Bousield, Dickenàs battie to break losing . hmGOU Rloppl case, nchdin a oube nd triple. riave. Remms Olà for l'ave ml tc nid Mailly Vu Wan conulua 14-6 &fier dmre fitns bus de Pool- Teuman Lone Gammod wu f1101 in "e aà0 hU lei buic AM ait bus haa mm nd gou" Flie bit misé foud mmn ife mid scesmi 13 ali a pedet fous for, o hn m olir -'mm an de <evmà a two ru hoi,- Fur ReM Sm aimes Ln dic foit Io Wau die W& uaglies. au g ahed for goILIL Nyleuit. Merv Ma.l Rack Jffeiy whica dry aefuad in reaqadL %i Dnanuaa Palk wu the mme Mr Mmc Mufa Doullld lad à (double md janh D.Wsati final: Halton Pool X6 Key Caise 15. Fa Preddy*s mauih qMifi bIikon flmce for as gl ne hkdug a hune (doubl)euhJlad *MShlL 1LSdan lich charge for the Pol- Coles un fluuaày cvemia. numda doube c oem(mo He0ye.ia S ~.~: I wu mmu wne CrMI Slup lino diaubles. bilon Calots wu aohani le end doubles. htne>, Bri Hall1 (double) deepl> addeeie IM week td lImm lmr.Bob Cautrucca (do")le> lm a tour Samn e u es trSal. MxOi top, ' Gr= (double>. Jan Cniicher, Rich of die l'fith tan Fu Freddyas score fl o e v w o g o j g Heclin IL(tirer doubles. huom) nid six aimes aie dmc génie et c4an d heff Crenicun (double) nIa &il wna igve dtc Fat collet01 mmm e m lias tuns for a quiel overvien of for 'orrve on the nighil They acored votlier fil an du SoUln probleins. HetrCampbell of tic Key aivenl wo Lake dmc lend for Uic ri« lw«W You an re otbi>l IN MfE Camii nent five for l'ave an a losng Lmaand held on suniai 1917. <sot coanplymg ic èorne combinéaio A Perfor fou for f- Luthst bY of elle four bmfas.Amnu. SWING Freddy'a Don Simpson, aIl angles. Balai~wnc ightr"0 &b"u lanledII accaianed fur riave RaIs. Yvan squarcly on dui mssde of <aur feu Poulan had a double an lat four lat hccî on your liackzwnan d the out- aircIliuasing d falling bocki nM deuv- DcaeOra W L Pl nightanmd Ken Bown chippid vide of your front foot on your fol- ing thaough Uic W.I LegoTo 6 0 12 Liother foir huis cliding tw joli ilwgb Anyaluing elle i oui of Iprop f HIlltlg S em yots Spolanen 6 ot? doubles, whsate aeamutc Paual bhWen. arins arc inaaaong the downswing Kngt Col. 3 Cancoo clubbcd a mea n borner. Postuare ted Extension: <as lady mi are approschang du bil front Knn 1 1 6 Souidiers Pot Gant (double. triple), giit>iii< noi <nove venacaui> an thse outaide the tagae (anc Your lanar -ion Club 2 4 4 Brian May <an doubles, homer> mi swing, Ibis cls" ta à saes of coinl body "bu id Uicd doutunai aI- Optimisi 0 6 0 Clile Clark (double> eauh suptpliait pensums moves whih an inconais- lowang your <a wo Soi an an amside - foure lut naghls. Courtney Forester lent wl performs Kecp your rient kaice pub clouae wh Uioldy. Divisions i- had a harer md double an ha. <he~ nced, uit wu ai addoe n til Uic lasprapar Grill: Your giip maist Fini One 4 i I l uia evcnang. top of < s Wan. reline go Uie type of sng <ou havç Legion Oue 2 3 4 Reim ly for<5 mmyté od 55W -bo roune md mnail signe: if i is faulty aa con be du source of FIeT>ree 2 3 4 Remxbcfrol b eod conaaaaly asau isath a weJl any ixoblema. iSyrtes 0 5 0 aime ahlla meaon il U d a * CI ougha out pré-"o maules. You Vaaly Addreu Pulls.: t cm Bousftield Auto n-14. Kr"uo al eboul neyar bita sot widmot i. le rgwaieduia 80 pet cm of <oa ay Titp te T«Oral Jufle 18 enterrée TrIple Crm" Critas Jura 17 AnwaIiva1 Otiol