'Don' t stop your recipes at. strawberries shorteake Try strawberries with 'tacos, pasta and chocolate - you'll be surprised SUMWU M auy àife tue"e ou gaMdiY *fSme Milet have *coa 0L lie owog reciea m simiple. bu dellicm Rommbnh don't bon yOur berrie mOb n ma befère movig. Strawbess'y 1Tc Se"a .4 oz. lafaa -* *2 culu dwedded lafuo *2 vocadoS M 12 o eh -lvd ,e duddr ch»». * feh gnound papper DIredoa Serve as cm lug or tou individi iais. Cover pluie wmmh Icauce laves. Place chipis on op in circle. FuI camusby Iayaing alueddem m diar m go mmu ihen avocados (which have been nushod Wih len juice aid sait). Pb=e fawbemes on top. Spu"i wmmh shrsddcd cheese aénd Mperf . tvawbS 8 PMUt @Aw .44 aff «ui iu *haKhà 11 a 1,odioea,à. lumd * 1 8Ms - ehi~ * 12 .s peppa. dinai * 2gro ions, chopa *2 top. auawbbny vfraW (oriai -É -he 2 lisp. WMugu toIp. aUR .2 top. driai lernon Wave *laim tsFP Directow& CSui mmn 0n botlin aie for 10 ffmumss Drain Cool and comabine wmh oelery, grece pep- par aid cwmub Conmbàic per. union. visega,, od. and qtice la a )u wmth alighi-raono liid W ke adil. Plane om roeini. oeleey. green pqpe and cucumber. Marina one hou. Adi abenrme and x. gcnly. Une ugMaIw hv .aIh romane W=uc. Spooe nMa on mop. UNUMITgD CALLINO FOR§MLM CA IMVIIJ.E, SUIRUNGlTON "MAU METR à LOCAL CALL iRESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERSi :FREE ACTIVATION: Activation fee valus 150.GO L -----------.r:----- -You can now eill - TroRoNTO * MISSISSAUGA Clueofl immon, w Co"doI<V. Pod Cradt) Cell sen am you wlsh, tale aM long s ymy le FOR A PLAT MONTHLY RATE OF RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS (stwwqn ai) have yoo malle -» for Yeu. Jult diéme oiN ur Fu# CPlOn or Qi( Cm"'o Plfi wugUlme ma*ab. Rt muet beauflordeh. ThaVsuwhy m dontmquk mmmbmstobuyfoodorupmntfrom u - or alymhn mim. So g«t t~ Oua nd m wheta dffrmnce lwml Cà mWat. Suons. ha mmve bmn Mu slmplê I 0avaik~WUiueWV~O Yosvedal*kJal¶oolbGdkOfYomC n or.nU Nva"e AMI OMWh M or UwawbmwyLovme'pte 1 -uli h ebuhod 1 au nt4upaa §mg .2 lbpý iig-W *2 oz. dm..t mbbll *1 Imp. buUu 1 1259gp4. oeesoli. 1) av ourram *tabp.blngsamga, 1 clo edlan or tnItt ie -2 tep. wae DIseelea To abe cmii. côm- bine flour aid 2 <hep. aiu. Cos à bu=iS until miMmiece scebe e oMea. PMU. rmly mgb hom ai4 sides of 9" pie plain D*e mg 375 DM=ce F. 10 Mnlesmin l golden. Cool. mcit oedier chocolm andm bMers aid mpeead evenly ams bob. [cm. a4 sies of -Pm abea. Refigu . BeÈ M"who oe ch-nt, 2 lbsp. uqgv. xw M~m, aMd vumUslla imii uo*. Spmui je pi dien. AMngesaawdmu l1lld deam ve hu.Wum jus ima usez milamy oruse fruitSI g AMe aid çoavec havies Chu coat. Dipped Iîtrwberrie .4 ffl lueli ghrwkeffim all NMl Il oz. »n#ml»« choola 1(oplae ordIMpa Dlredl* Mci cooll d m double boiSa ovez bât (m boiling> Lose Èl lir " ý M M ,- -ý-- -ý l M-eablfy Lovarl 1I m ffln-ue) ual. M. PnO %0 bé WMO $hW"o WahUu 09 ofipi - in luu -l 'l Ihd» e saou Mmia ieKd ai. amng ul anoidi Keep nuabrm on ier side on gaty vain. lnme picti inna min oC Wa widi vwu paiea. Refnigeri ID bre. Dip limd CM inno Chaco- ait lmi ail lift oui quiky Hold ovea Cnully remove aiuabemnrie choccile tu shlow eM tom ui. nM wau pa am plce ce meavma TherI ihgly. (Sf choai eem plam. Vuamon fly ime s"ra- ton thick. Id âhrneg) PMmi basin iied Ln ahil chordlas 1 Imm