roent orner- .genc of mttiutmoissues dma our senator ar e achleved a dopes of fTeoing prounienc. Prior got theP Setiate was a backwaler. a politia pasture for bunV-out politiciana who should hav taken a pension insteat. ,One)' lb»ne plenty of Uuint-s m worry about in t iii country, such as whmr Quebec will stand in the ntxt few months. Tht future of #we nat is pro&ubly as much as risk curent- - ly as jta omver boe in peacetime. - lne Senate, an instittution hit coeald have andl s"id have cSi-WUl heen jettisooed years ago. elected or not, sho i~ dis- mdOc cudud now raier dma baving its existence or fono in any mco t way hirwder unity talka. It just Isn't diat important and nover pary. N. bas boom W got aloeig widiaut it making a meaninglt or< die vx trifdo te plitical events lur more tima à century, and e T-R; could llt "iog widiout it at ail in dit futur. wià Co"a iqlemqu Assault on newspapers unj In a kied-jek roaction lut wotkc. Tornt City Council tob écpudd bas voted te witdramw city ativertlsing ad subscriptions & m*y from the Toronto Star, while a .cuioof the Starta prcmNyr %*IOYMeev on strike. P" coyonte fite Ontario government tok aimilar action, wididrawmg Tew tht spçrozlanately $40,000 a week in advetislng it places in pm i the country's larpst daily nowspaper. fT explanadoon for R -iae the nove by the New Docratic Pwty governqipet. wa ~CiuclIa a net dut it *didn't want te provide econoenic benfit ta cither mmbo aide." - - OU fluas decision ta "ro t Star is an assault on dIt a-pu mewspsporlduaty mil uayoo who bolievos in flespeech cid. &W prevtnting tdi a os f powter.oiac Cltr-diinklng polhaciam a Toronto City Hall have to"*0114 equaasod die nove te sepains the TM' if àe wer soc 20 VE or abwàdnin phono in favor of tin cats md string if Bai Canad omplo>to wd off die job. Would dbe CSumil an thed provmc tako oi ouiwo » <O couse mts O if die Tomm Ciy Couzcil md che provtne wish IoPU remain noutral. thoy aboi hav coaulmsed wli busines as U tisual. fIey nuie a docbaba n te iezIir meciat muscle nid wlhthal mpeoe' fmài ommuka fer du ma."4 cmoely bop dm te uMplomunla. affchts. aMse ihTmm aty Mal mi Quoma Pauk dam pa speai i Wb@ID nl logbca oephsloe, Im -0 il emp md sont dodpmdinodà vntwMe« 'A , 1auI uuoee P -w NDP AImd ud d b- a uhgb o u" ~pe.. - tbSymid on n ue.miy dshsuN q plu&ii mi uwouirudlmb lnon 0.M - Ia Muior, -rd' Il ogm njulio S.15 mmclhi ni. mm'@ darom --' k l.',h ulla dains Mumn,~ prom -0' K y. tDaK Mur- J. 11. W%611100 W&ion 1962% Mf ouY 98111t Wda IM; L B.ud. muvlaoemi of m Iruuh. Ontarlaongu - PdS mam iiW uOld, 11 ht ,0 ua iES 0F TH-E PAST (sar Ago c»r. rmwm àru o mda'wsqmd ~.o ah Jae 5,151 lmas the F«Mt CV&Mt WhêtItlUiOmC. ii<u icq.he a uulv111b r meOdalt &Wi of povmn Ca-d id"d dhu puy fo àe %Mtta b*Watt WMi Midmc mdv née ebiaI r4n "Id a qck-o 1c- &£ aud for det S-met loua an* swhn, MM à a cce a"If wc doo't lbavit . «i dm'b opta it." uuda for tht IM0 yard wbtlm d.. Cmiiis. UMMnse of dit puty's Omkvi& RawWg in m'"lrht* j mamealia hke à tapIr dni AsmcinMl. Speakhm 10 atiat MO Mg - yc. OU re@dy. g« sel.md qahtl. bc &Wi. i» àcii puWk mtrI cSiguid by tde 0 A putic iay hIc dhe mcc for (toed pla :ommiq P iht mul# a uhmfi"- gegowoos in Mm wu iOum by a l ora pan mrcforam - Reg"l Everyday Po&so Or- fonowmg dmt çotionc of Hiam Regic Cmosva- Remmv Mtrc. tac Auhoeity 0 uht pn>vmcc for ümpcùicof iqgua Id M %wboIi &c (âmuta hvÎ bw l Iu ti yl tstoupayéidomtin âwin t la na koW WtHmc.icAdd. a oçy ofwud e ffective gimd mhboa. k w puac P IO a, wu mîeuiIo M"h CSrmil. Sollch Duid ilep f-aruh pwb mo lh - roimm A lbonpm mqWuamit ag Bl Cotmnactl LMd., titd cdos? Sotie aort of <asic purl cat btud dh rm îa W gl -cml wSMfcci& vcry kWg pan or t"*s q - h, cattemu Ail mc crut 10 t» Tow of Mttm ladiog & subomua pun of the bc lcck? Nono of the above. lIbe »» wu micsI tiuhe dàtm. Yco. thipoud sod filace docmy, wmcdd n giâe ci -ua i ncm.oat li mad 069wsc of the vomiq fima Or Imuiwhi mwd de &t d a u mi=u appraisc by IC"408o pSdiio. And WWhI5 lm d tt Audioely." 3iasunomcml W lP PIY IM Y- htL O Br= St Schý omIdd lu tht sit ofà (mmaa Hl- nquie die m- sit, -i dit im$ ton Comty Boni o<Eàmcm admhtiitai bumldani ty Sima Buchlmi a Miaimy ofN0< fýg Ip« Mtae p ob d-t wanimhic r4fl At my mon. dit fnac of die rImtI out of dt Sla FcIAI 1041101t coacis 10111110111 oclsi fat1 haea* i- u p , Itm in 50 Vears Ago imââ P*lk. cswmp &W adm iMr. lciMý off by .ovm "hu5.a ia the Je. l"lS lama t 1c God mh- chéim qicga la. ho= Sm Uc Mit u iny ~ars Agolmh w m odfrdtc& laB pin r lo . th e SIS.L W t ma ti colow bd bou aimpla Md Armas cmd wui <SOUdit ikud un ho m i gvW sot otiditrl wo de queula. Wha dalmW Mg m h *8Kane sn w0 w Nmels BY SIEvE NEASE COMMENT Um in ie Kamas Hau TemI iii Tlax Cdui 19t "i5a OE.. n9 I>4NO 02341 Llas 521-3837 -57403 a'ctUdn: $73.3300 PuMIsIntr Aiwmt.sq ovwoi G~e.m a.gr jrdUo Cci4ataiii Mangte' O>oe Mêmg Pqà.aaan Manarm