Foiies J"f 23sefB prv Dingo <Silcer Crensk. N-Y Jung 27 Ne Ernsd<Cape Ccd 30,000 Island Criais. July 7 Acma Canyo Soir Niagas July l8eyadUfeta AlricWf Lion Safari July iS NaIya Mous Ovni Mts Marklîam Ju'y 23 Gea Coastu Wa" AND MormI Dingo (Sitter Crula, N Y> Juif US Vaant. opmw DMla gcbetygol ao" Crise Jtaly 20 Ca oa" fin nroaas I Ail the comfors o-f home Kg playane Ilus ie wn lave mecluaice alcai.. I wgga«s <ou slow dan s h top of <ais lacksng and finish nitb a slo msatch of <sas %houlers, lasnang Uiem te hi MMes You ne "asn hu hal îth mn iopta claMéss for amm cnblrat(c o( due follonvins meam Welgbl ShlffE cialil by an Inadéqua weight ihaft ad "Wsulr tiie duiiv baçbnlng._You Lad at Dine DWatic la du reli i0 club eud soei, <qiunl of contait mnd we*ght ci jhe club husd. You achieve tdomp condlon by: Props cMl: Yoi u is a kmh nm huait or rotald Imîngds. Your dboulders have taaned lack lekied the bail ad have'rasie a Wed twace as moly degraes ae y>W ba. Vour fornard sein hm tenalnd ci- ,endid. Corne Enjoy! MWe Oergmown IHlghland Gomnes 00Coloor! Sp.tacit muaili- klaam &vill 12».) kwgmd Oann (no.> pions, D-nils Boulsa Oouriray Dmbli caller T'OU chase *TrQvKO Worti~OO Tue 01Wn * kia Satuudmy Juns 13, 192 Maintenance Free Lite by the Lake tram $1 99,900 *HERITÂGE OS Comifortablc aiarraandingt. fricndly supportive saff and an de]location are gaod ressonts why yaai should mslic Heritage House pour home. GCU or stop kyfor lisgad à »V, UtVd Wa kW ht'u aW sda 73 KINO $T. WUT. AT MMNAS il I4UONTAMI cAu 279-4800 skids j Aamclsub. Demy. asb w0 ou wle, Veu àu foasunng faàher. rapauanmm a Mmhs. It wu a Dmil wo play c.a Mu mfted as tUiU mm. Hlo wül be ulss. Our deapent rynay IohW ihe ly j rlifficulties AajSUVem WeW lsft511 Aum- M mi ou teaue Mba mcc an lalance md alsythan. dul fute >01< tan<cr < youi ncigbt faons yais huit foot Uic front Uic fanUier you nill bat aI Yaai fownd neigis it " in ùua waLh your Ioa lody mimecuarcd by dué %ped of <ais blp turo. Tira. Psta: Thac molis hie aisoud li on distance md Mvolbine. At addreas your cyei <houd le dirciy over Uic bail. Psutt Wai <Our shosalders swivcliog aaiid yoic épine Yous nana mnd h"id Mi qiet. Thie due pu ba àbodm ays ad neehaga dMag de hall. ples: A <nid nedga mdti creaulvty arouad <ha Vise me nunâtr. kaW: Asm an cpe nm. plas> boial off dus froant inabe. open thé ble, noal <our lest anw the Sam and kaep you ham hélix. it du baIl ona Inch lilnduh bil &W malle a .noMt acceleratins Pms hoff&* du <MM. Gras" lI o h ippq Me up wilh ns aMM u m d yous fout cloe nwgwi. Kaap <du b"ud &hWe of il ai end mnieé a dbm qu"e Misis huonls ig <ari lus ce Dan Webb là the Dbiclîaw Golf ai Exécutaive Foi"#y 44 Milton am as i isseri cogrua l Giaaip. ga m sa ài kWîMPudiai là ?b * Illell l~ 40 aui I01 ýI4 8 sténse 42 1UW 0 00"f 1 uMwesi à a à1 lbm b 4120 Iua 0; <1. -'4 W"au oa Canue1 9~ 0 . ktommt 430 cmsni à ci am$s àô00 MWl la M.- *9- ls. bkW îacun -e neLo - &m~ @ W 5 6 p M la , Eni à M - RA" Hg -kornai le u-tuOF - DU-s ibb t IF1 PuiSaià 3 2l IlM taem.e 11 13 1 1 I OK mai Sua-s Os~iIll0ad 00 CM-C N as l 106M u 11 l 01.0 ft9 0 0 <ie 1100 moa a B 1I Oamîd 3 3 no Ci 10a1 1 baaà i à 12 Ceagina 0 SlOtOd. S022 2000 0w.. 1004l av" 'a 1 0 0 taiaaialh at0 l 0220 bo&4u 1~ M ohga a - oww a - ieai. - om IlS. 0 W 4 4 mo Il1 i 0 O 0 Sule SiS 4 I 2~1 î I