Mlltowne Re~ Ity Corp Scid mre tkes Svice 1983 22 Ontaro St. lSouth 878-2365 i _ KRLEY GARY Il ~u~:?I 35.1/2 ACRES 35-1/2 privats acres just 5 min- utes noMl 0f CanMDollle. This pu'op.rty hs lit ail - gorgeous sottlng. porte streamt. foest and a custom-built brick bungalow wlt mai-for familly mont, mas- ter bsdroom wlth ensuiteand atched doM~e garage - priced toi sali et $399.000. Cail Sharojp .for more information. 28 ACRES Spacious custom bult Cape Cod features 4 bedrooms. main floor fanlly room with beamed celllng Stone fireplace. Country size kitchen and more. Call Sharon Kerle. Po-U. = 7-13 RON FURIK LIM Thlnlng of BuyIng or SelIIng? Ai* for Rôn Furlk for up-to-d4te masiet informtilon. *commercial kwmimoe opportU- nNy locoeel on dawnton Main et. &m FIlro nt for lussle over 80 aq. P. L Aoldng S450hnonth. THO] r/Ow Gail Puflen, Freda Lawrence Maurice Miljour Audrey NewelI Ron Furil PhiLPrestig Richard Hierman Carol M. Brooks Lindsay McLaren Katrina Wallon jean Snowden Alan Brooks Mike Morgan Paul Page Anne Taylor Betty Ingle Ron Maceil Clayton Hackenbrook Sharon Kerley .John (J.P') Pears Joan E. Tattrie Scott B. Pnior Marilyn Andrews AI VbIpe Sheryl Gray - M4AS ner 878-0110 818-4W6 876-45.77 878.5&u9 878-3337 8784924 87&ff06 854-2451 878.158 875&006 878-2995 854-9833 827-4286 878-0198 87"-771 854-0474 878-6859' 876-1575 878-2365 878-2365 827-9025 875-1121 NEAT. ~wè W «i ATTtAtlVE.%hy hfland 5--r WI MIM.- Mu, b«. IMo Po8U li EV! CATONU bWt h~w. MOMO.ldMW wOuld bu rlght aeth wnderland. And homo, The= Ile WWg and Io Ie.a wklmw. From e plaoelo W big lch home il a Weiccml OiRlB-bay garage.. ,ui6you have a hon hom eaue ha ORp "w~ bail playing oni Moln, and plenty o lupgraded aider horr Iwndows. newmrue à 20 year kmw and ImI b. a better lima wil Jebfr he JEAN SNOWD N 878-23615 "lespru tan»878-3155 HEY, BIRD WATC BS!! CHECK OUT THESE FINE FEA ERED FRIENOýS!! auo cri 2 e Place cg EacauPmenl ouil have à grout vuew oI the bfrds. and th* m and the tree. luore thé archilec deulgnqd as boom deiged Io blond Ifuta Is uffound- tamagea of th. beaullul pictures out *WhIi. 9 blond of omfaut and couiveuience. Add a Iheated workshop, a coule of year-round goe incluiding désir. and much, mucli more. bae "bout paraliel. ew w4ndo0,s, upgraded broadlomm cenitral i m à mare. $252.90l) .E-EYED SIIOPPIER tgaan gicellencçppatunuy Io own en au.n 132 fi lot inthe mature sectiona 49 Traled home with newtroadloorn. upgrad9d lînished besemenl .e beautiful home in a Worth tspa I. the buah. With interest rates u t ro» jippaeny bolorming oul, there May %0 molue yaur move. Cheut1 the. mauklce rbird aççovlunidy lIées th. cOOP AUDREY NEWELL Aee$ehh ANO/OR UUO For up>1-to-dte ma,*ett information &id a No-Ob1.7aio evaÀuat iof 0 Our proPe'. Pdeaa calf AUDREY 878053» or 878-2M0 W MN*B am. dm = Imm Main. fleo, mwfy reem. Larw «&mli Suifa aid ~en efte u 2