'Free. cond oms are not/the answer, says Scholtens RagiiSerabnadjai MiÉg.omaay il *a m.aml MM am aq a 1.~o ho ânm. iii M M buit lu of cqlsd hum. Deileumq om h Mr. Sdiah. md iti c* ts-"I, u« aim Ob) mh" w b"s sue %i* U. u bus a Symâma (AIDI). lu mdieÉ" â dom m "à lasy us, i. éuis dmw visua. aomod mâ w.p ofi in b. m auuu-1s- Boxes lead - t odma- lsi 114as.s e mà il no briai Ïb à elomi m nOk- mmncthualws 6 Uha hoeadamspdluha.. -m ba at schoolsi . p. 5*» Bd il. uflf m h0 dw sto eâwm COPM. m m e Clam mi tua Hait. ari ichools bave basa bord sa" iistpra %Mxa 9dIqW- DW-ov à- ItoxiK Mabuse Cm Wda 12» i N*. Mumthu Stracto bual Wmevme $C11100 ausw us filihng Uthe boxes witb intoeaing *hhrn about Uic..- selves Mid he momnszy. Somx jins mcb idc thUre boxas wrnll bc clmi p.ctseas. uimps, hue siLie mode by uidents. paiabaga s4uaent letites Md a copyr 0( Dlie thofflion. fIgt boxes ujil be senti [0 p«ine scbools in thr parts ob Canada via bus cieurm. Pineview's Diacovery Box wilU hi sent to a grida one lais in Medeine Hat, Aibertia. Boxes frox Manin Stre wrill bc going to Port Coqubain. B ;C' and Paincoxurs Lindsay md Venmus. On- taro. Pincview lias akrady received a box front Scarborumg. Maumin Street stridents were expcctng boxes froro scbools in other Canadian lkxs- LiOns. The progrmi wa% dessîfird for sui- dents across the country ta tint about sand share with ochàr coin- munies in Canada. CAR CARE- SPE-jCIAL 799 .Iiterjor Shanmo Engine Shampoo, E"tri or Hand Waah, Rubber & VinyI Dreas, Clean Windows Aohon bookIng this special obtaij Exterlor Paint Buif & Polish 4500 Reg. 9 (W9mi sr E., MLTON 878-580 r--------- -------------i 1Coupon MMt this Jî iCoupon Save gI $ 00 $5. & Special is 1 5 $ 7495 IValid ait Perma-SNne Miton OnIy J Ir r V rd *P IVF~ qu mu I A iat SonpitioO of PhfmXd -ape i harmny WhUi 0We moo mç -u dodg e 0" ms golng for a Sng.